Which Bathroom Does This Person Have To Use?

Um she identifies as a woman that she was born as, dumbass.

dumbasses are morons who think one can self identify contrary to their biological sex and don't know what restroom to use. I wish you could be less of a repugnant, low IQ, thread trolling moron. Really I do. :palm:
I cannot help you if you cannot understand the topic. Others do understand in my thread and they responded accordingly.

Translation; you don't have the slightest clue of what point you are trying to make. Thanks for once again illustrating what a thread trolling dumb fuck looks like. :thumbsup:
Translation; you don't have the slightest clue of what point you are trying to make. Thanks for once again illustrating what a thread trolling dumb fuck looks like. :thumbsup:

Oh brother.

Let me try this one. Maybe it'll get through your thick head. One man thought a woman was a man so he followed her into a bathroom, harassing her. And he videoed it!

So you see, the transgender nonsense is what making people go full retard.
Oh brother.

Let me try this one. Maybe it'll get through your thick head. One man thought a woman was a man so he followed her into a bathroom, harassing her. And he videoed it!

And we were supposed to PRESUME this from your thread? Are you mentally ill? :palm:

So you see, the transgender nonsense is what making people go full retard.

So you believe transgender is nonsense? The only person going full retard here is you and your little butt pal LyingVagina426. :palm: