When will we learn? - Pull out of Iraq NOW

"Umm we all have guns in this neck of the woods. come on down "

We have them here as well... you would never see me coming as I am a very sneaky bastard.... :hide:

We are petty used to sneaky bassids since bush has been in power.
come on down we will either invite you in to supper or shoot ya.
Well, he's a fine addition to the board, we'll just have to realize how he posts and take it as it is.
Even if it was short-lived it could still be found out there on the internet. People who largely agree with you politically are even pointing out that in this case there is no supporting evidence for your assertion. Not on BBC, not on Canada's, nor any of the other mainstream media outlets. It just isn't there.

I believe that you certainly believe you heard this story, but it certainly isn't, as you have suggested "common knowledge" as the current common knowledge states that you are incorrect, that your assertion is not accurate.

We have simply asked for more evidence than, Were it common knowledge I long since would have found the link and supplied it. I often do that so that the conversation can advance. In this case your link doesn't exist because this didn't happen.
I realize I shouldn't have referred to it as common knowlege since you donn't seem to know it. But that is the only place I was inaccurate. The fact that you can'yt find it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. IT DID. and I was thinking of checking it out myself, but NO, at this point, if I had the link in front of me, I wouldn't share it. Ref: your quote of what you THINK I said"--

"Well, I saw it on TV therefore it must be real and you should believe me."

is just plain crap. and yoiu should be ashamed. To paraphraseis---" I saw it on TV, and didn't imagine it.

I don't know why it is so hard for you to realize that whether you beleive it or not, is YOUR problem, rather than mine. and while I do care in a way. Your mistaken belief in your "superior" knowlege, (or lack of knowlege) is not my problem. it is yours. and sooner or later it will come out that I was right, and you were wrong. but I can wait.

In fact, it doesn't even matter if you later hear of it You are already wrong by deciding that if you can't find it, it didn't happen.
"We are petty used to sneaky bassids since bush has been in power.
come on down we will either invite you in to supper or shoot ya."

Seems fair enough. If I make it to the porch... dinner... if not, well it was worth the shot at some southern cookin.
doniston.... THAT is in and of itself the problem. Your insistance that it did happen. What the rest of us are trying to convey to you, is that there would be SOME trace of it happening if the vote took place. We have all looked and cannot find anything to substantiate your story. So you can hardly blame us for not believing it.

You have decided not to look for a source even though you are the only one who saw this on the news. The news that has apparently deleted the event from history
"We are petty used to sneaky bassids since bush has been in power.
come on down we will either invite you in to supper or shoot ya."

Seems fair enough. If I make it to the porch... dinner... if not, well it was worth the shot at some southern cookin.
LOL, I think you would be welcome, you seem about as crazy as we are.
If not we could shoot you after supper ?
"What I will not do is Imply someone else is wrong, or inply they are lying as both Superfreak and The person taged as "LADY" T have done) Simply because I haven't heard about it or witnessed it. "

The whole point Doniston... is not that I simply had not heard about it... it is that I can find absolutely no evidence whatsoever that such a vote took place. It is not as though such an event can be erased from history. There should be some mention of such a vote SOMEWHERE. The fact of the matter is... there is NO mention anywhere save from you. ANYWHERE.

Also, I was careful to say that you might have been "mistaken"... I did not imply you were lying. Now I am very clearly saying you are indeed wrong. No matter how many times you want to claim otherwise. If you have no evidence that such a vote took place, then you have nothing further to add to this topic.
Nosir, the whole thing is that you have decided that if you can't find it, it didn't happen. that is nonsense. and you know it. and your comments did insinuate that I kewnew my claim was wrong, hense and inplication that I was lying. "T" was more open about it she suggested I was bullshitting. And just for your information, being Elderly has nothing to do with it. The truth is the truth, regardles of the age of the teller.

Someone else on this forum said you were Cool, and I had to agree, before this stupid claim and allegation of yours. and thus you are not nearly as credible as I had once thought. "T" I had already recognized.
doniston... by that logic... then there ARE WMDs in Iraq. Because everyone said there were. The simple fact that no one has found them must therefore mean that they are indeed there???

You know as well as I do the ease with which information like that can be found on the internet. That SOME news organization would have printed it at some point. Yet NONE have a mention. Perhaps if you could let us know WHERE you heard it we could focus our search on that particular service (be it CNN, ABC, BBC or whatever).

By the way... the only "claim" thus far on this thread is yours. That this event occurred and was reported on. The rest of us are simply stating we can find no evidence to support your claim and YOU refuse to try to do so. Which is your right. But for you to get cranky when we question it and you is pretty childish on your part.... considering your lack of effort to help us in substantiating it.

Simply saying... it happened... it happened... is not enough to go on.

Do try to have a good night.
doniston... by that logic... then there ARE WMDs in Iraq. Because everyone said there were. The simple fact that no one has found them must therefore mean that they are indeed there???

You know as well as I do the ease with which information like that can be found on the internet. That SOME news organization would have printed it at some point. Yet NONE have a mention. Perhaps if you could let us know WHERE you heard it we could focus our search on that particular service (be it CNN, ABC, BBC or whatever).

By the way... the only "claim" thus far on this thread is yours. That this event occurred and was reported on. The rest of us are simply stating we can find no evidence to support your claim and YOU refuse to try to do so. Which is your right. But for you to get cranky when we question it and you is pretty childish on your part.... considering your lack of effort to help us in substantiating it.

Simply saying... it happened... it happened... is not enough to go on.

Do try to have a good night.
Now if you ahad taken that tack before instead if flat out saying it didn't happen because you couldn't find it, I might even have helped you find it. but instead, you did, and still maintain it didn't happen because you can't find record of it. And my only "Claim "was that it happened. and no one, no one, no one said you had to persue it.either.and if you check back on your own posts, you will find that you did indeed make the claim that the Iraqis "HADN'T" asked us to leave (or did you forget that???
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Now if you ahad taken that tack before instead if flat out saying it didn't happen because you couldn't find it, I might even have helped you find it. but instead, you did, and still maintain it didn't happen because you can't find record of it. And my only "Claim "was that it happened. and no one, no one, no one said you had to persue it.either.and if you check back on your own posts, you will find that you did indeed make the claim that the Iraqis "HADN'T" asked us to leave (or did you forget that???
Okay, here is the disconnect. It is Afghanistan that you said. We sought information on whether Afghanistan had asked us any such thing.
And it was you who said you were stopping.

I did stop asking you produce proof. I know you can't.

notsi said:
Now if you ahad taken that tack before instead if flat out saying it didn't happen because you couldn't find it, I might even have helped you find it.

You are full of shit.

This is what you said when he asked you reference your claim (and he was not rude about it one bit):

"regarding you next following post. The same is true, I don't usually keep links to common knowlege"

"Not my need, but rather your desire. sorry but it happened several weeks ago. It certainly was on the news at the time, and that in my book makes it common knowlege. (but I can't write "YOUR" book. )"
I have been laughing at this thread, because we used to have a poster, called swanmodule, or cyclofield (changed names) who also refused to provide links, ever, under any circumstances. And this is like a repeat of that. After a while, everyone just got used to him. He was a character. You can't have a message board, without characters.
I did stop asking you produce proof. I know you can't.

You are full of shit.

This is what you said when he asked you reference your claim (and he was not rude about it one bit):

"regarding you next following post. The same is true, I don't usually keep links to common knowlege"

"Not my need, but rather your desire. sorry but it happened several weeks ago. It certainly was on the news at the time, and that in my book makes it common knowlege. (but I can't write "YOUR" book. )"

nd you un-lady 'T" are full of obscenities, ---as your post just proved.
I have been laughing at this thread, because we used to have a poster, called swanmodule, or cyclofield (changed names) who also refused to provide links, ever, under any circumstances. And this is like a repeat of that. After a while, everyone just got used to him. He was a character. You can't have a message board, without characters.
Admittedly, I also am a Character. and I agree with you. it takes all kinds or it gets boring.
Yep I recall Iraq doing the vote thingy on us leaving, but not Afganistan which is the way I read the posts.

Of course it should not be a problem , bush has promised to leave if asked to many times.

nd you un-lady 'T" are full of obscenities, ---as your post just proved.

Well, if you're going to call me unlady, I'm going to call you notsi.

Pointing out the obvious (that I curse) still does nothing to substantiate your bogus claim.