Wheres Cawacko?

Doesn't matter to me. I don't have a dog in that fight. I didn't attend either school. Though I did work for almost 3 years as a research assistant at OSU graduate school of Ceramic Engineering/Materials Science which was rated #3 nationally in that discipline behind Alfred University and U. Ill. Quite an achievement considering I didn't have a graduate degree, at the time and my undergraduate degree was a BA in human biology. Ended up going to small private schools for graduate work. I learned more in one year at Palmer college than I did in four years at State U.

I think much of the ado about rankings is so much about nothing. I think the accreditation of the school you attend, the curriculum you study and the elbow grease you put into your studies are far more significant. I've known an idiot who graduated from Princeton, a millionaire business man who was a high school drop out and a very successful attorney who never went to college. He earned his law license the old fashioned way. He went from High School to reading law as a clerk at a law firm where it took him 6 years of work and study before he attempted the bar exam and passed it on his first try. Don't know if that's still possible today but it was in my fathers generation.

Take accreditation. All the State Universities and the top tier private schools in the upper midwest have Great Lakes Regional Accreditation. Does that mean that all the schools have the same educational opportunities. Of course it doesn't. But it does mean that the academic standards in the class room are virtually the same.

Then there's curriculum. A BS in Chemical Engineering from State U is more significant in the marketplace than a communications degree from North Western or Michigan.

Then there's hard work, talent and ability. Sure, having a degree from top tier school may open more doors for you but once you walk through that door....no one gives a rats ass where you went to school. It's all about performing and what have you done for me lately. Same if your an entrepreneur. It's doubtful that your investors and customers care where you wen t to school. They probably care a great deal more about your product/service, business model and performance in the market.

Same with professionals. Ever ask your Physician or P.E. or Lawyer where they went to school or what their GPA was?

Michigan's a great school and it's across almost every department. Saying your dumb kid went to Michigan and your smart one (sic) went to OSU is well, dumb. I just don't see how a Michigan alum could possibly be offended by that. Just say your smart kid quit school after high school, it makes as much sense
Michigan's a great school and it's across almost every department. Saying your dumb kid went to Michigan and your smart one (sic) went to OSU is well, dumb. I just don't see how a Michigan alum could possibly be offended by that. Just say your smart kid quit school after high school, it makes as much sense
What? Concede that to that party school up North? Never! LOL

If you need someone to stick a hand in a cow or grow some corn get an MSU man.
If you need someone to sweep your floor get a michigan man.
If you need someone to water your plants (or is it be watered like a plant?) get a USC man.
What? Concede that to that party school up North? Never! LOL

If you need someone to stick a hand in a cow or grow some corn get an MSU man.
If you need someone to sweep your floor get a michigan man.
If you need someone to water your plants (or is it be watered like a plant?) get a USC man.

And if you want a degree you aren't able to read, go to Ohio!