fully immersed in faith..
sorry, your assumptions like your arguments are full of shit......I voted for presidents who put justices on the SC who reversed Roe v Wade.......I adopted two "unwanted" children who's birth mothers were brave enough not to kill them.....and I come here and show atheists how they are lying to themselves when they claim to be a barbarian in a society with modern science.......stop killing children.....,I told you what I do to stop abortion. WHAT DO YOU DO? I noted you didn't answer that question when I asked it.
I suspect you are just another screamer who thinks carrying a shocking picture on a piece of wood and screaming at women in distress is all you need to do. That way EVERYONE gets to see your piety and you get to go to heaven!
You really, really make a mockery of your supposed lord and savior. LOL. You are the best advert for atheism most people could imagine.