Which Matters Most?

Which Matters Most?

  • Length

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Girth

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Nuts

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Asshat

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
But, you decided to post it, right?

Everything I'm told on PM or email, never sees the light of day here. That's just the way I am. Including stuff about you.

As I stated, bringing you into it was a mistake on my part. It was not intended the way it came out, but the fact that it ended up that way is still my fault. Note.... I did not mention WHAT we had talked about. So only those that knew, would know anything. Again, it was still wrong on my part.

Now I will take a moment and IA you, because I am tired of your idiocy once again.

Do try to behave.
Again, my point was not rooted in my opinions about soldiers that kill innocent civilians, it was the fact that some do kill and they do kill innocent civilians. Its a fact. End of story.

For some reason its a fact that a lot of people want to over look by deflecting the conversation toward personal reflections and say things like, "Because of them and those that came before them, you have the right to think of them any way you wish and to voice that opinion. " all the while glossing over and not acknowledging that yes, they do kill and at times they kill innocent people. Calling them murderers in the framework of the US legal system is probably incorrect if there was no malintent - but then again, I'm no lawyer.

apparently your reading comprehension skills need some work. I stated quite clearly .....

"Yes, I do understand that despite our best efforts innocent people will die. If that is enough for you to call our troops murderers, then have at it. I suggest you start by going to the nearest military base and letting them know just how you feel. Go ahead and spit on them to while you are there. I am sure they will appreciate your support. "

perhaps if I highlight it, you will be able to focus more closely on the words this time.
Actually Desh, just following orders and just doing your job, hasn’t been a legal justification since WWII. I would normally use the word killer, rather than murderer…at the moment I was quite angered at the attack I received via PM – I don’t use PM for that and don’t appreciate it being used against me in that manner. It’s a violation.

That said…the glorification of the warrior cannot help but to glorify war. It has to stop. And I know plenty of vets who will not accept thanks for “their sacrifice”, and become quite agitated when someone says that to them. So, “the military” and “our soldiers” do not speak in a monolithic voice.

Many are so damaged by what they have done they wish someone would speak the truth. You see, you and I and everyone here, can call it what we want to, but when a human being takes the life of another human being, if there is anything inside of them, they are never the same. Take a look at the suicide rate for soldiers. We do them no favors by not calling war, and the warrior, what they are. It allows people like Damo to claim they are voting for John McCain but do not support the continued murder of children in other countries.

Anyway, talk to you some other time, gotta run!
You dropped bombs on people?
No, she assumes I will vote for McCain and says "People who would vote for McCain, like Damo, are murderers."

She even named me in the accusation.

It doesn't change that I thought it was nice to see her.
Of course I have the right to voice my opinion. That's common sense and it's idiotic to reiterate that like a zombie everytime someone brings up a point.

My dad is in the military. The current war, however, is not a war to protect America. I feel bad for the soldiers that are dying in Bush's war, but they aren't protecting my freedom there. Their presence in America deters foreign attackers, and in that way protects my freedom. Their presence in Iraq does not.

Water... the thing is this... many disagree with the war. Many do not want the troops in Iraq. But that does not change the fact that your dad and the other men and women in the military are willing to put their life on the line for the rest of us every day. Their location or the public opinion of where they are does not change that fact.
Darla, anybody that will not work towards getting rid of the War Powers Act will not receive my vote, and anybody who supports the Act is, IMHO, supporting future wars like this one.
Actually Desh, just following orders and just doing your job, hasn’t been a legal justification since WWII. I would normally use the word killer, rather than murderer…at the moment I was quite angered at the attack I received via PM – I don’t use PM for that and don’t appreciate it being used against me in that manner. It’s a violation.

That said…the glorification of the warrior cannot help but to glorify war. It has to stop. And I know plenty of vets who will not accept thanks for “their sacrifice”, and become quite agitated when someone says that to them. So, “the military” and “our soldiers” do not speak in a monolithic voice.

Many are so damaged by what they have done they wish someone would speak the truth. You see, you and I and everyone here, can call it what we want to, but when a human being takes the life of another human being, if there is anything inside of them, they are never the same. Take a look at the suicide rate for soldiers. We do them no favors by not calling war, and the warrior, what they are. It allows people like Damo to claim they are voting for John McCain but do not support the continued murder of children in other countries.

Anyway, talk to you some other time, gotta run!

I understand completely your motivations but I still think it is unconstructive to do.

Its a very fine line. Look at the Watada case.

The ones to blame are not the soldiers (most of whom are teenagers) but the people who took us into this war.

We fill their heads with heroism and then send them to do the impossible to have them come home (if they are lucky) to a lifetime of self questioning.

I pain for these people as much as I do the innocents killed.
Water... the thing is this... many disagree with the war. Many do not want the troops in Iraq. But that does not change the fact that your dad and the other men and women in the military are willing to put their life on the line for the rest of us every day. Their location or the public opinion of where they are does not change that fact.

Oh, he's not in the war. He's 40 and he works in Air Force Communications. I appreciate what the troops do and I have no lack of respect for them.
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Actually Desh, just following orders and just doing your job, hasn’t been a legal justification since WWII. I would normally use the word killer, rather than murderer…at the moment I was quite angered at the attack I received via PM – I don’t use PM for that and don’t appreciate it being used against me in that manner. It’s a violation.

What? We didn't kill the millions of members of the German armies. Neither, for instance, did we put the people who participated in Milgram experiment in prison for attempted murder. The responsibility for the war doesn't lie with the soldier. Hopefully one day there won't be war.
Desh, a few months ago a poster here told of his “stud” friend who was a successful business person, who quit their job to go bomb people in Iraq. And this was only a couple of months ago – no post 9/11 fervor. They quit their job, to go bomb people in Iraq a country we know had nothing to do with 9/11, and had no wmds.

And this poster thought his friend was a big heroic stud. Well, his friend, (who is a bomber pilot, as I understood the story), is going to drop bombs onto civilians.

How are we ever going to stop wars, if we will not call this spade a spade? Somebody, please tell me.

His friend is not a hero. His friend quit a job, to go drop bombs on civilians in Iraq. Unless we force this country to face up to that…this will never end, and that’s what politicians want, and that’s what oil men want, and that’s what the military industrial complex wants.

For us to never face that hard, and difficult truth.

I do not know Watada but do know his story. I do know Camilo Mejia and if you google him you’ll see he has a similar story. He is a beautiful man. Haunted, literally, by what he did and saw done. He will never be the same. He suffers from PTSD, and you only need look at him speaking to know it.

He has faced the fact that he is no hero, and if we honor the truly brave like him, by stopping this hero nonsense for them all…his time in jail and his bravery might actually do some good. That is my opinion.
What? We didn't kill the millions of members of the German armies. Neither, for instance, did we put the people who participated in Milgram experiment in prison for attempted murder. The responsibility for the war doesn't lie with the soldier. Hopefully one day there won't be war.

Yes, it does partially. just as it partially rests with me, and any other tax payer in this country.
No, she assumes I will vote for McCain and says "People who would vote for McCain, like Damo, are murderers."

She even named me in the accusation.

It doesn't change that I thought it was nice to see her.

In her defense you did vote for Bush too.
True, but only because I am apparently bloodthirsty. Later I voted Badnarick. What does that say about me?

Damo, stop being disingenuous.

Damo, on a McCain/Powell ticket:

“I would so fully support that ticket…” (see McCain/Powell thread)
You do play the innocent all aflutter “who me?” very convincingly though Damo. And I’m sure you have some excuse for how that ringing and powerful endorsement “I would SO FULLY support that ticket” actually means you’re not voting for John McCain, and want to thank you in advance for the entertainment.
Put on your tap dance shoes and start the music.
Which I personally know to be untrue. Darla has probably done more for the troops than any sorry a$$ chickenhawk war apologist on this board could ever dream of doing.

Yeah, my buddies in the Army are always so grateful that Code Pink is out there spitting on them and calling them murderers.
Darla, anybody that will not work towards getting rid of the War Powers Act will not receive my vote, and anybody who supports the Act is, IMHO, supporting future wars like this one.

Debating the war powers act, isn't going to stop the iraq war. It may be a theoretical exercise in stopping future war, many decades from now. But, it's not fundamentally relevant to stopping this war.

And Damo, you've been all over fullpolitics and this board supporting an escalation of troop levels and the war in iraq, including the surge. So, honestly and with all due respect, I really don't think you are anti-iraq war.
Stopping the Iraq war through the Vietnam-method, however, is going to be more damaging in the long run.

EDIT: Cypress, there is a difference between being pro-war and wanting the war we are already in to end in the best way possible.
Damo, stop being disingenuous.

Damo, on a McCain/Powell ticket:

“I would so fully support that ticket…” (see McCain/Powell thread)
You do play the innocent all aflutter “who me?” very convincingly though Damo. And I’m sure you have some excuse for how that ringing and powerful endorsement “I would SO FULLY support that ticket” actually means you’re not voting for John McCain, and want to thank you in advance for the entertainment.
Put on your tap dance shoes and start the music.
Powell would work towards an end to the War Powers Act. I like that. Why would you support somebody who would continue to use the flawed legislation that has continuously and repeatedly put us in untenable situations while giving weak politicians excuses for their votes?

You are being disingenuous and pretentious. You fake a moral authority that you do not have and support those who voted us into this while preaching false accusations of murder.