Which watch should I get?

I refuse to acquiesce to your offering of this gift without first being reimbursed for my watch. Why do you show favoritism towards Grind, traitor that he is?

Oh I missed this. Well I didn't know you wanted the watch water. It's not favoritism. I like both you and grind. You're two of the very few here I do like. Think of that the next time you mock me and my strident feminist ways in one of your chat sessions.
you have console gamers and pc gamers. i dont know why people hate on pc gamers. they obv can have the best systems. although for the price point an xbox probably does give you the best bang for your buck.

and thus: argument.

They are all douche bags who need to get out of their mommies basements and out into the real world.
PC games also can be far more advanced, both ins cope and level of skill required. Consol games on the other hand, because they must appeal to a much broader audience, are typically very casual. There are exceptions, but typically a PC game is an order of magnitute harder than a modern consol game (old school consol games like Battle Toads don't count).

I use to play a game called Sudden Strike.

Have you are anyone heard of it?
Yeah I would have, I thought it would be pretty funny, but I didn't know how upset watermark would get about someone else buying you a watch. I dont want any drama.


well listen, I wouldn't have wanted to have you do that anyway. But the offer itself is very very nice of you. You rule. I have no idea what I've done to get on your super good side :)

For such a nice gesture, I think I owe you 2 lifetime bans of any members of your choice on here.

well listen, I wouldn't have wanted to have you do that anyway. But the offer itself is very very nice of you. You rule. I have no idea what I've done to get on your super good side :)

For such a nice gesture, I think I owe you 2 lifetime bans of any members of your choice on here.

I've always been fond of you and Water. I just don't show it that much because I am superbitch. :)
That is a very, very nice watch. I think you should get it. Make them an offer.

Watches have gone crazy. Who needs a watch that you can use under 25 fathoms of the ocean? Who needs to know that it is three thirty five and eleven point three five seconds in Timbuctu?
I want a watch, a very simple watch. It will tell me that the pubs open in 30 minutes. It will tell me it's dinner time. It's time for a rest. Time I got off my arse and did something useful.
And it will have a button, one click of which, will turn the whole thing off and turn into a hamburger.
Get a real watch?!!

