White guy wins after leading voters to believe he’s black

You people take a few word sentence and pretend it means everything in the world you want it to mean.

The corporate media helps you.

Jusst like they did when you lied about "you didn't build that"
It's true that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius explained the grandfather clause in a June 14, 2010, blog post announcing new health care regulations.

"Under the rule issued today, employers or issuers offering such coverage will have the flexibility of making reasonable changes without losing their 'grandfathered' status," Sebelius wrote. "However, if health plans significantly raise co-payments or deductibles, or if they significantly reduce benefits – for example, if they stop covering treatment for a disease like HIV/AIDS or cystic fibrosis – they'll lose their grandfathered status and their customers will get the same full set of consumer protections as new plans."

Sebelius went on to say that the "bottom line is that under the Affordable Care Act, if you like your doctor and plan, you can keep them." But that still wouldn't be true for many, and Obama glossed over those details in his speeches. The president made the sweeping promise, in one variation or another, while the Affordable Care Act was being debated in Congress in 2009. He said it again after he signed the bill into law in 2010. And he continued to say it after the Supreme Court ruled the law was constitutional in 2012.

Its right in your link fool.

Now when he said you can keep your healthcare if you like it do you think that meant that the insurance companies would be FORCED to Not change those plans if they wanted to?

remember the insurers were able to change a policy whenever they wanted to?

do you really claim EVERYONE though Obama meant that?

Kathlees Sebelius is NOT Obama.

A blog post by her is NOT the same as countless TV appearances and speeches by the President. I know it is in the ACA act. That was not the point. The point is that OBAMA misled people... not ONCE did HE clarify.

Obama, in a Nov. 4, 2013, speech, tried to explain his past promises by saying "what we said was you can keep it if it hasn't changed since the law passed." Asked when the president had previously included that detail, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, in a Nov. 5 press briefing, said Obama was referring to the law's clause allowing insurers and employers to "grandfather" plans offered before the bill became law.

there is a link to his speech right in this part
We'll have to agree to disagree on this.

But I don't want to hear another peep out of cons who keep pushing photo IDs for voters and don't demand the same for candidates.

Why? Was there any doubt to this candidate's identity? Did he or did he not present the proper paperwork with the state (county?) when filing to run?
why are you pretending they voted only on RACE???????

your the shittiest dem I have ever seen.

They voted fro him because he was indorsed by a CERTIAN person who happens to be a black man.

jesus just stop saying your a dem mmkay because no one believes it

I'm not pretending that at all. I dont even agree with that premise.

I just didnt comment on it because it wasnt the focus of the thread, which is was he dishonest.

When people vote for a candidate of the same color or ethnicity, IMO it's not because of that race or ethnic heritage, but because they feel they will look out for the interests and issues in those groups *may* have common.

And it's pretty sad if you think the Democratic party doesnt believe in personal responsibility. Personally (pun intended), I do.
and how does putting up unneeded obsticles to being able to vote or understand the truth respect the sanctity of the vote?

You are NO dem

Your a liar

Have you ever met a politician? Has any voter? You have to be 18 to vote....have you never followed a campaign, debate, taken a history class, observed any issue or politician in life? If not, then you really DO deserve to be screwed over when you vote. You have to be a fool to not look deeper into ANY candidate and there are (at least) 2 sides to every issue or campaign.
Obama, in a Nov. 4, 2013, speech, tried to explain his past promises by saying "what we said was you can keep it if it hasn't changed since the law passed." Asked when the president had previously included that detail, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, in a Nov. 5 press briefing, said Obama was referring to the law's clause allowing insurers and employers to "grandfather" plans offered before the bill became law.

there is a link to his speech right in this part

that was TEN days ago you moron... we know that NOW he is trying to 'explain'... the point is that he did no such thing for the first FOUR FUCKING YEARS when he was running around telling people that they could keep their doctors and keep their plans.
and the explaination is right there.

DO you really claim he was saying he would FREEZE all the plans so the insurers could NOT change the plan when they wanted to like always?

to make your claim that he was saying "NO ONE could take it from you" you would have to claim he was talking about freezing the powers of the insurance corps.

you claiming that you fucking lair?
They were simple words to explain simply that there would be a grandfather of these preexsisting plans.

they were NOT the end all be all comments on the entire program like you dishonest fucks want to play it