Where is Jade Dragon?

Ages 13+ may use YMCA facilities without adult supervision, unless posted otherwise. Children ages 10–12 may use designated areas of the facility provided their parent/guardian is on the premises and they have completed a facility orientation with their parent/guardian.

You just opened the door. I mentioned nothing about children in my post. You have a filthy mind, Havana loon.
12b is the Toxic Twats' favorite way to try to get rid of a poster they don't like.

Sometimes they get caught in the trap that they set.

consider this. If I say to a member that they are unamerican because they eat shit, does that mean I am talking to children because they live in america?

I don't think so.

See how that works?
Sometimes they get caught in the trap that they set.

consider this. If I say to a member that they are unamerican because they eat shit, does that mean I am talking to children because they live in america?

I don't think so.

See how that works?

What about when you join with another JPP poster to make fun of someone who went to Catholic schools as a kid and discuss how all that "kneeling" as a child affected her? Nasty insinuation there.
What about when you join with another JPP poster to make fun of someone who went to Catholic schools as a kid and discuss how all that "kneeling" as a child affected her? Nasty insinuation there.

Yes but it was in present tense about the past. That was about evolution and not about which you imply. Stay with the subject. You are guided by your hallucinations and prejudiced mind, chubby checker.