White Christian nationalists are poised to remake America in their image during Trump’s second term,

I was a Fundie for 35 years.
Is that a denial or a confession?
I just call it how I see it. You get to ignore it, laugh at it, bitch about it, or accept it. Fundamentalism is not the answer either. If you were intimate with the gospel, you would know that. The message is not, 'go forth and be a fundamentalist, or be rigid. At least, that not how I see it.
Well, on that note, I guess I picked correctly in becoming a Shen Buddhist.

When I was a young adult, I was obsessed with Martial Arts (Kung Fu San Soo) and embraced the Buddhist (Shaolin) tradition of it. Honestly, after a decade I found it to be just silly. That's when I became a true Agnostic.
When I was a young adult, I was obsessed with Martial Arts (Kung Fu San Soo) and embraced the Buddhist (Shaolin) tradition of it. Honestly, after a decade I found it to be just silly. That's when I became a true Agnostic.
Shen is a Japanese variant and more social and has some Christian aspects mixed in.
Is that a denial or a confession?
I just call it how I see it. You get to ignore it, laugh at it, bitch about it, or accept it. Fundamentalism is not the answer either. If you were intimate with the gospel, you would know that. The message is not, 'go forth and be a fundamentalist, or be rigid. At least, that not how I see it.

A lot of these nutjobs change their religion and political ideologies as fast as they change their underwear. They have no real morals or principles, just sociopath fashionistas anxious to belong to a peer group of fellow sociopaths and nutjobs. They're too superficial to do anything but parrot slogans and feel secure being useful idiots.

Think of them as Walking Dead Zombie Apocalypse Meets Orphan Black.
A lot of these nutjobs change their religion and political ideologies as fast as they change their underwear. They have no real morals or principles, just sociopath fashionistas anxious to belong to a peer group of fellow sociopaths and nutjobs. They're too superficial to do anything but parrot slogans and feel secure being useful idiots.

Think of them as Walking Dead Zombie Apocalypse Meets Orphan Black.
Ok brainwashed Zionist retarded killbot.....

There’s an image that captures the threat posed by the White Christian nationalist movement — and how it could become even more dangerous over the next four years.
Go stuff your racism up your butt.
There was no insurrection on Jan 6th.
the photo shows a solitary White man, his head pressed in prayer against a massive wooden cross, facing the domed US Capitol building. An American flag stands like a sentinel on a flagpole beside the Capitol under an ominously gray sky.

The photograph depicts a foot soldier in an insurgent religious movement trying to storm the halls of American power. What’s unsettling about the photo four years later is that much of the religious zeal that fed the insurrection is no longer outside the gates of power. Many of that movement’s followers are now on the inside, because their Chosen One, Donald Trump, returns this month to the Oval Office.
Trump does not support Democrats.
This is the scenario Americans could face in Trump’s second term. Under Trump, Christian nationalists will have unprecedented access to the power of the federal government.
It was Christians that CREATED the federal government, Guno.
Trump’s GOP has unified control of Congress. And a conservative supermajority, which has already blurred the line between separation of church and state in a series of decisions favoring Christian interests, controls the US Supreme Court.
No such clause in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has no authority to change the Constitution.
Trump has not been shy about what comes next.
No, he hasn't. His campaign platform is bold and very clear. Why should he be shy about it?
He ran a presidential campaign that was infused with White Christian Nationalist imagery and rhetoric.
Go stuff your racism up your butt.
He vowed in an October campaign speech to set up a task force to root out “anti-Christian bias” and restore preachers’ power in America while giving access to a group he calls “my beautiful Christians.”
Mantra 30a.
“If I get in, you’re going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before,” Trump told an annual gathering of National Religious Broadcasters in Tennessee during a campaign stop earlier this year.

Misquoting won't work. Mantra 30a. Contextomy fallacy.
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