Which place?

You are a stereotypical man. You clearly need to go see a dentist. You're putting bleach on your tooth and sticking it back in your mouth. Are you kidding me??????

Indeed I am not kidding. If I don't fix this tooth myself, then the dentist wins. I'm not about to let that happen.
Beefy don't fall into that "more is better" trap; it doesn't apply in biology. Really. You know darned well that ultimately you're going to have to see a dentist. Just do it!
I don't wanna.

I understand that, but we all have to do things we don't wanna and this is one of them. You can't take care of it yourself. The more you try the more damage you're going to do, and then it will be really painful (can you say root canal?) and really expensive!
I understand that, but we all have to do things we don't wanna and this is one of them. You can't take care of it yourself. The more you try the more damage you're going to do, and then it will be really painful (can you say root canal?) and really expensive!

Or he's going to give himself a nice infection, and get himself beyond a root canal. I had a failed root canal. They then do some procedure that starts with an e, but I forgot the name. They cut open your gums. Not only is it very expensive, but you know, I've passed more pleasant afternoons, I can tell you that.
Tonight, I'm going to take Baquacil Shock, 27% Hydrogen Peroxide and q-tip it all over my tooth. If that doesn't work, I'm buying a bottle of white-out. If that doesn't work, I'm going to the dentist. I'll tell him I'm paying cash and I don't need a receipt. Maybe I'll get a good deal. I'll try to find an Armenian dentist.

Just think: all these years you could have been voting for and supporting French-style universal healthcare - which includes dental and vision.
Or he's going to give himself a nice infection, and get himself beyond a root canal. I had a failed root canal. They then do some procedure that starts with an e, but I forgot the name. They cut open your gums. Not only is it very expensive, but you know, I've passed more pleasant afternoons, I can tell you that.

... a shudder runs through ... This is as bad as Tiana describing the aftermath of breaking her nose! Owowowowow!
Just think: all these years you could have been voting for and supporting French-style universal healthcare - which includes dental and vision.

Yeah, but then I would probably have a nice looking tooth and no job.
Yeah, but then I would probably have a nice looking tooth and no job.

I'm in one of those Dental HMO's. It's pretty cool.

downside, is there aren't many dentists in the network. Very limited choices.

Plus side: I don't pay a dime for anything. No co-pays, no deductibles, no nothing. I had three wisdom teeth pulled a couple years ago. Didn't cost a penny.
I'm in one of those Dental HMO's. It's pretty cool.

downside, is there aren't many dentists in the network. Very limited choices.

Plus side: I don't pay a dime for anything. No co-pays, no deductibles, no nothing. I had three wisdom teeth pulled a couple years ago. Didn't cost a penny.

Does it cover cosmetic shit? What are the premiums?
Just think: all these years you could have been voting for and supporting French-style universal healthcare - which includes dental and vision.

LOL. Beefy will be voting for liberals and I'll be writing in Cheney for prez in 2008