White guy wins after leading voters to believe he’s black

We'll have to agree to disagree on this.

But I don't want to hear another peep out of cons who keep pushing photo IDs for voters and don't demand the same for candidates.

are you suggesting the candidate never provided an ID when registering as a candidate? Or that he never posted his picture anywhere to be found? I find that odd given that his OPPONENT used the mans photo in the campaigns against him.
super the man did everything to make them think he was black.

They didn't vote for him simply because they thought he was black.

They voted for him because they thought he was indorsed by a local hero
You see that local hero was BLACK

he said the man was his cousin and endorsed him.

that is why he kept his white face off the screed.

they might have questioned wether they were really cousins
yet here in this thread you right wing fucks are defending this man for purposefully fooling voters instead of informing them of the whole truth.

Cheating and lying is just acceptable to the right
and when he said that he meant it and its true.

The people who had policies they wanted to keep that were signed into BEFORE the bill passed got grandfathered in you stupid Fox bait brain dead clown.

The people who cant keep them are the ones who signed into contracts AFTER the bill passed.

Now tell me WHY their insurers didn't inform those people BUYING a new policy that it would change when the Care act was implemented?

Because they were willing to TRICK their new customers for a few more dollars.

Now realize the whole fucking reason we had to reform the insurance Cos was because they were slicing people off the roles to make more profit.

It was NOT a lie

THis guy fucking lied.

Just like you fucks keep doing about Obama at every turn.

Like when you LIED about him saying you didn't build that.

your scumbait

You are such a hack. Obama didn't say anything of the kind. He stated clearly... many many many times... "if you like your plan, you can keep it"... he did not, not once ever put a qualifier in it. Not once did he state that 'oh, by the way, in the act if your plan changes at all then my promise to you is not valid'. NOT ONCE.
what I put in that post is the truth.

you will just keep lying about it because lying to you is acceptable
what I put in that post is the truth.

you will just keep lying about it because lying to you is acceptable

actually Desh, it is YOU that is once again lying. How many times are you going to do that and then turn around and pretend you believe in the truth and facts?
He posted pictures of black people some could have interpreted one of those black people to be HIM. Prove Im wrong by showing all the pictures he used


He posted pictures of a white girl, some could have interpreted her to be HIM. Prove I'm wrong.

It's true that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius explained the grandfather clause in a June 14, 2010, blog post announcing new health care regulations.

"Under the rule issued today, employers or issuers offering such coverage will have the flexibility of making reasonable changes without losing their 'grandfathered' status," Sebelius wrote. "However, if health plans significantly raise co-payments or deductibles, or if they significantly reduce benefits – for example, if they stop covering treatment for a disease like HIV/AIDS or cystic fibrosis – they'll lose their grandfathered status and their customers will get the same full set of consumer protections as new plans."

Sebelius went on to say that the "bottom line is that under the Affordable Care Act, if you like your doctor and plan, you can keep them." But that still wouldn't be true for many, and Obama glossed over those details in his speeches. The president made the sweeping promise, in one variation or another, while the Affordable Care Act was being debated in Congress in 2009. He said it again after he signed the bill into law in 2010. And he continued to say it after the Supreme Court ruled the law was constitutional in 2012.

Its right in your link fool.

Now when he said you can keep your healthcare if you like it do you think that meant that the insurance companies would be FORCED to Not change those plans if they wanted to?

remember the insurers were able to change a policy whenever they wanted to?

do you really claim EVERYONE though Obama meant that?