When they see us.

" She's my daughter,she's my sister,she's my daughter and my sister "!

There where many plots, the basis was water starved L.A. . The City of L.A. was running out of Water. The surrounding area of Farms and Ranches had Water, but they didn't want to send any to L.A. . The Solution: Extend the boundaries of the City, ... incorporate the surrounding Land into Los Angeles. Then, the surrounding Water would belong to the City of L.A. .

The analogy being:

Let's say you are a Capitalist that owns a Shoe Factory. You are having a problem with Workers that want MORE money. You move your Factory to a Third World Country that has lower Wages. Bingo, your problem is solved. Now, let's say you are a Capitalist that Constructs Buildings. You are having the SAME problem as the owner of the Shoe Factory. But, ... you can't have a Building built in a Third World Country and import it here like the case for Shoes. Do you see the solution?

You can't bring your Construction Site to the Third World, ... so you bring the Third World (Third World Labor) to the Construction Site.
No thanks. Not interested. If the negro wants to stay out of prison, I suggest the negro stop committing crimes. Just sayin

I was about to say the same thing about the president!

There where many plots, the basis was water starved L.A. . The City of L.A. was running out of Water. The surrounding area of Farms and Ranches had Water, but they didn't want to send any to L.A. . The Solution: Extend the boundaries of the City, ... incorporate the surrounding Land into Los Angeles. Then, the surrounding Water would belong to the City of L.A. .

The analogy being:

Let's say you are a Capitalist that owns a Shoe Factory. You are having a problem with Workers that want MORE money. You move your Factory to a Third World Country that has lower Wages. Bingo, your problem is solved. Now, let's say you are a Capitalist that Constructs Buildings. You are having the SAME problem as the owner of the Shoe Factory. But, ... you can't have a Building built in a Third World Country and import it here like the case for Shoes. Do you see the solution?

You can't bring your Construction Site to the Third World, ... so you bring the Third World (Third World Labor) to the Construction Site.

And then you put your name in huge letters on the
Building,and not pay the laborers
I don't put anyone on ignore. I just mostly scroll past the bullshit, the gossip, and the mind numbingly boring posters.

You obviously have a deep seated resentment against me for unfathomable reasons, and are willing to lie, slander, and gossip about me behind my back. That is actually a little creepy.

I had no idea you spent so much time thinking about me, and never would have guessed it given that I went out of my way and was very friendly and gracious inviting you to participate on this board.

If you don't like what I write, if I annoy you, if I stress you out, if I make you feel compelled to gossip about me, why don't you stop reading my posts? I virtually never read yours anymore because, for one thing you are really boring, and for another thing I realized you are a dishonest, slandering, girlish gossiper.

Let's be clear Cypress, don't flatter yourself by saying I have a deep seated resentment against you. I've "known" you for over a decade on this and previous boards. While differing politically we've never had any issues over this time period.

Recently you thanked a post that said anyone who votes or has voted Republican is a racist. So not only were you calling me a racist you were calling yourself one. That doesn't exactly jive with trying to present yourself as one who is anti-racism or anti-bigotry. Pointing that out is a result of a "deep seated resentment".

Nor is pointing you basically only have issues with bigotry and racism when you think it's a right-winger doing it. Like I said, you do you, you are free to support what you like. Just the same as I am. But don't be surprised if someone points out that your beliefs aren't about the bigotry and racism, it's about the partisanship.

Did not read a syllable of that word salad.

Not interested in your petty resentments, not interested in the countless hours you have spent thinking about me, writing about me, gossiping about me, or slandering me.

You know how much time I have spent gossiping about you, talking about you behind your back, stressing out about you, indulging latent resentment against you?

Exactly zero time. Not one single nanosecond.

This is a one-way street, pal. I obviously have occupied your thoughts, your gossip, and maybe even your dreams in a way that you never enter mine.

I thought we were on pretty friendly terms, that is why I invited you to this forum. But I leave you to your petty resentments and your girlish gossip. It is of no consequence to me.
"I have even pissed off brown people in person too for due to an act racism on their part"

What acts of racism have you seen against whites from Black and brown people that put white people in prisons, deny them jobs, make laws against, oppress them, criminalize them, etc?

Be specific.

I have been refused service in a restaurant because I was white and the people running the restaurant were black

I had a black couple try to intimidate me after I caught them doing a drug deal with someone near my house

many small incidences with being treated as a lessor by Latino people because of my color

All types of people harbor racism

Its not just white people who fall prey for this stupid mind trap

Don't get me wrong

I LOVE living around latino people and I find them to be for the most part very kind and moral people

I live on a city that is 70% latino and my block is easily 90% latino

all groups of people have idiots in their population

prejudice is believing the bad actions of one of the group should be blamed on all people of that group.

its is a stupid fucking idea that has no merit or value to the person who thinks it or the people who have to deal with its idiotic results

racism is fucking useless and no one gains with it

I get that the treatment I have experienced is minor and doesn't hold me back in society


because the greater society doesn't hold me back in any way because Im white (the being a chick part is held against me by the greater society)but it does exist

Society holding back people of color harms me too

by NOT allowing peoples good actions to be valued and their good efforts valued

a society who doesn't value the efforts of good people simply because they don't match in the people in power in every way LOSES good efforts

devalues intelligence, kindness, good intentions, valuable results created by "certain" people

Its utterly idiotic to not accept results, actions and ideas that are of value because the person providing them has the wrong color of freckles or the like

prejudice exists

institutionalized prejudice in a society destroys things for even the members being assholes who gain certain things by accepting the idiot idea

did you think white people are NEVER treated badly because of their skin color?

I know a latino lady who sometimes gets taken for white

she has had latinos treat her like shit thinking she cant speak Spanish and is white

give that white lady the stale bread from the back said in Spanish thinking she only knew English and the like

its stupid and its mean

But she could pass for white and her married name was an obviously English name

So she also knows she gets benefits from that "whiteness"

again Ill will say

I love Latino people

they are warm and kind

Most are NOT like that

but like all people some are

I am olive skinned with VERY dark brown hair and dark brown eyes

Im sure some people mistake me as Latina

But most latinos can tell Im white

Most I come acrossed treat me with respect

But then again I treat everyone with respect when I meet them
Let's be clear Cypress, don't flatter yourself by saying I have a deep seated resentment against you. I've "known" you for over a decade on this and previous boards. While differing politically we've never had any issues over this time period.

Recently you thanked a post that said anyone who votes or has voted Republican is a racist. So not only were you calling me a racist you were calling yourself one. That doesn't exactly jive with trying to present yourself as one who is anti-racism or anti-bigotry. Pointing that out is a result of a "deep seated resentment".

Nor is pointing you basically only have issues with bigotry and racism when you think it's a right-winger doing it. Like I said, you do you, you are free to support what you like. Just the same as I am. But don't be surprised if someone points out that your beliefs aren't about the bigotry and racism, it's about the partisanship.

all a racist has to do to stop being a racist is to stop being a racist

I have been refused service in a restaurant because I was white and the people running the restaurant were black

I had a black couple try to intimidate me after I caught them doing a drug deal with someone near my house

many small incidences with being treated as a lessor by Latino people because of my color

All types of people harbor racism

Its not just white people who fall prey for this stupid mind trap

Don't get me wrong

I LOVE living around latino people and I find them to be for the most part very kind and moral people

I live on a city that is 70% latino and my block is easily 90% latino

all groups of people have idiots in their population

prejudice is believing the bad actions of one of the group should be blamed on all people of that group.

its is a stupid fucking idea that has no merit or value to the person who thinks it or the people who have to deal with its idiotic results

racism is fucking useless and no one gains with it

I get that the treatment I have experienced is minor and doesn't hold me back in society


because the greater society doesn't hold me back in any way because Im white (the being a chick part is held against me by the greater society)but it does exist

Society holding back people of color harms me too

by NOT allowing peoples good actions to be valued and their good efforts valued

a society who doesn't value the efforts of good people simply because they don't match in the people in power in every way LOSES good efforts

devalues intelligence, kindness, good intentions, valuable results created by "certain" people

Its utterly idiotic to not accept results, actions and ideas that are of value because the person providing them has the wrong color of freckles or the like

prejudice exists

institutionalized prejudice in a society destroys things for even the members being assholes who gain certain things by accepting the idiot idea

did you think white people are NEVER treated badly because of their skin color?

I know a latino lady who sometimes gets taken for white

she has had latinos treat her like shit thinking she cant speak Spanish and is white

give that white lady the stale bread from the back said in Spanish thinking she only knew English and the like

its stupid and its mean

But she could pass for white and her married name was an obviously English name

So she also knows she gets benefits from that "whiteness"

again Ill will say

I love Latino people

they are warm and kind

Most are NOT like that

but like all people some are

I am olive skinned with VERY dark brown hair and dark brown eyes

Im sure some people mistake me as Latina

But most latinos can tell Im white

Most I come acrossed treat me with respect

But then again I treat everyone with respect when I meet them

Seems you experienced some bigotry and prejudices from other races.

But the question still remains:

"What acts of racism have you seen against whites from Black and brown people that put white people in prisons, deny them jobs, make laws against, oppress them, criminalize them, police them, brutalize them, etc?"
Seems you experienced some bigotry and prejudices from other races.

But the question still remains:

"What acts of racism have you seen against whites from Black and brown people that put white people in prisons, deny them jobs, make laws against, oppress them, criminalize them, police them, brutalize them, etc?"

I never claimed any
that question comes off an angry and accusatory

why are you mad at me for discussing my life experiences
Hillary took the working class for granted!

Hilary won the election

the republicans have cheated in elections for decades now

Democraatic party and candidates should have been allowed to take the offices they WON

quit blaming individual candidates for NOT WINNING because they did this or that


the republicans cheated them and the American people out of the win
Uh-huh. White people don't have freedom of association or the social right to speak freely, while non-white people have the media and affirmative action. But, sure, Blacks are the ones who are oppressed.

You want to know how you can tell movies like this are bullshit? Because they exist, but openly pro-white movies don't.

white people do have that right

you are insane if you think what you claimed is true.

RACISTS will take shit for racist remarks because racism it fucking evil and is a brain cancer on society

by saying this crap you prove you are a fucking racist


no one stops me from saying anything as you have claimed idiot

you feel like someone is doing it to you huh?


because you want to say racist shit

but fuck are you racists stupid
that question comes off an angry and accusatory

why are you mad at me for discussing my life experiences


I'm not angry at all. I'm asking a question then you attack and accuse me of being angry because you can't answer it.

I am merely trying to show you the difference between bigotry, prejudices and actual racism.

When white people understand this, maybe then we can move forward. But as long as they try to justify their racism by saying "everyone" can be racist, we will never get anywhere.

White racism is unique because it targets a group of people who they have power over. That power allows them to make laws, push agendas, and brainwash the masses into thinking their white superiority gives them privilege.
Classism is a very real problem in America. And that's one of the reasons why it's terrible that (((Sanders))) is saying there are no poor white people.
The Right fucks us for being working-class. The Left fucks us for being white.

I cant stand Sanders

he has a Russian problem and doesnt understand MASSIVE amounts of Americans of all colors

you however are a racist

if Sanders actually said what you say he did its a horrible statement which shows he doesn't understand the FACTS real Americans face

Poverty comes in all colors

yes lots of white people understand those things

He has just lived a life of privledge and doesn't understand America

I'm not angry at all. I'm asking a question then you attack and accuse me of being angry because you can't answer it.

I am merely trying to show you the difference between bigotry, prejudices and actual racism.

When white people understand this, maybe then we can move forward. But as long as they try to justify their racism by saying "everyone" can be racist, we will never get anywhere.

White racism is unique because it targets a group of people who they have power over. That power allows them to make laws, push agendas, and brainwash the masses into thinking their white superiority gives them privilege.

when I read that question it came off as angry

this response is angry

If you can not listen to my side and see my answers as non answers and seem to suggest Im saying things I have NOT UTTERED and asking me as an individual trying to speak to you about my experiences as an attack on your beliefs then where can we come together?

words matter

You need to face that asking me to outline how my experiences and words deny racism as it exists in the USA was aggression

I have never claimed such a thing

I share my life experiences because they are rue and in being true they have a baring on the reality of race relations

for some reason you felt I was DENYING the reality of racism as its exists


yet you felt I needed to


because my words made you angry

If there was NO anger present in your thoughts when you wrote that question then you need to understand all people better

when someone shares some personal experiences with you and you

asking them to PROVE that racism isnt real in this nation is kinda weird

you and everyone reading that exchange knows without a doubt that was an angry response to what YOU THOUGHT for some reason I was claiming

Its fine if it was a misunderstanding

I don't mind clarifying

you are not perfect


we both make mistakes

you and me BOTH have the same goal I hope though

a less racist world

do you doubt that ?
the best way to end the racism that infects this society is knowledge

Knowledge of each other and their experiences

EDUCATION is the key

teaching all American kids the real history of this nation including Black history which the republican party has worked hard to keep out of public school history books

each time you meet a human remember

They are a complete mystery to you

whatever your first involuntary assumptions are about them

They have NO real impact on who that person actually is

each new person you meet is a complete mystery to you

let them tell you who they are

each new person you meet has the possibility of being one of the most important persons you have ever met

100 year old or 5 year old

with a long face and bucked teeth

with green eyes and brown skin

with blonde hair and almond eyes

a treasure box that opens itself to you

I PROMISE if you can learn top see people this way it will IMPROVE YOUR LIFE

which is why racism of all types and shapes will ruin your OWN life

post 31