When will we learn? - Pull out of Iraq NOW

hmmm... Cypress.... let's think about it...

A "former" CIA chief who bungled the intel on Iraq to begin with....

A "Commondreams" sourcing.....

Bill Richardson I like, respect and would vote for, but I will go with vets opinions on the situation over there over his.

Her site to the vets against the war is a far better sourcing than ex-CIA people or politicians.... and most certainly better than a commondreams sourcing.
"How about you stop with the red herrings and get back on point my original assertion that we are wasting lives and money in Iraq."

It wasn't a red herring.... it was to show you a different perspective from people that had actually been to Iraq.

"It hasn't been secured, soldiers and civilians are dying at alarming rates, and civil unrest has continued non stop since our invasion. Again, our military presence in Iraq is pointless."

Then why does the Iraqi government not ask us to simply leave if we are such a problem and not helping at all?

If you think that the civilian and soldiers dying is going to decrease with our withdrawal, then you have a valid point. But if it increases as a result then your point is moot.
"They have already asked us too,"

Um... NO they have not.... unless you have something that I have not seen. I was out of touch with the media all of last week, so if you have something to provide, please do so.
The majortityof the parliment voted for us to leave a few weeks ago, but the Bush administration said it wasn't valid because they (the boss man) hadn't officilly asked us to leave

appareently the parlement wasn't enough.

The same thing happened in Afganistan not a week later. but we are still there too.
doniston... I thought they voted to ensure that the UN mandate could not be extended without their approval??? Which is not the same thing as asking for us to leave. The vote prior to that fell just short of passing. That was the one that asked us to leave. I could be recalling this incorrectly, so if you have a link that says otherwise, I would be interested.
"So he is one Gung Ho opinion in a field of disentors. So what??? He had a good experience. Good for him, but what about all the ones who didn't??/and this first Luie knows more that the Generals???"

Keep reading the thread... we already covered this....
doniston... I thought they voted to ensure that the UN mandate could not be extended without their approval??? Which is not the same thing as asking for us to leave. The vote prior to that fell just short of passing. That was the one that asked us to leave. I could be recalling this incorrectly, so if you have a link that says otherwise, I would be interested.
Unlike a lot of folks who are adicts to the forum. I don't keep links to news items. instead I remember them. As for Iraq. true, the first vote was narrowly defeated. the second (apparently not the one you recall ) was strongly approved. ( and I DO remember the vote you are referring to. it was wthe first and second votes on withdrawal.)

regarding you next following post. The same is true, I don't usually keep links to common knowlege
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BTY SUPERFREAK Did we lock horns on another forum a couple of years ago, or was that a different Superfreak? Just curious, but you seem quite simiilar.
doniston... I thought they voted to ensure that the UN mandate could not be extended without their approval??? Which is not the same thing as asking for us to leave. The vote prior to that fell just short of passing. That was the one that asked us to leave. I could be recalling this incorrectly, so if you have a link that says otherwise, I would be interested.


"BAGHDAD, May 10 -- A majority of members of Iraq's parliament have signed a draft bill that would require a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Iraq and freeze current troop levels."

They do want a timetable though. Which smacks Bush's "surge" request right in the face.

"BAGHDAD, May 10 -- A majority of members of Iraq's parliament have signed a draft bill that would require a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Iraq and freeze current troop levels."

They do want a timetable though. Which smacks Bush's "surge" request right in the face.
The only way that they can get out of there would be to train enough Iraqis to replace them. The surge is designed first to clean certain areas, then to train them more quickly. It actually is what will get done what they request.
regarding you next following post. The same is true, I don't usually keep links to common knowlege

That's called lazy debating. If what you say is true you should at least be able to cite where you got the information from. And to be fair to SF, that's not what I'd consider "common knowledge".
"BAGHDAD, May 10 -- A majority of members of Iraq's parliament have signed a draft bill that would require a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Iraq and freeze current troop levels."

Key word here... "draft" bill. Something they are working on. Not something that has been presented to their President to sign into law or be made into a formal request.

"They do want a timetable though. Which smacks Bush's "surge" request right in the face."

Not really. For the reasons Damo already suggested. If the surge helps to create an environment where the Iraqi troops can be trained more efficiently (and without as much attrition due to attacks upon them) then the surge may actually help escalate the departure and thus be necessary.
"BTY SUPERFREAK Did we lock horns on another forum a couple of years ago, or was that a different Superfreak? Just curious, but you seem quite simiilar."

Depends. I was on politcs.com for several years, then this site and SRs site more recently.
"to 41% it is common knowledge that Iraq was behind 911."

The more I see stuff like this, the more I think 80% of our population is made up of morons. 40% on the right, 40% on the left.... just believe whatever their party tells them to. Then there is 20% in the middle that is trying to figure out a way to get rid of the 80%. :D
The only way that they can get out of there would be to train enough Iraqis to replace them.
That's the problem, we have been training them for four years, but the training doesn't "TAKE" and apparently it will NEVER take.
That's called lazy debating. If what you say is true you should at least be able to cite where you got the information from. And to be fair to SF, that's not what I'd consider "common knowledge".

You may call it "Lazy Debating if you wish, I call it conversation. I have tried to make it very clear "I DON'T DEBATE"

Would you rather call it "OLD NEWS"???
"BTY SUPERFREAK Did we lock horns on another forum a couple of years ago, or was that a different Superfreak? Just curious, but you seem quite simiilar."

Depends. I was on politcs.com for several years, then this site and SRs site more recently.
Nope, this was on PRO AMERICA (Must have been three other people) HEH HEH
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