When they see us.

OK evince. There is one class of people in the US who are not being negatively impacted, demeaning, or disenfranchised by bigotry and prejudices. I'll leave it there.

Understanding is the greatest thing. We have lived by white society rules since we were brought here in slave ships. It's time we be heard. Opening your mind to that, would be a great start.

I hope you aren't taking offense to this REAL conversation. We need more of this, REAL TALK!

We? What is this "we" shit TTQ? What slave ship did you come over on? How long were you personally on the plantation? Speak the fuck up and speak clearly.
OK evince. There is one class of people in the US who are not being negatively impacted, demeaning, or disenfranchised by bigotry and prejudices. I'll leave it there.

Understanding is the greatest thing. We have lived by white society rules since we were brought here in slave ships. It's time we be heard. Opening your mind to that, would be a great start.

I hope you aren't taking offense to this REAL conversation. We need more of this, REAL TALK!

but I don't agree with that statement

all groups are being negatively impacted and demeaned by racism

Only one is Not being disenfranchised by it

I just believe that racism does Harm REAL HARM to even those who benefit by it

its destructive and evil to treat people like that

it eats your soul

It clouds your mind

believing things that are NOT true sets one up for failure

maybe not financially but inside ones being

what Im hoping for you to see in my take of it that racism is the tool of evil men

currently in this nation racist white men for the most part

the women in on that deal all think women are less than men too

so they are self hating

it harms them in ways that we are seeing right now

it has all through history created a wedge for evil humans to pit a society against itself in the service of raping a nation

I truly believe racism kills a Democracy

which means racism negatively impacts and demeans all people

DISENFRANCHISEMENT is the only part whites are not getting

We end that and make "racism a sin again"

than we will blow this thing sky high n no time

I need to tell you that everytime racism enters my life it negatively impacts me and demeans my life

being white I don't get disenfranchised by it

those of us white people who fight racism the best we can in our little lives really do share the hate of that type of a system and KNOW its a cancer on any society it finds a way to live in

Disenfranchising of the vote is NUMBER ONE

any American who gets hoodwinked out of their vote is a knife in this nations back

Racism is as much a tool for the people who do this as a reason to do it

they do it to steal elections

Black voters are easy to pick out because they vote a certain way in trying to STOP the disenfranchisement and then the cycle repeats

they get more disenfranchisement
We? What is this "we" shit TTQ? What slave ship did you come over on? How long were you personally on the plantation? Speak the fuck up and speak clearly.

I didn't come off a ship you dunce. If you think slavery is over you are part of the problem.
but I don't agree with that statement

all groups are being negatively impacted and demeaned by racism

Only one is Not being disenfranchised by it

I just believe that racism does Harm REAL HARM to even those who benefit by it

its destructive and evil to treat people like that

it eats your soul

It clouds your mind

believing things that are NOT true sets one up for failure

maybe not financially but inside ones being

what Im hoping for you to see in my take of it that racism is the tool of evil men

currently in this nation racist white men for the most part

the women in on that deal all think women are less than men too

so they are self hating

it harms them in ways that we are seeing right now

it has all through history created a wedge for evil humans to pit a society against itself in the service of raping a nation

I truly believe racism kills a Democracy

which means racism negatively impacts and demeans all people

DISENFRANCHISEMENT is the only part whites are not getting

We end that and make "racism a sin again"

than we will blow this thing sky high n no time

I need to tell you that everytime racism enters my life it negatively impacts me and demeans my life

being white I don't get disenfranchised by it

those of us white people who fight racism the best we can in our little lives really do share the hate of that type of a system and KNOW its a cancer on any society it finds a way to live in

Disenfranchising of the vote is NUMBER ONE

any American who gets hoodwinked out of their vote is a knife in this nations back

Racism is as much a tool for the people who do this as a reason to do it

they do it to steal elections

Black voters are easy to pick out because they vote a certain way in trying to STOP the disenfranchisement and then the cycle repeats

they get more disenfranchisement

If you think whites are only not disenfranchised, you still have a lot to learn.

How are white men and women negatively impacted by the judicial system? Lets start there.
No shit. Nor were you a slave.

Oh slavery is still very prevalent in US. I can't walk down the street without some white kop asking where I'm going.

Blacks are policed in this country like it's the 1700.

I don't need a racist fuck like you to tell me different.
We? What is this "we" shit TTQ? What slave ship did you come over on? How long were you personally on the plantation? Speak the fuck up and speak clearly.

And the part she doesn't seem to get, is that she has all the opportunity to leave. :good4u:
Oh slavery is still very prevalent in US. I can't walk down the street without some white kop asking where I'm going.

Blacks are policed in this country like it's the 1700.

I don't need a racist fuck like you to tell me different.

Yawn. The eternal victim. Has to have someone to blame for their own lack of intellect and accomplishment. Always looking for the handout. Thankfully intelligent blacks ( and there are many) see right past that bullshit.
Oh slavery is still very prevalent in US. I can't walk down the street without some white kop asking where I'm going.

Blacks are policed in this country like it's the 1700.

I don't need a racist fuck like you to tell me different.

And I call BULLSHIT on this post of yours.
The subject of this very thread show how whites benefit off of racism in this country.

The prosecutor went on to make millions, be awarded, idolized and maintain a lucrative career while those young Black boys lost their lives.

If you think for one second I'm just as racist and powerful as that prosecutor, then you really have a lot to learn.
Yawn. The eternal victim. Has to have someone to blame for their own lack of intellect and accomplishment. Always looking for the handout. Thankfully intelligent blacks ( and there are many) see right past that bullshit.

yawn.…..the go to racist white man propaganda.

I am a victim of white racism in this country and I'm not ashamed to say it.
yawn.…..the go to racist white man propaganda.

I am a victim of white racism in this country and I'm not ashamed to say it.

You are the victim of your own laziness and lack of education. And you should be ashamed of saying that.
I cant stand Sanders

he has a Russian problem and doesnt understand MASSIVE amounts of Americans of all colors

you however are a racist

if Sanders actually said what you say he did its a horrible statement which shows he doesn't understand the FACTS real Americans face

Poverty comes in all colors

yes lots of white people understand those things

He has just lived a life of privledge and doesn't understand America

So maybe I'm not a racist like you think. Maybe I just understand the oppression that white people are now facing.
white people do have that right

White people are not allowed to discriminate based on race even when it's a private business. This means we don't have freedom of association.


no one stops me from saying anything as you have claimed idiot

That's because you're not pro-white. If you speak in favor of white interests, the way Blacks and Jews do, then you're shut down.
Oh she's still on the plantation. The democrat plantation. And can't get off else she wouldn't survive.

I found an honest to god picture of TTQ.

White people are not allowed to discriminate based on race even when it's a private business. This means we don't have freedom of association.

That's because you're not pro-white. If you speak in favor of white interests, the way Blacks and Jews do, then you're shut down.

what you idiot racists don't understand is something called PRO HUMAN shit ball brain dead cockroach

Pro White?

what the fuck does that mean?

I am pro white, black, red, yellow and any other color you want to label a human with

If you don't like that America wants to end your distructive need to hate your fellow man then move the fuck out of this nation

pack up the rest of your asshole storm front friends and take those anal dwellers with you

America is not for you

go somewhere else , we don't want you here