When they see us.

That's all I'm sayin.

And like you said, education is the key. Calling out the lies that come from he racist right. Starting with every stat they spew about Blacks is a lie.

Then just don't say it and expect your word to be the final decision, PROVE IT.
thanks for admitting you prefer biting dead mules cocks as apposed to telling the truth

Never admitted to any such thing; but everyone who's been on this board, for any length of time, knows that you bragged about it, then lied about the reason, and have continually tried to deny your own words, even when they've been rubbed in your face.

You don't even have JPP liberals, who have seen what you posted, defending you.

Why is that??
That's all I'm sayin.

And like you said, education is the key. Calling out the lies that come from he racist right. Starting with every stat they spew about Blacks is a lie.

and I do that daily here

and have done since they Day I began posting at internets sights back in 2002 in the lead up to the Iraq war shock and awe

I have all my life done it in person too

I have pissed many a white person off in my life pointing out their racism too them

I have even pissed off brown people in person too for due to an act racism on their part

I find in places like this I can have a bigger impact

because of all the people who never post and often read sites like this I can reach a much larger audience and can avoid scareing the fuck out of people in person

I can be pretty intense in real life

when someone tries to intimidate me all fear drains from my body and I get pissed

thankfully I am never spurned to violence

I am spurned to verbal actions

and have stood down face to face people twice my size

they never seem to get violent with me either

I think its the way I do it

the fact that their attempt to make me fear them falls completely on deaf ears

Instinctually they realize that tact is not paying off

the shock that this old lady ( and when I was young even too) just took a blank on the fact that they were trying to scare me off

Bullys are much less successful when their go to tool fails them

it blanks their brains out long enough for them to ponder "what do I do now"

which gives them enough time to realize if they hurt me they will be caught and go to prison for years

Surprize is a good tactic huh

funny thing is for me its a natural reaction
What does this comment have to do with the post?

Can you be specific?

TTQ: "She shines the light on for profit prisons "
Jack: Guess who will be populating those prisons?

The Black Working Class is taking their rightful place in the Economic Order, then, thanks to PC Fascists like yourself, you pull the rug out from under them and advocate for Third World Labor to replace them.
(why don't you just go out and buy a white hood and robe?)
and I do that daily here

and have done since they Day I began posting at internets sights back in 2002 in the lead up to the Iraq war shock and awe

I have all my life done it in person too

I have pissed many a white person off in my life pointing out their racism too them

I have even pissed off brown people in person too for due to an act racism on their part

I find in places like this I can have a bigger impact

because of all the people who never post and often read sites like this I can reach a much larger audience and can avoid scareing the fuck out of people in person

I can be pretty intense in real life

when someone tries to intimidate me all fear drains from my body and I get pissed

thankfully I am never spurned to violence

I am spurned to verbal actions

and have stood down face to face people twice my size

they never seem to get violent with me either

I think its the way I do it

the fact that their attempt to make me fear them falls completely on deaf ears

Instinctually they realize that tact is not paying off

the shock that this old lady ( and when I was young even too) just took a blank on the fact that they were trying to scare me off

Bullys are much less successful when their go to tool fails them

it blanks their brains out long enough for them to ponder "what do I do now"

which gives them enough time to realize if they hurt me they will be caught and go to prison for years

Surprize is a good tactic huh

funny thing is for me its a natural reaction

But you're nothing more then a racist; who's trying to hide your own racism, by attempting to paint others as racists.

Is stormfront paying you for working so hard on keeping people divided and if so, is it worth it??
TTQ: "She shines the light on for profit prisons "
Jack: Guess who will be populating those prisons?

The Black Working Class is taking their rightful place in the Economic Order, then, thanks to PC Fascists like yourself, you pull the rug out from under them and advocate for Third World Labor to replace them.
(why don't you just go out and buy a white hood and robe?)

See, we can agree; because I've come to believe that there are those like TTQ, Desh, and other so called liberals, who want to keep race diversion going.

This is due to the fact that if they didn't keep stirring the pot and people came together, that their entire existence would crumble around them.
See, we can agree; because I've come to believe that there are those like TTQ, Desh, and other so called liberals, who want to keep race diversion going.

This is due to the fact that if they didn't keep stirring the pot and people came together, that their entire existence would crumble around them.

Thanks. But I don't think we agree. People like TTQ are swept up into the PC Fascist mentality. They think they are supporting the 'Working Class', then kneecap the Working Class by flooding the Labor Market with cheap Third World Labor that reduce wages and increase competition for a diminishing number of jobs afforded to the average High School graduate.

Hillary talked about Transgender Bathrooms, Trump talked about Jobs for the Middle Class.
Democrats still can't figure out how Trump won and Hillary lost.
Thanks. But I don't think we agree. People like TTQ are swept up into the PC Fascist mentality. They think they are supporting the 'Working Class', then kneecap the Working Class by flooding the Labor Market with cheap Third World Labor that reduce wages and increase competition for a diminishing number of jobs afforded to the average High School graduate.

Hillary talked about Transgender Bathrooms, Trump talked about Jobs for the Middle Class.
Democrats still can't figure out how Trump won and Hillary lost.

Why do you think that we don't agree on THIS:

The Black Working Class is taking their rightful place in the Economic Order, then, thanks to PC Fascists like yourself, you pull the rug out from under them and advocate for Third World Labor to replace them.
(why don't you just go out and buy a white hood and robe?)
Why do you think that we don't agree on THIS:

USF: "See, we can agree; because I've come to believe that there are those like TTQ, Desh, and other so called liberals, who want to keep race diversion going."
Jack; I don't think 'race diversion' has anything to do with it. It's an 'economic issue'.

USF: "This is due to the fact that if they didn't keep stirring the pot and people came together, that their entire existence would crumble around them."
Jack: I think you have created a false narrative for yourself.

Bernie Sanders correctly states the obvious: 'Open borders? ... That's a Koch Brothers proposal'

A must see Netflex 4 part series. I'm sure you'll watch, but won't comment just like Ava DuVernay's 13th. She shines the light on for profit prisons and the media's criminalization of innocent Black men.

Raymond Santana. Kevin Richardson. Antron McCray. Yusef Salaam. Korey Wise. These are the names of men who were boys, ages 14, 15 and 16, when they were robbed: of their childhoods, of their innocence, of a fair trial.

Ava DuVernay retells the gut-wrenching story of the Central Park Five in her newest Netflix series “When They See Us.” And for the first time, this story is being told from the perspective of the five teens whose lives were derailed by a justice system and media eager to vilify them. (“Ninety percent of the articles written during that time didn’t use the word ‘alleged,’” the director notes.) DuVernay brilliantly and powerfully captures what they were denied for decades.

White people, this is what you should be trying to stop. Blacks can't do it because they don't listen to us. Take on this fight and stop the injustices in the Black communities.


Sounds like more Jewish anti-white propaganda.
and I do that daily here

and have done since they Day I began posting at internets sights back in 2002 in the lead up to the Iraq war shock and awe

I have all my life done it in person too

I have pissed many a white person off in my life pointing out their racism too them

I have even pissed off brown people in person too for due to an act racism on their part

I find in places like this I can have a bigger impact

because of all the people who never post and often read sites like this I can reach a much larger audience and can avoid scareing the fuck out of people in person

I can be pretty intense in real life

when someone tries to intimidate me all fear drains from my body and I get pissed

thankfully I am never spurned to violence

I am spurned to verbal actions

and have stood down face to face people twice my size

they never seem to get violent with me either

I think its the way I do it

the fact that their attempt to make me fear them falls completely on deaf ears

Instinctually they realize that tact is not paying off

the shock that this old lady ( and when I was young even too) just took a blank on the fact that they were trying to scare me off

Bullys are much less successful when their go to tool fails them

it blanks their brains out long enough for them to ponder "what do I do now"

which gives them enough time to realize if they hurt me they will be caught and go to prison for years

Surprize is a good tactic huh

funny thing is for me its a natural reaction

"I have even pissed off brown people in person too for due to an act racism on their part"

What acts of racism have you seen against whites from Black and brown people that put white people in prisons, deny them jobs, make laws against, oppress them, criminalize them, etc?

Be specific.
TTQ: "She shines the light on for profit prisons "
Jack: Guess who will be populating those prisons?

The Black Working Class is taking their rightful place in the Economic Order, then, thanks to PC Fascists like yourself, you pull the rug out from under them and advocate for Third World Labor to replace them.
(why don't you just go out and buy a white hood and robe?)

As I thought. a bunch of nonsense.
Perhaps it sounds that way because it's the truth.

White people, especially racist white people, hate hearing the truth about them selves.

Uh-huh. White people don't have freedom of association or the social right to speak freely, while non-white people have the media and affirmative action. But, sure, Blacks are the ones who are oppressed.

You want to know how you can tell movies like this are bullshit? Because they exist, but openly pro-white movies don't.
Uh-huh. White people don't have freedom of association or the social right to speak freely, while non-white people have the media and affirmative action. But, sure, Blacks are the ones who are oppressed.

You want to know how you can tell movies like this are bullshit? Because they exist, but openly pro-white movies don't.

As I thought. a bunch of nonsense.

Are YOU supporting the importation of Third World Labor? Yes ____ No _____
Do YOU think Third World Labor will just effect the White Working Class? Yes ____ No ____
Do YOU think hiring Third World Labor to fill AA quotas will be used by Employers? Yes ____ No ____
Do YOU think using Third World Labor to drive down the wages of the Black Working Class is a good idea? Yes____ N ____

Question: Two guys apply for the Landscaping job. One doesn't have a belt and his pants are hanging below his butt. The other one doesn't speak English but has two pairs of work gloves in his back pocket.
Who do you hire?
That's all I'm sayin.

And like you said, education is the key. Calling out the lies that come from he racist right. Starting with every stat they spew about Blacks is a lie.
Did you go to an all black MS/HS? Predominately black university?