Which Bathroom Does This Person Have To Use?

How about the many millions of women who will returned to medieval oppression in Afghanistan yet again? That and the stone cold certainty that it will resume its role as terrorist central, whilst the Chinese plunder the country of resources.

Their medieval oppression under the patriarchy is a human rights problem. Those men have to be brought into the 21st century.
I didn't even notice the date on the DM article. Here's one from December 2020, it appears she was finally diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. However when I got into the hyperlinks, everything is still from 2016. https://people.com/bodies/woman-decides-to-let-her-beard-grow-freely-after-26-years-of-shaving/

I disagree that the left has a toilet obsession; in most of the posts and articles I've read, it's the right who complain about who uses which bathroom. If you read some of the comments here from other threads, the complaints fall along the line of "would you want this (male-to-female) person to use the same bathroom as your little girl?" Rarely do they mention the opposite, "would you want this (female-to-male) person to use the same bathroom as your little boy?"

What's strange is that I have never heard of them complaining about the priests using the men's bathrooms.
I didn't even notice the date on the DM article. Here's one from December 2020, it appears she was finally diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. However when I got into the hyperlinks, everything is still from 2016. https://people.com/bodies/woman-decides-to-let-her-beard-grow-freely-after-26-years-of-shaving/

I disagree that the left has a toilet obsession; in most of the posts and articles I've read, it's the right who complain about who uses which bathroom. If you read some of the comments here from other threads, the complaints fall along the line of "would you want this (male-to-female) person to use the same bathroom as your little girl?" Rarely do they mention the opposite, "would you want this (female-to-male) person to use the same bathroom as your little boy?"

Looks like she doesn't care anymore, in fact she now enters beard competitions and wins.

What a load of bullshit, I doubt that a priest has ever gone into a public toilet wearing a cassock ffs!

Around here I haven't seen a priest in a cassock around stores, gas stations, movies or doing daily errands, etc. for ages. Some wear collars but even that's rare.
Around here I haven't seen a priest in a cassock around stores, gas stations, movies or doing daily errands, etc. for ages. Some wear collars but even that's rare.

Exactly, how would you even know they are priests? They might wear collars but most probably not these days. I bet APL has a fish tank full of red herrings!
She thinks you're that Polish guy that lives in NY who had several name changes.

This poster sounds like he has quite a backstory. I've never been to Poland, but it seems like it has a relatively nice culture. Granted, is this guy actually from Poland or just of Polish descent?
This poster sounds like he has quite a backstory. I've never been to Poland, but it seems like it has a relatively nice culture. Granted, is this guy actually from Poland or just of Polish descent?

He hadn't either but was planning on going. In the 90s I went there many times on business, it was fascinating seeing Warszawa and Łódź emerging from under the Communist yoke. I loved the way they used part of the old party HQ for the stock exchange!
The same one as you.