Right wingers think public health is trivial.
We wish you could think.

dumb·ass | \ ˈdəm-ˌas \
: a foolish or stupid person : IDIOT
Right wingers think public health is trivial.
I remember a time when conservatives wanted the country shut down because we had two cases of Ebola, they were outraged Obama didn’t take those measures.
Truly a shame that preventing a pandemic from killing people is merely a political issue.
Got a link to this laughable bullshit?
ob·tuse | \ äb-ˈtüs , əb-, -ˈtyüs \
obtuser; obtusest
1 formal : stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
He is too obtuse to take a hint.
an incredibly obtuse person
To end voting rights and install a dictator the like of Donald Trump.
I'm a Poor old low grade honkey of the porch , no self awareness [/B]
Not fascism, it’s called public safety measures.What do you call shutting down businesses, forcing people to mask, forcing people to get a shot, forcing people onto unemployment rolls and allowing Government to dictate to everyone what they should do? Dunce.![]()
If a liberal doesn't believe in abortion, she doesn't get one. A conservative wants to ban it for everyone.
If a liberal does not want to support BLM, he doesn't kneel during the national anthem. A conservative wants everybody to boycott the NFL and to force the players to stand.
If a liberal does not like a social media site, he does not use it. Conservatives want to change laws to force the platform to carry false and misleading information.
If a liberal does not like the news he accepts it, anyway. A conservative blames bad news on the media.
If the president tells the nation the election was fraudulent liberals do some research to find the truth. A conservative believes what he is told without question.
In what way, Gilligan?
Trumpet wrote, "You forget to mention that a conservative wants to institute fascism."
Then you posted the question I quoted above.
MY ANSWER: In whatever way they think they can get away with...no matter what.
Democrats just tried to end voting rights and failed.
They also stole the 2020 election, I'd call that disenfranchising millions of people and installing a potato dic-tater pretty much what you're accusing others of.
Democrats aren't for democracy because their ideas are so unpopular they will never get voted for. So they cheat.
That's a pretty short list bucky and all your comments are refutable.
Way to be vague, Frank. Please provide a specific example.
There is no planned fascism, you fucktarded parrots are still squawking the 2016 Democrat primer on Trump.
Hillary lost.
The only attempt at stealing the 2020 election was done by Trump and his morons...after Trump got his ass thoroughly kicked in the election by Joe Biden.
It failed.
Get on the right side of things, Matt. You ridiculous on that side. And a man in your position can't afford to look ridiculous.
Not fascism, it’s called public safety measures.
Trumpet wrote, "You forget to mention that a conservative wants to institute fascism."
The only attempt at stealing the 2020 election was done by Trump and his morons...after Trump got his ass thoroughly kicked in the election by Joe Biden.
It failed.
Get on the right side of things, Matt. You ridiculous on that side. And a man in your position can't afford to look ridiculous.