When they see us.

Can you please give example of racism that oppresses, demonizes, imprisons, and unjustly criminalizes white people in this country?

What type of harmful racism do white people encounter that would prevent them from gaining employment, housing, loans, etc?

Be specific.

post 52

what about what I said made you think I needed to be asked those questions as if I took that view?
she has had the slings and arrows aimed at her her whole life

This is the conversations we need to have has Americans

clear the air

from slavery to segregation

and beyond to this day

especially black Americas have been treated like shit by our society

denying that is utter stupidity

and you expect NO ingrained anger?

white boy PULEESSSSE
when I read that question it came off as angry

this response is angry

If you can not listen to my side and see my answers as non answers and seem to suggest Im saying things I have NOT UTTERED and asking me as an individual trying to speak to you about my experiences as an attack on your beliefs then where can we come together?

words matter

You need to face that asking me to outline how my experiences and words deny racism as it exists in the USA was aggression

I have never claimed such a thing

I share my life experiences because they are rue and in being true they have a baring on the reality of race relations

for some reason you felt I was DENYING the reality of racism as its exists


yet you felt I needed to


because my words made you angry

If there was NO anger present in your thoughts when you wrote that question then you need to understand all people better

when someone shares some personal experiences with you and you

asking them to PROVE that racism isnt real in this nation is kinda weird

you and everyone reading that exchange knows without a doubt that was an angry response to what YOU THOUGHT for some reason I was claiming

Its fine if it was a misunderstanding

I don't mind clarifying

you are not perfect


we both make mistakes

you and me BOTH have the same goal I hope though

a less racist world

do you doubt that ?

Here's the deal. You are coming off as accusing me of being the angry Black woman because I asked a question about racism. That is how I'm reading your post.

You keep insisting that I am angry when I'm not. I am trying to clarify the difference between racism and bigotry, you seem to keep ignoring that by calling me angry.

I understand it's a difficult subject when it come to white racism. But understand how I feel having to explain to a white person what racism is only to be called angry.

Again, I am not angry, I am simply asking "What acts of racism have you seen against whites from Black and brown people that put white people in prisons, deny them jobs, make laws against, oppress them, criminalize them, police them, brutalize them, etc"?

If all people are "racist" it should be a simple question to answer.

"the best way to end the racism that infects this society is knowledge"

I'm giving you some knowledge that you are refusing to listen to.

You have experienced bigotry and prejudices, I have acknowledged that in my previous post. But you or your people haven't experienced any real racism.

That is the knowledge that I am trying to share with you.

please understand we agree on the state of things

We need to clear the air to get where we need to go

Not just you and me

but the entire nation needs to do this

stick with me girlfriend

if you cant admit a little ingrained anger at these life long slights we cant get there
post 52

what about what I said made you think I needed to be asked those questions as if I took that view?

When you say all people are racist.

That leads me to believe you don't have a complete understanding of what racism really is. Then you listed examples of your experiences of what you thought was racism....and I asked the question again because your experiences aren't racism they were bigotry and prejudices, both of which are still wrong, but not nearly on the scale of real racism.
Here's the deal. You are coming off as accusing me of being the angry Black woman because I asked a question about racism. That is how I'm reading your post.

You keep insisting that I am angry when I'm not. I am trying to clarify the difference between racism and bigotry, you seem to keep ignoring that by calling me angry.

I understand it's a difficult subject when it come to white racism. But understand how I feel having to explain to a white person what racism is only to be called angry.

Again, I am not angry, I am simply asking "What acts of racism have you seen against whites from Black and brown people that put white people in prisons, deny them jobs, make laws against, oppress them, criminalize them, police them, brutalize them, etc"?

If all people are "racist" it should be a simple question to answer.

"the best way to end the racism that infects this society is knowledge"

I'm giving you some knowledge that you are refusing to listen to.

You have experienced bigotry and prejudices, I have acknowledged that in my previous post. But you or your people haven't experienced any real racism.

That is the knowledge that I am trying to share with you.

I did answer

don't you remember

"I never claimed any" obviously means none huh

please understand we agree on the state of things

We need to clear the air to get where we need to go

Not just you and me

but the entire nation needs to do this

stick with me girlfriend

if you cant admit a little ingrained anger at these life long slights we cant get there

For the record, what Black person wouldn't be a little angry at white people for what they have done?

What is the point your trying to make? Are you suggesting Blacks shouldn't be angry? I will overlook the "angry Black" stereotype, because again, it's something you can't understand.

We may be on the same side, but you still have a lot to learn.

"if you cant admit a little ingrained anger at these life long slights we cant get there"

"If you can't admit white people are the racist in this country we can't get there"
I did answer

don't you remember

"I never claimed any" obviously means none huh

Got it. I missed that.

I never said you actually claimed it, but you implied it by saying all people are racist. There are acts of racism that are only being instituted by whites.

Those are just facts my friend.
post 58

my apologies

I said this

I think it was the "be specific" that made me feel it was targeted in such a way as I reacted to

I did not intend for it to come off that way, but being specific helps to be clear. There is a lot of beating round the bush, spinning, twisting, sugar coating etc. that goes on, on this board and I like for people to keep it real.
When you say all people are racist.

That leads me to believe you don't have a complete understanding of what racism really is. Then you listed examples of your experiences of what you thought was racism....and I asked the question again because your experiences aren't racism they were bigotry and prejudices, both of which are still wrong, but not nearly on the scale of real racism.

every human on the planet thinks of things that society has taught them about others when they see another human face

"she looks like my Mom"

"he looks like the man who hurt me"

Its a human thing

pre judging


that judging isn't always a bad thought.

its just a word

institutionalized racism is what America is dealing with

where the system allows these prejudices to negatively impact human lives in a demeaning and disenfranchising way
I answered an Ad in the paper about renting an Apartment. When I got there, the woman answered the door and I said "I'm here about the Apartment". She said "We don't rent to White people". I laughed and said "I think that is illegal". She looked at me and said "We don't rent to White people", then slammed the door in my face. I was wondering what the fuck is going on? I went down to the Corner Bar and ordered a Beer. The guy said "I can sell you a Beer, but you can't drink it here". I started laughing and said "What the fuck is going on?" I told him the story of me trying to rent an Apartment. He told me "Have a seat". "Where are you from". I said "California". He said "Down here the Whites treat us bad, so we treat them the same way". I said "I thought it was just one way?" He said "No".

Here's the deal. You are coming off as accusing me of being the angry Black woman because I asked a question about racism. That is how I'm reading your post.

You keep insisting that I am angry when I'm not. I am trying to clarify the difference between racism and bigotry, you seem to keep ignoring that by calling me angry.

I understand it's a difficult subject when it come to white racism. But understand how I feel having to explain to a white person what racism is only to be called angry.

Again, I am not angry, I am simply asking "What acts of racism have you seen against whites from Black and brown people that put white people in prisons, deny them jobs, make laws against, oppress them, criminalize them, police them, brutalize them, etc"?

If all people are "racist" it should be a simple question to answer.

"the best way to end the racism that infects this society is knowledge"

I'm giving you some knowledge that you are refusing to listen to.

You have experienced bigotry and prejudices, I have acknowledged that in my previous post. But you or your people haven't experienced any real racism.

That is the knowledge that I am trying to share with you.
I guess I thought you were angry because I have never suggested in my posting with anyone here that indicated that I believe the institutionalization of prejudice in the USA harmed white people individually other than destroying their soul

I kinda thought you new that already

I now get that you intended it as an thought experiment

You my have intended no anger at me

but hey Im human

and if I think you are angry It will never be because of the color of your skin

It will be because you are human if it comes from me

Please believe that

Ive got to got

this has been awesome

lets keep it going
every human on the planet thinks of things that society has taught them about others when they see another human face

"she looks like my Mom"

"he looks like the man who hurt me"

Its a human thing

pre judging


that judging isn't always a bad thought.

its just a word

institutionalized racism is what America is dealing with

where the system allows these prejudices to negatively impact human lives in a demeaning and disenfranchising way

OK evince. There is one class of people in the US who are not being negatively impacted, demeaning, or disenfranchised by bigotry and prejudices. I'll leave it there.

Understanding is the greatest thing. We have lived by white society rules since we were brought here in slave ships. It's time we be heard. Opening your mind to that, would be a great start.

I hope you aren't taking offense to this REAL conversation. We need more of this, REAL TALK!
I answered an Ad in the paper about renting an Apartment. When I got there, the woman answered the door and I said "I'm here about the Apartment". She said "We don't rent to White people". I laughed and said "I think that is illegal". She looked at me and said "We don't rent to White people", then slammed the door in my face. I was wondering what the fuck is going on? I went down to the Corner Bar and ordered a Beer. The guy said "I can sell you a Beer, but you can't drink it here". I started laughing and said "What the fuck is going on?" I told him the story of me trying to rent an Apartment. He told me "Have a seat". "Where are you from". I said "California". He said "Down here the Whites treat us bad, so we treat them the same way". I said "I thought it was just one way?" He said "No".


I get it

the restaurant who refused me service was in a area where DAVID DUKE used to live in so cal

they had a recent flow of racist assholes moving in on them
I answered an Ad in the paper about renting an Apartment. When I got there, the woman answered the door and I said "I'm here about the Apartment". She said "We don't rent to White people". I laughed and said "I think that is illegal". She looked at me and said "We don't rent to White people", then slammed the door in my face. I was wondering what the fuck is going on? I went down to the Corner Bar and ordered a Beer. The guy said "I can sell you a Beer, but you can't drink it here". I started laughing and said "What the fuck is going on?" I told him the story of me trying to rent an Apartment. He told me "Have a seat". "Where are you from". I said "California". He said "Down here the Whites treat us bad, so we treat them the same way". I said "I thought it was just one way?" He said "No".

No one believes that story. And even if it were true, I bet Blacks weren't making laws to put those white folks in for profit prisons.
I guess I thought you were angry because I have never suggested in my posting with anyone here that indicated that I believe the institutionalization of prejudice in the USA harmed white people individually other than destroying their soul

I kinda thought you new that already

I now get that you intended it as an thought experiment

You my have intended no anger at me

but hey Im human

and if I think you are angry It will never be because of the color of your skin

It will be because you are human if it comes from me

Please believe that

Ive got to got

this has been awesome

lets keep it going

"the institutionalization of prejudice in the USA harmed white people individually other than destroying their soul"

is this another phrase for racism?

I don't understand?