When will we learn? - Pull out of Iraq NOW

That is a very strange "END" since youcontinue to harangue me for not doing as you wish. I have made my points. and I will continue ti address you but will refrain from telling you how to post, that is your business, as my ways, are mine. and your complaints fall on deaf ears.

Apparently not. You're still posting. :cof1:
Ya really need to take a break..take a deep breath..review what you said and the responses ya received...the internet is new to you,but for God's sake learn rather than keep on a keepin' on with whatever ya are trying to say...
I am really starting to get embarrassed for you..so just giving ya a little advice to think before ya respond...it will really help!
Battleharne, this Forum is the only thing about discussion forums which is new to me. I was part and party to the CNN forums a long time ago before theywent defunct. and I have been steadily on various forums for the past three years. You are as fill of crap about this as your are in the rest of your comments.
However, they are all correct that Afghanistan has had no vote to ask the US to leave. There are no news stories mainstream, or even non-mainstream that suggest such a vote ever took place.
All this talk of common knowledge...
Is that the knowledge of those people we think of as being "common" ?
Would that be knowing all the procedures at the welfare office ?
Knowing a bail bondsman on a first name basis ?
Knowing that Iraq was responsible for 911 ?
voting for Bush TWICE!
Things of that nature ?
However, they are all correct that Afghanistan has had no vote to ask the US to leave. There are no news stories mainstream, or even non-mainstream that suggest such a vote ever took place.

I find it very unusual that you folks maintain th idea that if you don't know about it, it didn't happen. well, the fact is, it did. the story was apparently very short lived, And discounted by the white house. but it did in fact happen, whether you want to beleive it or not.

And So now you sir have included yourself as the authority to end all authorities as to whether or not it happened?

To each of you I say this.: I am not infallable, and I do not know everything there is to know about everything (unlike you) but I will not report something happening unless I have been informed it has happened, or I have witnessed it on my own.

What I will not do is Imply someone else is wrong, or inply they are lying as both Superfreak and The person taged as "LADY" T have done) Simply because I haven't heard about it or witnessed it.

You people are simply miffed that I will not research old news to suit your fancies. I immagine I could find it if I felt it worth the effort. I DO NOT And I do not beleive I am breaking any rules by declining.

Beleive or don't beleive. Your choice to live with.
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I find it very unusual that you folks maintain th idea that if you don't know about it, it didn't happen. well, the fact is, it did. the story was apparently very short lived, And discounted by the white house. but it did in fact happen, whether you want to beleive it or not.

And So now you sir have included yourself as the authority to end all authorities as to whether or not it happened?

To each of you I say this.: I am not infallable, and I do not know everything there is to know about everything (unlike you) but I will not report something happening unless I have been informed it has happened, or I have witnessed it on my own.

What I will not do is Imply someone else is wrong, or inply they are lying as both Superfreak and The person taged as "LADY" T have done) Simply because I haven't heard about it or witnessed it.

You people are simply miffed that I will not research old news to suit your fancies. I immagine I could find it if I felt it worth the effort. I DO NOT And I do not beleive I am breaking any rules by declining.

Beleive or don't beleive. Your choice to live with.
Even if it was short-lived it could still be found out there on the internet. People who largely agree with you politically are even pointing out that in this case there is no supporting evidence for your assertion. Not on BBC, not on Canada's, nor any of the other mainstream media outlets. It just isn't there.

I believe that you certainly believe you heard this story, but it certainly isn't, as you have suggested "common knowledge" as the current common knowledge states that you are incorrect, that your assertion is not accurate.

We have simply asked for more evidence than, "Well, I saw it on TV therefore it must be real and you should believe me." Were it common knowledge I long since would have found the link and supplied it. I often do that so that the conversation can advance. In this case your link doesn't exist because this didn't happen.
I believe that you certainly believe you heard this story, but it certainly isn't, as you have suggested "common knowledge" as the current common knowledge states that you are incorrect, that your assertion is not accurate.

We just now know to take what he says with a grain of salt as it may be a result of his misremembering.

I'm actually amused by the whole thing to tell you the truth.
"What I will not do is Imply someone else is wrong, or inply they are lying as both Superfreak and The person taged as "LADY" T have done) Simply because I haven't heard about it or witnessed it. "

The whole point Doniston... is not that I simply had not heard about it... it is that I can find absolutely no evidence whatsoever that such a vote took place. It is not as though such an event can be erased from history. There should be some mention of such a vote SOMEWHERE. The fact of the matter is... there is NO mention anywhere save from you. ANYWHERE.

Also, I was careful to say that you might have been "mistaken"... I did not imply you were lying. Now I am very clearly saying you are indeed wrong. No matter how many times you want to claim otherwise. If you have no evidence that such a vote took place, then you have nothing further to add to this topic.
Tiana, I think we need to expand the WOC to include the elderly. :burn:

LOL, actually like the elderly. And quite frankly I can't wait until I'm old enough to say whatever I want to people with no remorse or second thought whatsoever.
"LOL, actually like the elderly."

Come ON!!!!

Think of how quickly we could fix Social Security and Medicare if we simply eliminated the elderly. We could then ship the kids to the former old folks homes and let them live lord of the fly style. THINK of the possibilities!!!

"LOL, actually like the elderly."

Come ON!!!!

Think of how quickly we could fix Social Security and Medicare if we simply eliminated the elderly. We could then ship the kids to the former old folks homes and let them live lord of the fly style. THINK of the possibilities!!!


You may be onto something.
"Good point as we get older we can get by with more crap."

All the more reason to come after you old fuddy duddies. Especially those of you who are wealthy southern land owners. :)
"Good point as we get older we can get by with more crap."

All the more reason to come after you old fuddy duddies. Especially those of you who are wealthy southern land owners. :)

Umm we all have guns in this neck of the woods. come on down :)

btw the way I am getting my money is by selling land. Still working on gettin a Cracker Barrell here. I would give them a real deal if they give me meal privilidges and my own table :)
On the elderly, I have said that if the repubs start up the draft they willonly draft those over 50. Think of the business boost on health ins costs and retirement monies saved...
"Umm we all have guns in this neck of the woods. come on down "

We have them here as well... you would never see me coming as I am a very sneaky bastard.... :hide: