Would you rather live in a country that didn't have Western values? Call it racist if you want, but white culture is better.

The very idea that discrimination is wrong is a white idea. What you're saying is that white people are hateful because they don't perfectly live up to their own ideas. But outside of the Western world, discrimination is much worse because it's not seen as wrong. Look at the things you listed. Religion, sex, sexual orientation, and so on. Do you think religious minorities, women, and gay people actually have it better in Africa and the Middle East?

I don't care about the price of tea in China.

I see a systemic problem in Law Enforcement of abuse of power.

I just want this handled. I am tired of watching it over and over again in the news!
I don't care about the price of tea in China.

I see a systemic problem in Law Enforcement of abuse of power.

I just want this handled. I am tired of watching it over and over again in the news!

But you're saying this is a problem in white culture. That's not true because white culture is better at holding government and police responsible.
When white culture dies out in America, things are going to get as bad as they are in other countries.
But you're saying this is a problem in white culture. That's not true because white culture is better at holding government and police responsible.
When white culture dies out in America, things are going to get as bad as they are in other countries.

I am not sure if you are trying to convince me- OR YOURSELF!

Because you are still harping about White being better than Black! And that is a racist view.

Even thinking America is a White Culture proves of racism.

America is not a White Culture! We are the melting pot of the world. You may want to get used to it!
Neither did whites in fact there are more Indians alive in the United States and Canada than before the arrival of whites.

And the Indians tried really hard, EG the Camanche killed and enslaved more Indians than were ever killed by the US military. Guess who their enemy tribes came to for help? That's right, the US cavalry! Can you name one atrocity against the Indians committed by the US comparable to the slaughter of Crow Creek? After contact with whites more Indians died fighting one another than fighting with whites you historically ignorant moron.

They were the first people on earth to ever put pen to paper regarding the rights of men you dumb fuck, though they weren't perfectly egalitarian (more so in southern states) they were decades ahead of anywhere else in the western world and centuries ahead of any non-white civilization.

Get gassed race traitor, 14/88!

You are so full of shit- it is squirting out your hole!
I am not sure if you are trying to convince me- OR YOURSELF!

Because you are still harping about White being better than Black! And that is a racist view.

Even thinking America is a White Culture proves of racism.

America is not a White Culture! We are the melting pot of the world. You may want to get used to it!

Wait.... You're saying that America is racist because it's white culture, but now you're saying America isn't white culture. I'm confused.
The worst scum in America: Socialists, Mindless Militant Blacks, Anarchists are running amok across the United States as we speak.

They are destroying your history - your monument and the Statues of your greatest heros.

They are shooting people...beating them up, destroying their property and their livlihoods.

This is NOT a civil rights protest, this is nothing to do with the death of George Floyd.

"Black Live Matter" are now a hard left political movement, that has more strength than the Democratic or Republican parties. FACT.

Why are YOU doing nothing, why are your legitimate political leaders doing NOTHING ?

Why will you not defend your country and your culture when it is under attack.

Why will you not defend the fundamental values of your Republic when they are being spat upon by black thugs, criminals and antisocial cretins ?


White man is wondering why we pay taxes. If I have to off these POS myself, and then face prosecution, that's a sad commentary on America.
Government takes an oath to protect us from bullshit like this. Why are they not doing their jobs?
Wait.... You're saying that America is racist because it's white culture, but now you're saying America isn't white culture. I'm confused.

You are confused because you are arguing with yourself.

Now go get your black and white crayons and color your little world!

Perhaps you're OK with Law Enforcement abusing their authority, and watching policemen shoot or kill black people and then try and justify it.

I am sick and tired of it. It happens way too much, when it should never be acceptable in the first place.

Either you condone it- OR YOU WOULD WANT TO SEE THIS STOP!

You can't just kick back and ignore it, unless you are all for it!
But you're just fine with the cops shooting or killing white people.

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You are giving White Culture too much credit! To say that White Culture is better than any other one is racist in itself.

Even if America was all White, our White Culture would find other ways to discriminate- as they do now- they still discriminate against religions, Sex, sexual orientation, Money Class, young vs. the old- old vs. the young- pretty vs. the ugly- educated vs. the uneducated etc. etc. Etc.!

White people just can't fucking help themselves! They are very hateful people!

It's quite clear that you are "very hateful people".

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