Which is Better?


While natural gas can be considered a fossil fuel, it contributes very little pollution, in fact releasing unburned methane (the primary component of natural gas) is far more harmful to the environment and a powerful greenhouse gas (24 times as potent as CO2). Since it leaks out of the earth anyway, burns extremely cleanly and isn't necessarily fossil (it is readily produced from decaying organic matter, Methane doesn't have to be more than a few weeks old), there is nothing wrong with burning it for energy, especially at this time of imminent and critical transition.
Even if your electric car is powered by coal though, it still uses the least amount of energy and requires no foreign



And it leaks out in small amounts. Using that argument is akin to saying that because oil sometimes leaks into the ocean naturally, oil spills aren't that bad.
Actually some oils spills are not that bad. When the Argo Merchant broke up off Nantucket is the 70's. a fisheries boom followed that lasted for 20 plus years. Same thing off the coast of Brittainy in'78 and the Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Until the oil companies started using mass quantities of dispersants, oil acted as an ocean fertilizer, with the main negative effects being the deaths of seabirds.
I am not saying that is a good thing.

Second, your chart is misleading, because of differences in power station design, natural gas burns far cleaner than coal, a factor your chart doesn't take into account.

Third, I am discussing a transitory period not a permanent solution.

Forth, all the more, it is true that an electric car, using electricity generated by a Nat-gas power station still creates less emissions than a petrol fueled car or even a hybrid (the topic of the thread).

5. Prove that is leaks out in small amounts. Said comment is laughable. Methane bubbles the size of station wagons burst to the surface and are released from under water, continuously.

6. The ultimate point about electric cars, (which everyone loves to ignore) is that one who owns an electric car and a photo-voltiac power supply, can create total energy independence for themselves and contribute greatly to both carbon reduction and national energy independence. While not all 325,000,000 people in this country can do so, a surprisingly large amount could if they so chose. With the availability of electric cars, they have said choice, without them, they don't.
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You need far more gas power stations fuelled by fracked gas plus a new generation of nuclear power stations. You can even have some windmills to make you feel good.

Actually we need a vast mix of all options, especially solar, hydro-electric, wind and tidal current.
While some safe nuclear plants would be nice, construction of such here is impossible (despite Obama having offered two permits for new plants) due to our unbelievably contorted tort system (almost every legislator in the country is a lawyer and those bastards can't make anything simple enough to actually work).

No company will put up the 18 billion (minimum estimate) to build a plant likely to be mired in the legal system for decades without producing a single electron.
Actually some oils spills are not that bad. When the Argo Merchant broke up off Nantucket is the 70's. a fisheries boom followed that lasted for 20 plus years. Same thing off the coast of Brittainy in'78 and the Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Until the oil companies started using mass quantities of dispersants, oil acted as an ocean fertilizer, with the main negative effects being the deaths of seabirds.
I am not saying that is a good thing.

Second, your chart is misleading, because of differences in power station design, natural gas burns far cleaner than coal, a factor your chart doesn't take into account.

Third, I am discussing a transitory period not a permanent solution.

Forth, all the more, it is true that an electric car, using electricity generated by a Nat-gas power station still creates less emissions than a petrol fueled car or even a hybrid (the topic of the thread).

5. Prove that is leaks out in small amounts. Said comment is laughable. Methane bubbles the size of station wagons burst to the surface and are released from under water, continuously.

6. The ultimate point about electric cars, (which everyone loves to ignore) is that one who owns an electric car and a photo-voltiac power supply, can create total energy independence for themselves and contribute greatly to both carbon reduction and national energy independence. While not all 325,000,000 people in this country can do so, a surprisingly large amount could if they so chose. With the availability of electric cars, they have said choice, without them, they don't.

I doubt that children under sixteen could do that. As for oils spills, I don't see much about the Deepwater Horizon spill anymore. What happened to all the deformed prawns and catatrophic scenarios that were predicted?
So your choice was uninformed by personal experience?

I have never driven a Yugo. I have never driven a Porsche 911 Turbo. If someone asked which I wanted, do you think it would take me long to decide?

I have read a good bit about the Tesla. I think it is a phenomenal piece of engineering, innovation and automotive history.

I am a fan.
I have never driven a Yugo. I have never driven a Porsche 911 Turbo. If someone asked which I wanted, do you think it would take me long to decide? I have read a good bit about the Tesla. I think it is a phenomenal piece of engineering, innovation and automotive history. I am a fan.

But you aren't a potential buyer?