White guy wins after leading voters to believe he’s black

Because those policies were non-compliant with Obamacare, Christiekins?

Now tell me how people will be better off...

Did the letters say the old policies would be cancelled and replaced with new ones?

I find it hard to believe companies aren't going to do something to recoup their losses.
Did the letters say the old policies would be cancelled and replaced with new ones? I find it hard to believe companies aren't going to do something to recoup their losses.

Some of them are laying people off, Christiekins...

I'm still looking. Pretty sure the guy was Jim Ferlo running for state senate.

A Democrat, Ferlo was elected to the state senate in 2002. Ferlo was a liberal community activist in the City of Pittsburgh before being elected to Pittsburgh City Council in 1987. He served on council for 15 years until his election to the State Senate in 2002. Ferlo served as president of City Council from 1994 to 1997. He currently lives in Pittsburgh's Highland Park section.

Voting is also a responsibility. So no, I dont want the most possible people to vote. I want people to vote responsibly and intelligently.

I believe in quality, not quantity.

that means you do not believe in democray.

That means you don't belong in the democratic party.

this country is a democracy you will NOT get your way .
that means you do not believe in democray.

That means you don't belong in the democratic party.

this country is a democracy you will NOT get your way .

Wrong again. I never said they should not be allowed. I expressed my preference.

If people choose to vote stupidly or in ignorance or dont follow the laws surrounding that right to vote, then they deserve what they get.

The fact that you disagree with what I wrote is extremely sad and shows a very low opinion of Americans:

Lorca: "I want people to vote responsibly and intelligently."
No they are not, how else would you explain Obama being elected other than liberal white guilt.


Where's Waldo?

:rolleyes: No kidding, guess you were too smart for the leading question. Do you guys ever follow your propaganda to its conclusion rather than just coming to a full stop to avoid unpleasantness?

Yes, the insurance companies sent out letters of cancellation on existing policies. In those same letters was the info about the replacement coverage the company would put people in, unless they opted out. And if the new policy being offered was a lot more expensive than the original, the companies didn't tell the insured they could compare prices at the exchange and get an equal but cheaper plan.

I'm linking to an article that I hope you read so we can duke it out about specifics. It takes a lot of scare out of the scare stories repubs are trying so hard to promote.

What Really Happens To People Whose Insurance Is 'Canceled' Because Of Obamacare