White guy wins after leading voters to believe he’s black

Omitting facts about himself in a sleazy attempt to pander to a certain class of voter.

Yeah....like school records showing his student status....kinds of tuition aid....attendance...class rank....etc.....

The stuff that panders to the blissfully ignorant voter.
What did he omit? Who has to, or ever does, blatantly declare their race?

I didn't say he had to declare his race. His picture on campaign literature or ads would declare it for him, but he used deceptive ads in order to fool prospective voters. Hell, the man admitted as much: "Every time a politician talks, he's out there deceiving voters," he says."

"His fliers were decorated with photographs of smiling African-American faces -- which he readily admits he just lifted off websites -- and captioned with the words "Please vote for our friend and neighbor Dave Wilson."

"One of his mailers said he was "Endorsed by Ron Wilson," which longtime Houston voters might easily interpret as a statement of support from a former state representative of the same name who's also African-American. Fine print beneath the headline says "Ron Wilson and Dave Wilson are cousins," a reference to one of Wilson's relatives living in Iowa."
What's your solution?

Mystery candidates whose faces are never shown and are referred to only as Candidate A and Candidate B?

Do you think voters aren't influenced by appearances?

Most human beings are influenced by appearance. Which is why commercials advertising a juicy meal works because it is trying to galvanize people into buying a good looking meal. People often times base their opinions about political candidates on how close these candidates relate to them (no matter how arbitrary that relation is). This is why people tried to make Obama the "other" because Obama, from his name up to his appearance is supposed to be unlike any American. His name is different. His color is different. The opponent focuses on arbitrary characteristics of Obama because they know the most uninformed voter is usually the loudest because they focus on the most unimportant things--things such as an ability to run the office. Most rational minded people know, religion, race, or sexual orientation have no effect on a person's ability to run a country but political games capitalize off the ignorance of society.

What is the solution?


Eventually our generation and the generation before us will die off and the political philosophy of focusing on arbitrary characteristics to determine a political candidates worthiness will eventually evolve into something else. Eventually, society will shift and young people growing up will focus on a candidate's ability to end wars, create jobs, etc.....Of course I'm willing to believe this to be a pipe dream.
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