Which Bathroom Does This Person Have To Use?

Which Bathroom Does This Person Have To Use?

I'm thinking the closest Ladies Restroom to the Freak SHOW on the MIDWAY!

But that's just me!
I don't buy this story, if there is an hormone imbalance Then why can't she have treatment for it.


This is what she said in one of your favorite rags. I wouldn't be surprised if it's too expensive to treat and she doesn't have insurance.

‘My mum was supportive enough and took me to see a doctor and I was placed on birth control pills and other medication but it wasn’t really effective.’

While she hasn’t been officially diagnosed, Rose believes her hairiness is due to a combination of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and genetics."

This is what she said in one of your favorite rags. I wouldn't be surprised if it's too expensive to treat and she doesn't have insurance.

‘My mum was supportive enough and took me to see a doctor and I was placed on birth control pills and other medication but it wasn’t really effective.’

While she hasn’t been officially diagnosed, Rose believes her hairiness is due to a combination of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and genetics."

It’s sad he is so insensitive.
This is what she said in one of your favorite rags. I wouldn't be surprised if it's too expensive to treat and she doesn't have insurance.

‘My mum was supportive enough and took me to see a doctor and I was placed on birth control pills and other medication but it wasn’t really effective.’

While she hasn’t been officially diagnosed, Rose believes her hairiness is due to a combination of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and genetics."


Have you got something newer than five years ago? That article I posted from the NHS says that gaining weight can trigger that condition. I truly cannot for the life of me understand why the Left is so obsessed with toilets anyway.
It’s sad he is so insensitive.

How about the many millions of women who will returned to medieval oppression in Afghanistan yet again? That and the stone cold certainty that it will resume its role as terrorist central, whilst the Chinese plunder the country of resources.
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Have you got something newer than five years ago? That article I posted from the NHS says that gaining weight can trigger that condition. I truly cannot for the life of me understand why the Left is so obsessed with toilets anyway.

I didn't even notice the date on the DM article. Here's one from December 2020, it appears she was finally diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. However when I got into the hyperlinks, everything is still from 2016. https://people.com/bodies/woman-decides-to-let-her-beard-grow-freely-after-26-years-of-shaving/

I disagree that the left has a toilet obsession; in most of the posts and articles I've read, it's the right who complain about who uses which bathroom. If you read some of the comments here from other threads, the complaints fall along the line of "would you want this (male-to-female) person to use the same bathroom as your little girl?" Rarely do they mention the opposite, "would you want this (female-to-male) person to use the same bathroom as your little boy?"