White Christian nationalists are poised to remake America in their image during Trump’s second term,

Of course you think that way, Terry. You're the type to sell out your own country to Putin's Russia due to your hatred of anyone left of yourself.

Your extreme hatred of anyone left of yourself is the #1 reason why I believe you'd betray your oath.

Yea, we're talking about YOU.
Good info, there's not much choice, if you can't filter out the woke shit along with the predictable impulsive angry white villain and or the naive politically incorrect funny guy that's a numb-ass republican. Avoiding the drone propaganda doesn't leave much to pick from. lol Thx for the review.

The 'woke' stuff is merely the usual Hollywood fashion of throwing in homosexual characters and their sick fetishes in every show these days, as if they're 'normal' and are 'just like straight people' rubbish. Gratuitous pointless virtue signaling.