When they see us.

So maybe I'm not a racist like you think. Maybe I just understand the oppression that white people are now facing.
why are you fucking racists ashamed of what you believe

be proud of what you back OR stop fucking backing racism you dumb fucking dirt bag
No one believes that story. And even if it were true, I bet Blacks weren't making laws to put those white folks in for profit prisons.

TQ what is the purpose of denying what he has experienced?

this is not how you work through this discussion we need to have
TQ what is the purpose of denying what he has experienced?

this is not how you work through this discussion we need to have

His supposed story sounds fake and even if it is real it's not racism......it's bigotry and prejudice.

You want to assign racism equally amongst the races, but it's just not the same and most whites just don't want to admit that.
"the institutionalization of prejudice in the USA harmed white people individually other than destroying their soul"

is this another phrase for racism?

I don't understand?

sideling any group of humans in a society HARMS that Society

it is destructive to all in that society

a Democracy CAN NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY with that cancer living on it

I can remember as a child watching on TV marches where police were beating people for protesting such treatment

AS A CHILD I felt the horror

the shame that my nation was doing that to people


or do you think NO ONE cares?

do you think that ONLY PEOPLE at the brunt of that behavior think its wrong and harmful to the society as well as the greater society

Don't think less of me because I never physically was the target of white on black racism

if its Asians being the brunt its wrong and Im not Asian

If its Jews being the brunt its wrong and Im not Jewish

if its American Indigenous people being the brunt it is wrong and Im not American Indigenous

If it were white people being the brunt it is wrong and Im white

no difference

thinking its wrong even though Im not the one suffering the brunt is not a bad thing

Please understand it doesn't help to try and make it so


intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
"the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry"
prejudice · bias · partiality · partisanship · sectarianism · discrimination · unfairness · injustice · intolerance · narrow-mindedness · fanaticism · dogmatism · racism · [more]


prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
"a program to combat racism"
racial discrimination · racialism · racial prejudice/bigotry · xenophobia · chauvinism · bigotry · bias · intolerance · anti-Semitism · apartheid
sideling any group of humans in a society HARMS that Society

it is destructive to all in that society

a Democracy CAN NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY with that cancer living on it

I can remember as a child watching on TV marches where police were beating people for protesting such treatment

AS A CHILD I felt the horror

the shame that my nation was doing that to people


or do you think NO ONE cares?

do you think that ONLY PEOPLE at the brunt of that behavior think its wrong and harmful to the society as well as the greater society

Don't think less of me because I never physically was the target of white on black racism

if its Asians being the brunt its wrong and Im not Asian

If its Jews being the brunt its wrong and Im not Jewish

if its American Indigenous people being the brunt it is wrong and Im not American Indigenous

If it were white people being the brunt it is wrong and Im white

no difference

thinking its wrong even though Im not the one suffering the brunt is not a bad thing

Please understand it doesn't help to try and make it so

but you're good with affirmative action, right?
If you think whites are only not disenfranchised, you still have a lot to learn.

How are white men and women negatively impacted by the judicial system? Lets start there.

um women have a long history of being cheated in the judicial system

even white women
Oh slavery is still very prevalent in US. I can't walk down the street without some white kop asking where I'm going.

Blacks are policed in this country like it's the 1700.

I don't need a racist fuck like you to tell me different.

where do you live now ?
Yawn. The eternal victim. Has to have someone to blame for their own lack of intellect and accomplishment. Always looking for the handout. Thankfully intelligent blacks ( and there are many) see right past that bullshit.

and you keep pretending black people are not being victimized still

fuck you idiot
sideling any group of humans in a society HARMS that Society

it is destructive to all in that society

a Democracy CAN NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY with that cancer living on it

I can remember as a child watching on TV marches where police were beating people for protesting such treatment

AS A CHILD I felt the horror

the shame that my nation was doing that to people


or do you think NO ONE cares?

do you think that ONLY PEOPLE at the brunt of that behavior think its wrong and harmful to the society as well as the greater society

Don't think less of me because I never physically was the target of white on black racism

if its Asians being the brunt its wrong and Im not Asian

If its Jews being the brunt its wrong and Im not Jewish

if its American Indigenous people being the brunt it is wrong and Im not American Indigenous

If it were white people being the brunt it is wrong and Im white

no difference

thinking its wrong even though Im not the one suffering the brunt is not a bad thing

Please understand it doesn't help to try and make it so

"do you think that ONLY PEOPLE at the brunt of that behavior think its wrong and harmful to the society as well as the greater society"

I think people at the brunt of racism from white America are the only ones really standing up for equality and justice. Otherwise we would not have 2 million Black men and women in for profit prisons. White America looks the other way when laws are being passed that discriminate against Blacks and other minorities.

If you don't like to hear that then you should rally together your fellow white Americans and march for criminal justice reform instead of climate change. The criminal justice system is INHUMANE and full of innocent Black men and women who have been railroaded by a system that profiles, brutalizes and murders Black Americans in this country.

The human cost of white racism in this country is overlooked, dismissed and coddled. White people have been "sideling" groups together in this country since it's inception. Your issue should be with them, not me for calling them out.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
"a program to combat racism"
racial discrimination · racialism · racial prejudice/bigotry · xenophobia · chauvinism · bigotry · bias · intolerance · anti-Semitism · apartheid

*SIGH* Every time I think you get it you say something that reaffirms you don't.

You can keep that text book definition of racism...…...but it's not reality.
"do you think that ONLY PEOPLE at the brunt of that behavior think its wrong and harmful to the society as well as the greater society"

I think people at the brunt of racism from white America are the only ones really standing up for equality and justice. Otherwise we would not have 2 million Black men and women in for profit prisons. White America looks the other way when laws are being passed that discriminate against Blacks and other minorities.

If you don't like to hear that then you should rally together your fellow white Americans and march for criminal justice reform instead of climate change. The criminal justice system is INHUMANE and full of innocent Black men and women who have been railroaded by a system that profiles, brutalizes and murders Black Americans in this country.

The human cost of white racism in this country is overlooked, dismissed and coddled. White people have been "sideling" groups together in this country since it's inception. Your issue should be with them, not me for calling them out.

so in your theory no white people have ever stood against racism?


I think people at the brunt of racism from white America are the only ones really standing up for equality and justice.

its seems marching and dying even you don't see as help

you have just said ONLY those who are discriminated against can be on your side
so in your theory no white people have ever stood against racism?


I think people at the brunt of racism from white America are the only ones really standing up for equality and justice.

its seems marching and dying even you don't see as help

Not enough are helping to make a difference, there are still millions of Black and brown people in for profit prisons.

"you have just said ONLY those who are discriminated against can be on your side"- what YOU said

"I think people at the brunt of racism from white America are the only ones really standing up for equality and justice" - What I said.

Please note the difference. Sorry, I don't see white people marching in the streets to get rid of the corrupt bailing system or to eliminate for profit prisons. I would love to be proved wrong.

On a side note, they announced the jobs numbers today without one mention of the labor participation rate. Wonder why?