Which do you vote for?

I don't so much vote against the Right as I vote for what might make my country or my location better. My wife and I have no kids and never will at this point but when ballot measures come up that would increase our property taxes to pay for better schools we always vote in favor of that. Because we want better educated people. We vote to increase taxes on ourselves so that the commonweal will be improved.

But I get your drift. If you don't actually believe in improving anything then throwing your vote away solely to "own the libs" is probably as good a reason as any.

You do know, that there is ZERO correlation between how much money a school gets and the student learning and outcomes don't you?

I asked our last state Superintendent of Education, Kathy Hoffman (a Democrat and union hack), on more than one occasion, right to her face about the massive spending increases she wanted, "How are you going to quantitively measure improvement in those schools from that increase and what will you do if they don't improve?"

Got deer in the headlights each time. Her best stammered answer was that you couldn't make good quantitative measures of student success. I then followed up with, "Then why should I vote for increased funding? Any other business, and education is a business, can objectively and quantitatively measure their success, why can't educators?"

More deer in the headlights.

I guess George Bernard Shaw was right...


Maybe we need new teachers who can...
You do know, that there is ZERO correlation between how much money a school gets and the student learning and outcomes don't you?

I asked our last state Superintendent of Education, Kathy Hoffman (a Democrat and union hack), on more than one occasion, right to her face about the massive spending increases she wanted, "How are you going to quantitively measure improvement in those schools from that increase and what will you do if they don't improve?"

Got deer in the headlights each time. Her best stammered answer was that you couldn't make good quantitative measures of student success. I then followed up with, "Then why should I vote for increased funding? Any other business, and education is a business, can objectively and quantitatively measure their success, why can't educators?"

More deer in the headlights.

I guess George Bernard Shaw was right...


Maybe we need new teachers who can...

Amazing you think you are well educated. All you do is whine about hating leftists.
A question for the board:

Which is your primary motivator for voting someone into office, party, policy, or personality? That is, do you vote for someone because of the party they're affiliated with regardless of the person, or do you vote for the policies that person would enact or follow while in office, or lastly do you vote for the person that you find most agreeable and likeable?

Personally, I vote policy. My primary measure of that is does a candidate support Leftist policies or positions. If so, I vote against them. That isn't to say I vote Conservative, but rather against the Left. This might be summed up as I oppose the Left and would rather have almost any other political position on the spectrum in office than a Leftist. My rationale for that is that the Left, historically, has been the single most destructive political force for centuries. They eventually destroy everything they touch. There is no good to come from a Leftist government--NONE.

What about you?

For the past few decades, I look for reasons not to vote someone. The always leaves out the Democrats. Since 2012, that left out the Republicans.

I think it's very important for every American to not only vote but vote their conscience. Although the Republican Party started deteriorating by attacking vets in 2000, after 2012, I could no longer keep voting for them in good conscience. The Libertarian Party was my next best option.
For the past few decades, I look for reasons not to vote someone. The always leaves out the Democrats. Since 2012, that left out the Republicans.

I think it's very important for every American to not only vote but vote their conscience. Although the Republican Party started deteriorating by attacking vets in 2000, after 2012, I could no longer keep voting for them in good conscience. The Libertarian Party was my next best option.

At least you have a reasonable and logical set of reasons, unlike many here...
At least you have a reasonable and logical set of reasons, unlike many here...

LWers tend to be emotional, hence the "Bleeding Hearts" tag. The "Mother" party. Republicans used to be more stoic, more reasoned and logical. The "Father" party. Now Republicans are as emotional as Democrats.

The Libertarian Party isn't perfect, but if more reasoned people came over from the major parties, it could be better.

With good reason. History shows their destructiveness.
