When will we learn? - Pull out of Iraq NOW

Umm is the leaders from Vietnam visiting Bush in the WH yet ?
Nam apparently did not turn out like the cons said, so why trust em this time ?

I don't trust their predictions. They're always wrong.

Containment works. Remember when Libya was this huge terrorist threat to us? And Qaddaffi was a genocidal maniac, bent on attacking the US?

Well, we didn't have to invade and occupy him and libya. We contained them. And now, we're on decent terms with Qaddaffi and Libya.
"They have already asked us too,"

Um... NO they have not.... unless you have something that I have not seen. I was out of touch with the media all of last week, so if you have something to provide, please do so.
"That's where we differ. I think the US military should not be used for simply touchy feely moral obligations. They should have clear objectives with a tangible outcome for success and most notably an exit strategy."

I agree with the above... but an exit strategy does not mean setting specific dates for withdrawal. It is about achieving objectives.

"But then again, I'm not a con. I tend to be ruled by logic."

LMAO. please. You are "ruled by logic" only as long as the "logic" fits your beliefs.
"But I do know our military presence is not securing the country and its a waste of money time and lives."

Really? What do you base this knowledge on? The following disagrees with your opinion...


Great. An editorial from a war apologist.

Here's what this former CIA chief thinks:


"WASHINGTON (AFX) - The US should cut its losses, pull out of Iraq promptly and never again use its military might to build a nation according to its own values, former CIA chief John Deutch wrote in The New York Times. "

Bush's own church


"US President George W. Bush's own church has called for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and is urging direct action to end the war. "

Bill Richardson has an opinion on the matter too:


Man, who knew so many people had opinions on this. Thanks for the enlightenment.
Great. An editorial from a war apologist.

Here's what this former CIA chief thinks:


"WASHINGTON (AFX) - The US should cut its losses, pull out of Iraq promptly and never again use its military might to build a nation according to its own values, former CIA chief John Deutch wrote in The New York Times. "

Bush's own church


"US President George W. Bush's own church has called for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and is urging direct action to end the war. "

Bill Richardson has an opinion on the matter too:


Man, who knew so many people had opinions on this. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Tiana, the guy who pumps my gas has an opinion. I know this because he loves my bumper stickers, and never misses when I have a new one and always comments approvingly. Should I have him write something up? I can probably get it posted here by Thursday.
I agree with the above... but an exit strategy does not mean setting specific dates for withdrawal. It is about achieving objectives.

We achieved our objective: to dispose of Saddam. Time to go.

LMAO. please. You are "ruled by logic" only as long as the "logic" fits your beliefs.

Luckily most of my beliefs are logical. Although I may have to call them into question. I think I may have called you smart at one point.
Tiana, the guy who pumps my gas has an opinion. I know this because he loves my bumper stickers, and never misses when I have a new one and always comments approvingly. Should I have him write something up? I can probably get it posted here by Thursday.

Totally. If its in writing, it must be true.
The point Tiana was that it was from someone who had served in Iraq. Who had been there. Rather than an opinion of someone like you or I on a message board.
The point Tiana was that it was from someone who had served in Iraq. Who had been there. Rather than an opinion of someone like you or I on a message board.


Here's an entire group of vets so dedicated to getting us out of Iraq, they've called themselves "Iraq Veterans Against the War"


Now if a mere article sustantiates your claim, surely an entire website and group of vets that want us out trumps your editorial piece......no?

And here is a group of vets trying to explain why we need to stay and achieve success...
Great. An editorial from a war apologist.

Here's what this former CIA chief thinks:


"WASHINGTON (AFX) - The US should cut its losses, pull out of Iraq promptly and never again use its military might to build a nation according to its own values, former CIA chief John Deutch wrote in The New York Times. "

Bush's own church


"US President George W. Bush's own church has called for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and is urging direct action to end the war. "

Bill Richardson has an opinion on the matter too:


Man, who knew so many people had opinions on this. Thanks for the enlightenment.


Some NeoCon opinion-editorial writer that no one's ever heard of.


Tiana's list of top professional intelligence experts and diplomats.

The win goes to Tiana.

Great. So we've discovered google's a wonderful tool and can help each of find numerous opinions relating to "Iraqi Freedom". So glad we got that established.

How about you stop with the red herrings and get back on point my original assertion that we are wasting lives and money in Iraq. It hasn't been secured, soldiers and civilians are dying at alarming rates, and civil unrest has continued non stop since our invasion. Again, our military presence in Iraq is pointless.