When will we learn? - Pull out of Iraq NOW

You may call it "Lazy Debating if you wish, I call it conversation. I have tried to make it very clear "I DON'T DEBATE"

Would you rather call it "OLD NEWS"???

Well, that's fine. You don't debate and you don't site. I'll keep that in mind when you post.
"I don't keep track of sites which should be common knowlege"

The problem is that it WAS NOT common knowledge and I could not find a single site that stated that the Afghan government voted to ask us to leave the country. Thus the need for you to provide evidence to your claim.
"I don't keep track of sites which should be common knowlege"

The problem is that it WAS NOT common knowledge and I could not find a single site that stated that the Afghan government voted to ask us to leave the country. Thus the need for you to provide evidence to your claim.
Not my need, but rather your desire. sorry but it happened several weeks ago. It certainly was on the news at the time, and that in my book makes it common knowlege. (but I can't write "YOUR" book. )
I hadn't pegged doniston for a bull$hitter, but something stinks. I can't find it either. Even if I could, it still wouldn't be "common knowledge".

For your future reference doniston:

George Washington was our first president = common knowledge
Current Events from Non-Mainstream news sources <> common knowledge
doniston... common knowledge is something that should be easy to find. If a search of the internet turns up NO evidence of your claim, then it is not common knowledge....it is by definition "obscure". It could be that you are confused and are thinking about Iraq rather than Afghanistan. But you are incorrect in your statement that Afghanistan voted in that manner.
For Christ Sake....

You may call it "Lazy Debating if you wish, I call it conversation. I have tried to make it very clear "I DON'T DEBATE"

Would you rather call it "OLD NEWS"???

'Donny' wtf are you doing in forums if ya ' Don't Debate' this is not the 'Bingo Room' if ya make a comment ya must suffer the just reward...'Good,Bad and Ugly' just a fact of life!
It could be that you are confused and are thinking about Iraq rather than Afghanistan. But you are incorrect in your statement that Afghanistan voted in that manner.
I would doubt very much that you can even suggest that I was cinfused. in veiw of the fact that your read the following and then asked about it(I separated the two incidents quit clearly.)

(quote)The majority of the parliment voted for us to leave a few weeks ago, but the Bush administration said it wasn't valid because they (the boss man) hadn't officilly asked us to leave

appareently the parlement wasn't enough.

The same thing happened in Afganistan not a week later. but we are still there too.(unquote)

Note the emboldened portion.---- Now you may not beleive me, and On that I couldn';t care less, but it is hardly something you can rightfully claim that I am likely confused. that wouldn't make sense.
I hadn't pegged doniston for a bull$hitter, but something stinks. I can't find it either. Even if I could, it still wouldn't be "common knowledge".
The only thing that stinks is your own disbeleif. You are right the first time. I don't bullshitexect when I am Joking, and then I make certain that fact is known. If I say it happened, it did in fact happen. or I wouldn't have said it.

I am not required to prove it to you or anyone else. and when it is really immaterial, I will not go out of mu way to prove it. GOT IT??? If that doesn't suit your fancy (or un-fancy for theat matter) TOUGH Ti##y

For your future reference doniston:

George Washington was our first president = common knowledge
Current Events from Non-Mainstream news sources <> common knowledge
I don't need references to your personal opinion. Beleive as you will, and "DEFINE"as you will

However, in your second example, didn't you mean Mainstream rather than Non-mainstream???
'Donny' wtf are you doing in forums if ya ' Don't Debate' this is not the 'Bingo Room' if ya make a comment ya must suffer the just reward...'Good,Bad and Ugly' just a fact of life!
the way you post, you seem to think it is a Bingo room. and I answered your question in the post you just quoted ----Pay attention.

What just reward? that's funny. I didn't join this forum thinking it was a mutual admiration society. I give as well as I take. and you should know that, after all, you have already threatened me because of it.

The only thing that stinks is your own disbeleif. You are right the first time. I don't bullshitexect when I am Joking, and then I make certain that fact is known. If I say it happened, it did in fact happen. or I wouldn't have said it.

I am not required to prove it to you or anyone else. and when it is really immaterial, I will not go out of mu way to prove it. GOT IT??? If that doesn't suit your fancy (or un-fancy for theat matter) TOUGH Ti##y

I don't need references to your personal opinion. Beleive as you will, and "DEFINE"as you will

However, in your second example, didn't you mean Mainstream rather than Non-mainstream???

Ya really need to take a break..take a deep breath..review what you said and the responses ya received...the internet is new to you,but for God's sake learn rather than keep on a keepin' on with whatever ya are trying to say...
I am really starting to get embarrassed for you..so just giving ya a little advice to think before ya respond...it will really help!
"Note the emboldened portion.---- Now you may not beleive me, and On that I couldn';t care less, but it is hardly something you can rightfully claim that I am likely confused. that wouldn't make sense."

Easy Captain Senility.... I did not mean you were confused when typing it. Clearly you distinguished it there. I meant you may have THOUGHT you heard about that happening in Afghanistan and simply been mistaken. Perhaps you heard the story from two sources... both talking about Iraq, but you were confused and thought one was about Afghanistan.

As for not believing you. Of course I do not believe you. There is nothing and I do mean NOTHING on the net to indicate that you are correct. So either you are confused or you are an idiot. Because unless you can provide some type of evidence to the contrary.... IT DID NOT HAPPEN.
"If I say it happened, it did in fact happen."

ROFLMAO.... right.

Well just so you know... Elvis just left my office. Since I said so, it did in fact happen. :thup:
What..the 'King' just left...

"If I say it happened, it did in fact happen."

ROFLMAO.... right.

Well just so you know... Elvis just left my office. Since I said so, it did in fact happen. :thup:

How so very Rude...naw I like the 'Beach Boys',Righteous Brothers along with the 'Everly Brothers' for this era...along with 'Soul Music'...lol
The only thing that stinks is your own disbeleif. You are right the first time. I don't bullshitexect when I am Joking, and then I make certain that fact is known. If I say it happened, it did in fact happen. or I wouldn't have said it.

I am not required to prove it to you or anyone else. and when it is really immaterial, I will not go out of mu way to prove it. GOT IT??? If that doesn't suit your fancy (or un-fancy for theat matter) TOUGH Ti##y

I don't need references to your personal opinion. Beleive as you will, and "DEFINE"as you will

However, in your second example, didn't you mean Mainstream rather than Non-mainstream???

No one said you're REQUIRED to prove jack shit. If you want people to take your posts seriously and look at them as substantiated facts, expect to have to cite or reference something, particularly when no one can find anything remotely related to what you're saying.

Secondly, I don't need you or anyone else on this board to "suit my fancy". I'm doing you the favor and letting you know that you look rather foolish spouting off unsubstantiated "facts" that you claim is "common knowledge". If it were common knowledge you'd at least be able to point us to your source. But you can't. Dismissing SF and simply saying he doesn't have the same common knowledge of you is intellectually lazy. But you seem to be comfortable with that so quite frankly I don't give a fuck. And that my friend, suits my fancy.

Lastly, no one has asked you to cite your opinion nor has anyone on this board to the best of my knowledge been asked to give references for "opinions". If what you said is true and is in fact "common knowledge" it does not qualify as an opinion. Making your point mute.
No one said you're REQUIRED to prove jack shit. If you want people to take your posts seriously and look at them as substantiated facts, expect to have to cite or reference something, particularly when no one can find anything remotely related to what you're saying.

Secondly, I don't need you or anyone else on this board to "suit my fancy". I'm doing you the favor and letting you know that you look rather foolish spouting off unsubstantiated "facts" that you claim is "common knowledge". If it were common knowledge you'd at least be able to point us to your source. But you can't. Dismissing SF and simply saying he doesn't have the same common knowledge of you is intellectually lazy. But you seem to be comfortable with that so quite frankly I don't give a fuck. And that my friend, suits my fancy.

Lastly, no one has asked you to cite your opinion nor has anyone on this board to the best of my knowledge been asked to give references for "opinions". If what you said is true and is in fact "common knowledge" it does not qualify as an opinion. Making your point mute.
My MY MY, you think you are doing me a favor by citing your opinion, erroneois as it might be? You have looked rather obnoxious, but that didn't stip you. and thus yoiu certainly aren't the one to be giving advice. You have you nose out of joijt because I won't succumb to your desires (opinion wise, and guess what, if you expect me to, you have a long wait coming. I would suggest that you accept me for what I am, just as I must accept you for what you have proven to be, (or not to be as is really th case.

Let's stick to issues, whether either of us agrees with the other. and don't try to change me, (it won't work) as I won't try to change you. (that won't work eIther.) and I really don't give a cat's pattooty what you think. it is just conversation. If you don't like my methods. that's just tough.
My MY MY, you think you are doing me a favor by citing your opinion, erroneois as it might be? You have looked rather obnoxious, but that didn't stip you. and thus yoiu certainly aren't the one to be giving advice. You have you nose out of joijt because I won't succumb to your desires (opinion wise, and guess what, if you expect me to, you have a long wait coming. I would suggest that you accept me for what I am, just as I must accept you for what you have proven to be, (or not to be as is really th case.

Let's stick to issues, whether either of us agrees with the other. and don't try to change me, (it won't work) as I won't try to change you. (that won't work eIther.) and I really don't give a cat's pattooty what you think. it is just conversation. If you don't like my methods. that's just tough.

No. It didn't "stip" me.

My desires??!! Except you for who you are???

Excuse me.... but I plainly said.....hours ago..."Well, that's fine. You don't debate and you don't site. I'll keep that in mind when you post."

That was the end of it for me. I have no desire to make you cite something that obviously didn't happen. I personally don't care. I just know to dismiss anything you say as "fact" unless I learn otherwise. And I'm letting you know that if you do post "facts" that seem to spew from your ass on this board be prepared for people to call out your bullshit unless you can prove it.
That was the end of it for me. I have no desire to make you cite something that obviously didn't happen. I personally don't care. I just know to dismiss anything you say as "fact" unless I learn otherwise. And I'm letting you know that if you do post "facts" that seem to spew from your ass on this board be prepared for people to call out your bullshit unless you can prove it.
That is a very strange "END" since youcontinue to harangue me for not doing as you wish. I have made my points. and I will continue ti address you but will refrain from telling you how to post, that is your business, as my ways, are mine. and your complaints fall on deaf ears.