Which is Better?

And what were you saying about posters being assholes??!! :palm:

I guess your expectations don't extend to yourself.

99% of the time? I am quite courteous. You want judge me on the 1% of the time I'm not? That's fine...I don't care. I am not a flaming troll who continuously vomits on the board, so my conscience is clean.
You seem excited. Have you PM'ed Owey about this activity you apparently enjoy watching?

The activity we like watching is when lying trolls like you get cornered and start playing your petty word games in another pointless attempt to confuse anyone trying to get a straight answer out of you.
99% of the time? I am quite courteous. You want judge me on the 1% of the time I'm not? That's fine...I don't care. I am not a flaming troll who continuously vomits on the board, so my conscience is clean.

Would you care to provide proof of that 1%/99% claim; but then, %'s weren't your initial complaint