White guy wins after leading voters to believe he’s black

and when he said that he meant it and its true.

The people who had policies they wanted to keep that were signed into BEFORE the bill passed got grandfathered in you stupid Fox bait brain dead clown.

The people who cant keep them are the ones who signed into contracts AFTER the bill passed.

Provide one thing that proves that's what he said.
yet here in this thread you right wing fucks are defending this man for purposefully fooling voters instead of informing them of the whole truth.

Cheating and lying is just acceptable to the right

And apparently the left just gobble it up also; seeing as how they voted in Obama, who lied, and are now defending his lies about the ACA.

He posted pictures of a white girl, some could have interpreted her to be HIM. Prove I'm wrong.

What about the bigger problem.
People have interpreted that as meaning it was WORKING. :palm:
Obama, in a Nov. 4, 2013, speech, tried to explain his past promises by saying "what we said was you can keep it if it hasn't changed since the law passed." Asked when the president had previously included that detail, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, in a Nov. 5 press briefing, said Obama was referring to the law's clause allowing insurers and employers to "grandfather" plans offered before the bill became law.

there is a link to his speech right in this part

So he wanted to clarify his lie; AFTER the bill was passed, based on his lie? :palm:
oh really can you prove he NEVER went deeper?

go prove it

Desh, you ignorant cunning stunt, no one can disprove a negative.
How is someone going to prove that he never went deeper?
It's up to you to prove that he did; unless you're just a liar.
I want the most voters possible.

I don't want LESS I want more voters.

I want every person to vote.

You want to make it a gauntlet.


And you also want those who are barred from voting to vote and to vote as many times as possible; just so you can cheat and win, like the Democrat party has always done.
are you suggesting the candidate never provided an ID when registering as a candidate? Or that he never posted his picture anywhere to be found? I find that odd given that his OPPONENT used the mans photo in the campaigns against him.

I don't know what it's like in Denver but here we don't get to see candidate registration forms.

How little info can a candidate give before you get suspicious about him/her?

We had a guy running for state office, I think, back in 2010. He was a 50+ unmarried male and his campaign fliers showed him with two young boys and the implication was that they were his sons. Turns out they were his nephews and he got a lot of bad publicity for a short time because people thought it was deceptive advertising. I've been trying to find it on the internet to post in this thread. Ultimately he got elected despite the controversy.
Kathlees Sebelius is NOT Obama.

A blog post by her is NOT the same as countless TV appearances and speeches by the President. I know it is in the ACA act. That was not the point. The point is that OBAMA misled people... not ONCE did HE clarify.

Was Obama screwed over by insurance companies?

I'm trying to figure out why companies would cancel all those policies that are making money for them already. What's in it for a company to do this? Maybe you can explain it.
I see what you're doing here....

This is what you call attributing political ignorance to an ethnic group....

Let me ask you this...

Since whites are currently the majority are all whites who participate in voting smart?

No they are not, how else would you explain Obama being elected other than liberal white guilt.

We had a guy running for state office, I think, back in 2010. He was a 50+ unmarried male and his campaign fliers showed him with two young boys and the implication was that they were his sons. Turns out they were his nephews and he got a lot of bad publicity for a short time because people thought it was deceptive advertising. I've been trying to find it on the internet to post in this thread.

So where is it?
I'm trying to figure out why companies would cancel all those policies that are making money for them already. What's in it for a company to do this? Maybe you can explain it.

Because those policies were non-compliant with Obamacare, Christiekins?

Now tell me how people will be better off...