Where Do Confederate Monuments Go After They Come Down?

LV426;2529479[B said:
]While not articulate, it is at least coherent.[/B]

What's not coherent is defending Confederate monuments by invoking the Constitution.

Is that even possible? What does the Constitution have to do with Gettysburg Military Park and Museum?
The Confederates specifically rejected the Constitution you are pretending to care about here.

So you are standing up for the Constitution by defending monuments to traitors who renounced it?

I'm standing up for the Constitution the northern aggressors had torn up. Depends on how you look at it.
While not articulate, it is at least coherent.

What's not coherent is defending Confederate monuments by invoking the Constitution.

Well, let's not forget, that CFM supports, honors and celebrates treason

It helps him forget about his pathological, rabid self-hatred.

Those statues are like fetishistic, masturabatory totems to some people, bitter at the lack of success they've had in life, the poor decisions they made that got them there and have to live with them.
Is that even possible? What does the Constitution have to do with Gettysburg Military Park and Museum?

Nothing. Which is exactly my point.

It's the UNITED STATES military park and museum, not the CONFEDERATE STATES military park & museum. No Confederates fought for the United States in the Civil War. They were traitors. So monuments to them are pointless on US national land. We don't have a Monument to Imperial Japan at Pearl Harbor.

Nothing is lost if memorials and monuments to Confederates are removed. Everyone still knows who lost the Civil War.
Well, let's not forget, that CFM supports, honors and celebrates treason
It helps him forget about his pathological, rabid self-hatred.
Those statues are like fetishistic, masturabatory totems to some people, bitter at the lack of success they've had in life, the poor decisions they made that got them there and have to live with them.

Totally agree.

The statues are participation trophies for losers.

Time to stop coddling babies; tear them down. All of them. Then use whatever's left over to build monuments to all the black people murdered by law enforcement.
Totally agree.

The statues are participation trophies for losers.

Time to stop coddling babies; tear them down. All of them. Then use whatever's left over to build monuments to all the black people murdered by law enforcement.

Sad that CFM and other inbred clowns hate the US so much, spitting on the very system that has allowed them to live life on gov't assistance likely their entire lives.

Tear them down and put up statues of the Obamas in towns around the South, just for shits n' giggles.
What's so sad about you is that you have to resort to changing what people say, just so you can feel better about yourself.

His pathological self-hatred has been on full display lately.

The other day he stood on his tippy toes, puffed out his chest and chirped that he called the police on me for something he wishes I posted.

I think you're right about him being an incel.

He's obsessed with sex with women, something he's never had and never will have, so that becomes a twisted projection on his part of rabid cocklust.

No they didn't.

It was you guys who tore up the Constitution, then you wrote a brand new one.

You guys? Are you saying I'm 153 years old.

That sounds like the reparations argument by blacks that never were slaves wanting something paid for by whites that never owned them.
What's so sad about you is that you have to resort to changing what people say, just so you can feel better about yourself.

You mean like Character Assassin and all his talk about eating shit? Sounds like he's projecting to me.
You mean like Character Assassin and all his talk about eating shit? Sounds like he's projecting to me.

Awwwwww.... you can't take what you first started dishing out. Why don't you call the popo, honey?

Why do you fantasize about sucking Obama off?