When they see us.

Just curious where all your anger comes from...so I guess you're not blaming your educational experiences for your hatred....

I'm not angry. I am speaking the truth.

YOU are deflecting because I speak the truth you don't like to hear.
"I have even pissed off brown people in person too for due to an act racism on their part"

What acts of racism have you seen against whites from Black and brown people that put white people in prisons, deny them jobs, make laws against, oppress them, criminalize them, etc?

Be specific.

Since when is someone committing a crime, that sends them to prison, racism??
Perhaps it sounds that way because it's the truth.

White people, especially racist white people, hate hearing the truth about them selves.

MY-MY, such irony in your own post.

I'm not angry. I am speaking the truth.

YOU are deflecting because I speak the truth you don't like to hear.

And the inverse is also a fact; because you continually deflect from the TRUTH you don't like to hear.

Physician heal thyself.

Care to show how why you "think" this??

I've stated this previously:

"USF: "See, we can agree; because I've come to believe that there are those like TTQ, Desh, and other so called liberals, who want to keep race diversion going."
Jack; I don't think 'race diversion' has anything to do with it. It's an 'economic issue'.

USF: "This is due to the fact that if they didn't keep stirring the pot and people came together, that their entire existence would crumble around them."
Jack: I think you have created a false narrative for yourself.

Bernie Sanders correctly states the obvious: 'Open borders? ... That's a Koch Brothers proposal' "
It's an 'economic issue'

But I never said anything about an "economic issue" and was agreeing with your post of:

The Black Working Class is taking their rightful place in the Economic Order, then, thanks to PC Fascists like yourself, you pull the rug out from under them and advocate for Third World Labor to replace them.
(why don't you just go out and buy a white hood and robe?)

Which had nothing in it about "economic division".
I've stated this previously:

"USF: "See, we can agree; because I've come to believe that there are those like TTQ, Desh, and other so called liberals, who want to keep race diversion going."
Jack; I don't think 'race diversion' has anything to do with it. It's an 'economic issue'.

USF: "This is due to the fact that if they didn't keep stirring the pot and people came together, that their entire existence would crumble around them."
Jack: I think you have created a false narrative for yourself.

Bernie Sanders correctly states the obvious: 'Open borders? ... That's a Koch Brothers proposal' "

I hope Sanders talks about this in the primary debates. He has a history of going full anti-white, so it's doubtful.
I thought you had me on ignore so I wasn’t going to respond to you.

Like I said I have never seen you call out TTQ64 or guno for their bigotry. In fact I’ve seen you praise them as good posters. Ultimately you can do as you please but don’t claim to care so much about bigotry and then accept it when the posters share your political beliefs.

Bigotry and racism in this country is more than simply who someone votes for.

I don't put anyone on ignore. I just mostly scroll past the bullshit, the gossip, and the mind numbingly boring posters.

You obviously have a deep seated resentment against me for unfathomable reasons, and are willing to lie, slander, and gossip about me behind my back. That is actually a little creepy.

I had no idea you spent so much time thinking about me, and never would have guessed it given that I went out of my way and was very friendly and gracious inviting you to participate on this board.

If you don't like what I write, if I annoy you, if I stress you out, if I make you feel compelled to gossip about me, why don't you stop reading my posts? I virtually never read yours anymore because, for one thing you are really boring, and for another thing I realized you are a dishonest, slandering, girlish gossiper.
I don't put anyone on ignore. I just mostly scroll past the bullshit, the gossip, and the mind numbingly boring posters.

You obviously have a deep seated resentment against me for unfathomable reasons, and are willing to lie, slander, and gossip about me behind my back. That is actually a little creepy.

I had no idea you spent so much time thinking about me, and never would have guessed it given that I went out of my way and was very friendly and gracious inviting you to participate on this board.

If you don't like what I write, if I annoy you, if I stress you out, if I make you feel compelled to gossip about me, why don't you stop reading my posts? I virtually never read yours anymore because, for one thing you are really boring, and for another thing I realized you are a dishonest, slandering, girlish gossiper.

he didn't say anything behind your back you idiot, he said it right here for you to see. you can't handle any crictism because you are a beta little bitch. cawacko was completely civil with you and now you call him girlish as an insult (nice misogyny for an enlightened liberal like yourself). you are a hypocrite, a douche, a constant projector, and a huge creep
I hope Sanders talks about this in the primary debates. He has a history of going full anti-white, so it's doubtful.

Hillary seemed to cater to every group EXCEPT the Working Class. Trump has used that to his success. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to support American Labor over Third World Labor.
Hillary seemed to cater to every group EXCEPT the Working Class. Trump has used that to his success. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to support American Labor over Third World Labor.

Absolutely. But is Sanders really going to support the white working-class over non-white immigrants?
Absolutely. But is Sanders really going to support the white working-class over non-white immigrants?

Sanders says "Open Borders, that's a Koch Brothers proposal". He's saying the right words to get elected. I don't know what his specific idea is, but supporting the importation of Third World Labor to compete with American Labor is NOT going to win you votes.
AND, I've never heard him use the term 'white working-class'. I believe he is color blind.
Sanders says "Open Borders, that's a Koch Brothers proposal". He's saying the right words to get elected. I don't know what his specific idea is, but supporting the importation of Third World Labor to compete with American Labor is NOT going to win you votes.

Definitely, but when he's pressed on this, he's probably going to cuck out. He's not going to support the working-class, which is largely white, over immigrants, which are largely brown.

AND, I've never heard him use the term 'white working-class'. I believe he is color blind.

I support Justice Reform. I would guess most of the Prisons are filled with 'Poor People' rather than 'Rich People'. I'm not sure our Justice System is 'color blind'.

Definitely, but when he's pressed on this, he's probably going to cuck out. He's not going to support the working-class, which is largely white, over immigrants, which are largely brown.

I support Justice Reform. I would guess most of the Prisons are filled with 'Poor People' rather than 'Rich People'. I'm not sure our Justice System is 'color blind'.

Classism is a very real problem in America. And that's one of the reasons why it's terrible that (((Sanders))) is saying there are no poor white people.
The Right fucks us for being working-class. The Left fucks us for being white.
Classism is a very real problem in America. And that's one of the reasons why it's terrible that (((Sanders))) is saying there are no poor white people.
The Right fucks us for being working-class. The Left fucks us for being white.

That's a 'General Conception' that I don't agree with.