Where I'm going to college

Eh? When did I ever do any of that?

I thought it was just a bit disgusting, a 55 year old talking so much about sex. Then you'd say things like "I know more about your penis..." and I was just like "WHOAH! Old lady, that's irrelevant to a political discussion!" It creeps me out when Doniston does it now. I know, I'm ageist and stuff...
When Doniston does what????? please enlighten me.
Feel beter now? HEH HEH Yah, I know it's a response.

Oh, look Dirty old man and two times a liar. Or are you going senile on us again:

donistan said:
You may say what you will, and I won't respond, this time.

Say what you will about me, but at least I'm honest. I knew you couldn't resist responding to me though.
Yah, I know it is a response)
Oh, look Dirty old man and two times a liar. Or are you going senile on us again:

Say what you will about me, but at least I'm honest. I knew you couldn't resist responding to me though.
Look madam idiot, a Lie is only a lie when it is intentional. At the time I said it I had no intention of responding at all. But with your untrue and excessive tirade, I felt I had no choice. I may have broken my word, but I did not lie. or don't you know the difference. My mistake was thinking you might be at least reasonable enought not to intentionally stir the pot. I was wrong. But had I not known what I was doing when I responded, I would not have said (Yah, I know it was a response) I have no doubt you knew that, but it is apparent you don't WANT to stop this disparagement

I do, but I don't think you do.
Yah, I know it is a response) Look madam idiot, a Lie is only a lie when it is intentional. At the time I said it I had no intention of responding at all. But with your untrue and excessive tirade, I felt I had no choice. I may have broken my word, but I did not lie. or don't you know the difference. My mistake was thinking you might be at least reasonable enought not to intentionally stir the pot. I was wrong. But had I not known what I was doing when I responded, I would not have said (Yah, I know it was a response) I have no doubt you knew that, but it is apparent you don't WANT to stop this disparage

I do, but I don't think you do.

You can call me an idiot all you'd like. Bottom line you lied and broke your word at the same time. You're in no position to cast judgement on people's character. You've proven time and time again over the last few weeks that you can't be trusted on your word because it means nothing to you. Very remniscent of Bush. If you were half the man you think you are you'd keep your word. Suprising that in all these years you've never learned that staying true and consistent to what you say is the key to your character. I guess you weren't raised that way.

But continue on to lie. I really expect so little of you. Tell me, have the Afghans had another vote this week?
You can call me an idiot all you'd like. Bottom line you lied and broke your word at the same time. You're in no position to cast judgement on people's character. You've proven time and time again over the last few weeks that you can't be trusted on your word because it means nothing to you. Very remniscent of Bush. If you were half the man you think you are you'd keep your word. Suprising that in all these years you've never learned that staying true and consistent to what you say is the key to your character. I guess you weren't raised that way.

But continue on to lie. I really expect so little of you. Tell me, have the Afghans had another vote this week?

OH get off of it. Your opinion means nothing to me. You've proven what you aren't
Why in the hell are you posting everything twice!? Can't you master the edit button? Try deleting your double posts.

Oh, I'm off it. I think you've been exposed for the liar you are and no one can take what you say at face value.

But if you're going to continue to besmirch my image and follow me around like the little love sick puppy you've become, I'm going to be on you like white on rice. Get used to it or shut the fvck up.
You thought I was the most obnoxious person in the world? Did you read your own posts? You, and those two idiots Dano and armyman were ridiculous. That board suffered from too much male testosterone. It was as if, you all thought, oh look, here's a girl posting and she's new, let's see if she can be intimidated. A "lady" as so defined, would have packed up her hankerchief and ran home for her smelling salts.

And I'll tell you, there wasn't one among you who acted like a "gentelman" as so defined. But to me? You were just boys whose possession of a penis went to your heads. And you survived it and lived to complain about it, didn't you?

Why in the hell are you posting everything twice!? Can't you master the edit button? Try deleting your double posts.

Oh, I'm off it. I think you've been exposed for the liar you are and no one can take what you say at face value.

But if you're going to continue to besmirch my image and follow me around like the little love sick puppy you've become, I'm going to be on you like white on rice. Get used to it or shut the fvck up.
HEH HEH ?????????????????????????????????no further comment.
I didn't think so.
Now how can anuyone take you Jackassedness seriously? (or is that Jennyedness ??since you claim to be female.) You want to continue this? "Your choice "

I tried to bring it to an end. But you keep trying to pile on. Looks like it is you who has a fixation, not I. And I have come to throughly dislike you. That puts you in the wonderous company of BB doesn't it.
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Now how can anuyone take you Jackassedness seriously? (or is that Jennyedness ??since you claim to be female.) You want to continue this? "Your choice "

I tried to bring it to an end. But you keep trying to pile on. Looks like it is you who has a fixation, not I. And I have come to throughly dislike you. That puts you in the wonderous company of BB doesn't it.

LMAO @ ol' timer. My jackassedness?! You're the one who feels the insatiable need to follow me around and obsess over whether or not what I say is Ladylike. Had you been the gentleman you think you are we wouldn't be having this conversation. However, being the stubborn jackass that you are, we are. Scroll back a few threads......YOU'RE the one that started to engage me. If you wish to end it, why don't you keep your word stop commenting on it? But we both know that won't happen. We both know you're obsessed with my lady-likeness and will continue stalk my posts and rather than debate the issue at hand you'll weasle out like the intellectually lazy pissant you are and comment on the verbiage rather than the content post. I've got your number old timer.
LMAO @ ol' timer. My jackassedness?! You're the one who feels the insatiable need to follow me around and obsess over whether or not what I say is Ladylike. Had you been the gentleman you think you are we wouldn't be having this conversation. However, being the stubborn jackass that you are, we are. Scroll back a few threads......YOU'RE the one that started to engage me. If you wish to end it, why don't you keep your word stop commenting on it? But we both know that won't happen. We both know you're obsessed with my lady-likeness and will continue stalk my posts and rather than debate the issue at hand you'll weasle out like the intellectually lazy pissant you are and comment on the verbiage rather than the content post. I've got your number old timer.
And you have a humungus false ego. or you wouldn't beleive that. and I'm sure most of the forum sees right thru you. you're no more than a festered pimple on good womans butt.
Now how can anuyone take you Jackassedness seriously? (or is that Jennyedness ??since you claim to be female.) You want to continue this? "Your choice "

I tried to bring it to an end. But you keep trying to pile on. Looks like it is you who has a fixation, not I. And I have come to throughly dislike you. That puts you in the wonderous company of BB doesn't it.[/QUOTE]

I think I like Lady T now...we are both disliked by donny..never mind misery loves company...or something like that...***sneaks off into the sunset***

And you have a humungus false ego. or you wouldn't beleive that. and I'm sure most of the forum sees right thru you. you're no more than a festered pimple on good womans butt.

Actually I wouldn't believe that if you didn't take the time to obsess over me and call me childish names. But the truth is, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist me. Can't keep away huh? This is obviously one pimple you can't get enough of. Take it in! Luxuriate in my attention. I don't blame you ol' timer.
Now how can anuyone take you Jackassedness seriously? (or is that Jennyedness ??since you claim to be female.) You want to continue this? "Your choice "

I tried to bring it to an end. But you keep trying to pile on. Looks like it is you who has a fixation, not I. And I have come to throughly dislike you. That puts you in the wonderous company of BB doesn't it.[/QUOTE]

I think I like Lady T now...we are both disliked by donny..never mind misery loves company...or something like that...***sneaks off into the sunset***

Good for you, a Jenny and a Jackass.
Actually I wouldn't believe that if you didn't take the time to obsess over me and call me childish names. But the truth is, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist me. Can't keep away huh? This is obviously one pimple you can't get enough of. Take it in! Luxuriate in my attention. I don't blame you ol' timer.
Dream on.