Which do you vote for?

The Kim Jong family

It isn't conservative on the Right policies that are caving in states and cities across America today. The Left is running most larger cities and many blue states, and they're driving them right into the ground.
Interesting revisionist history list, Terry.

Do you really think the GI's in Europe or the Marines in the Pacific considered Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo as Lefties, Terry? Is that the way you learned it though all your schooling?

Your fear of half of America, including your female ancestors, is a curiosity to see in a man of your advanced years and education. Were you always this way or did you change along the way? In the service? After?

For myself, I was characterized as more like Attila the Hun in my youth. I became more moderate as I aged and experienced life, including the loss of friends.
Interesting revisionist history list, Terry.

Do you really think the GI's in Europe or the Marines in the Pacific considered Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo as Lefties, Terry? Is that the way you learned it though all your schooling?

Your fear of half of America, including your female ancestors, is a curiosity to see in a man of your advanced years and education. Were you always this way or did you change along the way? In the service? After?

For myself, I was characterized as more like Attila the Hun in my youth. I became more moderate as I aged and experienced life, including the loss of friends.

No, they considered them assholes that were fucking up their lives by forcing them to fight a war.

You're dodging, Terry. You and I both know that's wrong for a man to do.

That's the truth. The average GI, sailor, whatever, wasn't fighting for God and country, wasn't fighting for "Democracy," they were fighting because that was they fucking job and they didn't want to let the guys in their immediate unit down.

I'm sure your version is some bullshit Hollywood one where they were all inspired to defeat fascism or some other bullshit.

I'm no different. It's my job and I'm going to do it well. I won't let the guys in my shop down by not pulling my weight.
A question for the board:

Which is your primary motivator for voting someone into office, party, policy, or personality? That is, do you vote for someone because of the party they're affiliated with regardless of the person, or do you vote for the policies that person would enact or follow while in office, or lastly do you vote for the person that you find most agreeable and likeable?

Personally, I vote policy. My primary measure of that is does a candidate support Leftist policies or positions. If so, I vote against them. That isn't to say I vote Conservative, but rather against the Left. This might be summed up as I oppose the Left and would rather have almost any other political position on the spectrum in office than a Leftist. My rationale for that is that the Left, historically, has been the single most destructive political force for centuries. They eventually destroy everything they touch. There is no good to come from a Leftist government--NONE.

What about you?

I know in 2024 I'm voting for NOT the Democrats.
That's the truth. The average GI, sailor, whatever, wasn't fighting for God and country, wasn't fighting for "Democracy," they were fighting because that was they fucking job and they didn't want to let the guys in their immediate unit down.

I'm sure your version is some bullshit Hollywood one where they were all inspired to defeat fascism or some other bullshit.

I'm no different. It's my job and I'm going to do it well. I won't let the guys in my shop down by not pulling my weight.

Thanks for recognizing part of the truth.

Agreed, in the end. Americans came together to fight a threat. In the nitty-gritty, it was service personnel working and fighting together with their unit members, "brother to brother", not for a piece of cloth or a piece of paper.

You've already admitted to renouncing your oath. No doubt you've bonded with your shop guys over light beer and wishing all the lefties were dead. :thup:

Personally, I vote policy. My primary measure of that is does a candidate support Leftist policies or positions. This might be summed up as I oppose the Left and would rather have almost any other political position on the spectrum in office than a Leftist.

So you don't actually have your own original, principled, and independent political philosophy

You just define yourself by how much you hate liberals.

My rationale for that is that the Left, historically, has been the single most destructive political force for centuries. They eventually destroy everything they touch. There is no good to come from a Leftist government--NONE.

What about you?

Identity and explain which national western liberal democratic governments destroyed everything they touched.

And don't point to Lenin, Stalin, or Marx. They weren't liberals, and in fact they despised liberals and social democrats.
So you don't actually have your own original, principled, and independent political philosophy

You just define yourself by how much you hate liberals.

Identity and explain which national western liberal democratic governments destroyed everything they touched.

And don't point to Lenin, Stalin, or Marx. They weren't liberals, and in fact they despised liberals and social democrats.
Such fear and anger seems common among the JPP "senior" members...especially the poorly educated and/or demented ones. Lots of fear and anger in such an environment.

Mold in the corner of a public toilet is fairly easy to predict and treat. Treating human fear and anger is harder to treat due to both unalienable and constitutional rights. There's no law against being crazy, bigoted and fearful.