White guy wins after leading voters to believe he’s black

Wrong; it showed that people voted strictly based on the color of one’s skin.

I didn’t see anyone make the “nigger” claim. Do you have any evidence at all that this actually occurred? How does that make the white or brown people any less informed than blacks who vote strictly based on skin color?

So we should never point this out and shrug our shoulders and say “oh well?” I thought that is why we come on debate forums; to argue about how to improve things or debate why things are so messed up?

I think your posts are struggling to find a point and you can’t seem to elucidate what that might be.

P.S. The one's who are whining are the dimwitted Democrats who thought they were voting for a liberal black candidate.

I'm highlighting the above in bold

Unfortunately I'm a work and Youtube is blocking my ability to post the url so I advise you to go to YouTube and in the search engine type in the following:

Anti-Obama racist sign outside bar: I don't support niggers

Also you can always go back to the video where at John McCain's town-hall of the elderly woman that called Obama an Arab.....There are a lot of hate videos that deal with racism towards Obama.

Furthermore my point was to not shrug shoulders and say "oh well," the point I was making is that people ought to discern between informed and uninformed voters and the arbitrary reasons why a lot of people vote. Look at the immigration issue for instance......A lot of latinos in los angeles like Obama for two reasons:

1) The possibility of amnesty and immigration reform

2) a person of color

For point #1 most Latinos aren't worried about Russian, African, Serbian immigrants.....Since Latinos are the highest demographic of minorities this community is only concerned about issues that deal with their community. Since Obama being a person of color, the latino community thinks that a person who is related to a minority demographic, may look at issues effecting another people of color favorably. This is how politics works. The same can be said about religion. How many so-called intelligent Christians would vote for a president who practices Sunni Islam? Very very very few. Because despite Islamic being of the Abrahamaic faith, people are influenced by media and social portrayals of certain people and/or religions.
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I didn't say he had to declare his race. His picture on campaign literature or ads would declare it for him, but he used deceptive ads in order to fool prospective voters. Hell, the man admitted as much: "Every time a politician talks, he's out there deceiving voters," he says."

"His fliers were decorated with photographs of smiling African-American faces -- which he readily admits he just lifted off websites -- and captioned with the words "Please vote for our friend and neighbor Dave Wilson."

"One of his mailers said he was "Endorsed by Ron Wilson," which longtime Houston voters might easily interpret as a statement of support from a former state representative of the same name who's also African-American. Fine print beneath the headline says "Ron Wilson and Dave Wilson are cousins," a reference to one of Wilson's relatives living in Iowa."

Nah uh. I think he knew he had to relate to a different audience to get their votes. Candidates do that all the time. Target demographics.

'Might be interpreted." Please, political candidates lie thru their teeth all the time.

If are not responsible enough to check out the candidates, then they deserve who they get.

And if people choose to vote soley on race, then they deserve what they get....color does not a qualified candidate make.
I didn't say he had to declare his race. His picture on campaign literature or ads would declare it for him, but he used deceptive ads in order to fool prospective voters. Hell, the man admitted as much: "Every time a politician talks, he's out there deceiving voters," he says."

So we have a honest politician ?

"His fliers were decorated with photographs of smiling African-American faces -- which he readily admits he just lifted off websites -- and captioned with the words "Please vote for our friend and neighbor Dave Wilson."

Its no different than watching Obama on tv....99% of the time you will see a whole group of smiling white people behind him, with some token Afr. Amers.
Tell me you've never noticed that.

"One of his mailers said he was "Endorsed by Ron Wilson," which longtime Houston voters might easily interpret as a statement of support from a former state representative of the same name who's also African-American. Fine print beneath the headline says "Ron Wilson and Dave Wilson are cousins," a reference to one of Wilson's relatives living in Iowa."

They are cousins, so you call that a lie because it might be misinterpreted ? Kinda like Bush and Saddam wmd....:)

Nah uh. I think he knew he had to relate to a different audience to get their votes. Candidates do that all the time. Target demographics.

'Might be interpreted." Please, political candidates lie thru their teeth all the time.

If are not responsible enough to check out the candidates, then they deserve who they get.

And if people choose to vote soley on race, then they deserve what they get....color does not a qualified candidate make.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this.

But I don't want to hear another peep out of cons who keep pushing photo IDs for voters and don't demand the same for candidates.
Nah uh. I think he knew he had to relate to a different audience to get their votes. Candidates do that all the time. Target demographics.

'Might be interpreted." Please, political candidates lie thru their teeth all the time.

If are not responsible enough to check out the candidates, then they deserve who they get.

And if people choose to vote soley on race, then they deserve what they get....color does not a qualified candidate make.

why are you pretending they voted only on RACE???????

your the shittiest dem I have ever seen.

They voted fro him because he was indorsed by a CERTIAN person who happens to be a black man.

jesus just stop saying your a dem mmkay because no one believes it
Just like the voter ID thing, it's about voter responsibility. If it's important to you, do your homework.

and how does putting up unneeded obsticles to being able to vote or understand the truth respect the sanctity of the vote?

You are NO dem

Your a liar
Would that be a lie like "you can keep your existing policy"?

and when he said that he meant it and its true.

The people who had policies they wanted to keep that were signed into BEFORE the bill passed got grandfathered in you stupid Fox bait brain dead clown.

The people who cant keep them are the ones who signed into contracts AFTER the bill passed.

Now tell me WHY their insurers didn't inform those people BUYING a new policy that it would change when the Care act was implemented?

Because they were willing to TRICK their new customers for a few more dollars.

Now realize the whole fucking reason we had to reform the insurance Cos was because they were slicing people off the roles to make more profit.

It was NOT a lie

THis guy fucking lied.

Just like you fucks keep doing about Obama at every turn.

Like when you LIED about him saying you didn't build that.

your scumbait
They're cheering this idiot's fraud. No surprise there.

Just imagine their response if it were a black person posing as white.

It would be even funnier... If a person is too fucking stupid to research the candidate they are voting for AT ALL... then they deserve whomever they get.