I say it often because it's true and what's more the left side of the aisle here never castigates him. Oh yes it does matter, what a stupid thing to say!

So when will you be telling us why it matters??

Then of course you will need to verify what you have projected on him.........

Could be interesting, pls, sir, do tell!!!:thinking:
Why are you leaving out the white thugs? Not that I expect a rational answer.

The overwhelming majority of the mobs and larger crowds of "protesters" I see on the television CABLE) news are African-American . Yes, there are some white morons in the fray as well- most of them look about the age of college students. Secondly the "banner" under which the desecration and destruction of historical statues and monuments is taking place is very clearly "Black Lives Matter."

I absolutely cannot get over the fact that the liberal leaders in the states where historic monuments- like the Statue of Lincoln with a Liberated slave- know that these structure are targeted for destruction , yet do nothing. These Blue State Democrat Mayors and Governors are so unprincipled, so lacking in any moral conscience, that they will let the mobs roll in and destroy public monuments without providing any opposition. It's like that sicking wimp of a Majorb from Mineapolis (who is clearly a queer) saying to the mob. Errm,j ust thought I tell you dudes that there will be no police called in to protect the statues tonight - so you can just go right on it and wrench that sucker to the ground. Oh, and while your here, guys, you're welcome and spray some lots of rainbow graffiti on our public buildings, or maybe torch a small business or two, or beat up white women in the city park By for now - don't forget to vote Democrat (rock whistles past his ear at speed) Ha, Ha - now THAT was naughty. See ya guys!, Mayo now runs like a frighted rabbit back to his office as volley projectiles are launched in his direction

And what about the FUCKWIT of a woman, the progressive Democrat Mayor of Seattle, Ms Jenny Durkin? Not long back, as you know, a mob of brain-dead
" BLM", Antifa,socialist shit-stirrers declared (illegally) 9 blocks of Seattle City an "autonomous zone" that had succeeded from the Union. The mob named the new "nation" Chaz or now Cop, I think is what its called

A news reporter from on of the mainstream networks interview Durken the next day in her offices and asks her at the end of his interview: "So, how do you think this ("Chop" situation will work out"? Durkin says with this SMUG look on her face, "I think it could be a "SUMMER OF LOVE". I thought to myself: "What did that stupid bitch just say? I thought she said ""Summer of Love"... "Yeah it was "Summer of Love", she said: "SUMMER...OF...LOVE" I was totally stunned.

If you're a millennial, you might not have heard about the "Summer of Love" )unless your parents were Hippies) so I'll quickly explain. The "Summer of Love" was a big Hippy festival that happened in Haight Asbury (SF) in 1969. It was all: "groovy man"; "peace man"; love; kindness; reading romantic poetry; flowers; Jefferson Airplane, Joni Mitchell; Bob Dylan and Santana, etc; for music, dropping LSD to try and meet God "free love", smoking pot,smelly guys with really long hair, topless Hippy Chicks, got the idea? But the Hippy's were mostly white, (very) middle-class kids who were into a peace and universal love "philosophy", because they wanted to change the world. They were young white American kids who were 95% totally non-violent and harmless (the 5% who did become violent now and they were usually guys who'd dropped too much acid or booze and got into an argument that had ended up in fisticuffs) Hippies didn't "pack heat" - guns were symbols of violence and carrying them was very uncool.

Getting back to this FUCKWIT, Blue State, Democrat Major, she appears to think that CHAZ which is walled of (the radicals must have got that idea from Trump :)and but of the worst collection of human scum in America; Militant Blacks, Antifa thugs, socialist extremists - (you can see it on your television). So we're talkin about an average IQ inside the CHAZ perimeter of somewhere around 80 points I'd say, and I scary part is that they've got guns - automatic weapons. I hear that local Police are not permitted to go into the CHAZ "nation" and I thought there's going to be people shot in there very soon. Today I read that two teenagers aged 17 and 19 have been shot, probably murdered. Jenny Dirken is directly responsible for those deaths two in my opinion.

What I do not understand is how someone a FUCKING STUPID as Jenny Durken is able to become a Mayor of of large American city, even in a Blue State. Any adult with an average intelligence has surely learned by her age that nature is hierarchical. It doesn't matter what object, substance , quality or property you are talking about THINGS for hierarchies that are, lets say, shaped like a pyramid. If you select all of the 20 - year-old 100 sprint runners in the world, you will find that the very slowest for the base of the pyramid then as your go up the pyramid there are faster, better sprinters , as you get near the tip of the pyramid you have a small number of very fact spinter who are good enough to make the US Olympic team, then, on his own, at the apex is Usain Bolt the best and faster 100 m sprinter in the world. If we're talking socioeconomic classes: traditionally the base of the pyramid represents the blue-collar working class, the are the biggest group and the earn the lowest amounts of money, then as we move up to the central region of the pyramid or hierarchy we have the lower and upper middle classes who have more money than the blue-collar class, but are fewer in number. At the pinnacle of the pyramid we have the richest men in America - the billionaires like; Mike Bloomberg, Bill Gates and guys like Mark Zuckerberg. General intelligence is the same, if you have your IQ professionally tested and its say 120, then if all of the adults is in the world had their IQ measured with the same instrument, they could be sorted into a vertical hierarchy at the bottom would be the very lowest IQs, the you would slot in at a point on the hierarchy above average and Einstein-like people would be up near the top.

The point is that hierarchy is a fundamental principle of ORDER that governs the natural and human world. So, why is hierarchy a innate principle of the natural and human world, you ask? I don't know, but I do believe it was divinely ordained (I.e; proclaimed by God or some other supernatural entity that created our universe).

What happens when you have an enclosed area - like the 9 blocks of Seattle that were of by the George Floyd rioters -is that you've got a mini-society - a mini-state. The morons inside believe in the kind of Marxist egalitarianism that Karl Marx wrote of when he said that the Revolutionary "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" would eventually wither away. In other words that according to his political theory , when a Communist Revolution take place, like it did in Paris when French Revolution kicked off at the Bastille in 1792), during phase 1 of the new revolutionary order there would be a government running the affairs of state, but after a while people would learn how to be more responsible at organizing their lives and their communities for themselves, so much so that they would reach o point of competence that they would not need a government or government agencies of any kind to rule and guide them. Rather the people would inevitably evolve into competent self - governing (communist) communities; they would not require the services a state police force, for example, to enforce the law, there would be no injustice, the community would be pervaded by a spirit of good will, tolerance and mutual respect.

Getting back to "CHOP" it represented a mini-left revolution. A violent mob took over a chunk of Seattle and declared that they now owned the 9 blocks they had seized. So, inside CHOP there is no law, there are no police, there are no means of maintaining social order. The natural law of hierarchy dictates that a hierarchical political order will NATURALLY establish itself to fill the vacuum. In the West today, politics, sadly, is still all about POWE; getting as much of it as you can as fast as you can. Therefore it was predictable that Inside the CHOP perimeter - which is full of thugs, criminals and antisocial scum - he who is the biggest, most ruthless and most well-armed villain will rapidly acquire political power and become the ruling feudal warlord of the "CHOP" tribes. That warlord was a "Black Lives Matter" leader called Solomon Samuel Simone aka as "RAZ" - a rap musician and criminal who had previously been jailed in Seattle.

"Raz" Simone has been investigated and is know to passionate hate America and Whites. He is connected to Islamists in Dubai, and is involved in working on the manifesto "Washington State - the First Black Independent Muslim State" He is sponsored by the Dubai government who support his anti-America and anti-White rhetoric. He has also been seen attending Sheik Zayed mosque.

Presumably it is his sponsorship for the Islamic government in Dubai that has enabled him to properties in America worth several million dollars, a fleet of luxury automobiles (including (a Tesla, BMW and Jaguar). He was found to have an impressive arsenal of firearms inside "CHOP" including...

* 5 Automatic "Sig Saur" and "Glock" handguns (including high-capacity magazines).

* 6 Semi-automatic rifles including an Uzi, AK-47 and AR-15.

* A large stock of armour-piercing bullets for these rifles.

"RAZ" Simone handed out guns to his crew (Simone's has fashioned his public image into that of a "Gangsta' ") and I would be very surprised if he and his confederates were not responsible for reports of business owners with in the "CHOP" boundary being extorted for "protection money" shortly after the "autonomous zone" was established. Simone and other gun mem inside "CHOP" are also known to have threated the lives a numerous "CHOP" insiders. Numerous rapes and beatings were also reported


This is not exactly "Summer of Love" stuff, is it? Seattle's CRETIN Democrat Mayor should resign immediately. Two youths have died because of her stupidity (not that this would weigh on her conscience) There is just no excuse for Durkin's behaviour. She needs to stand down immediately.

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Sadiq Khan forced the Met Police to rein back on the number of stop and searches. Predictably knife crime went through the roof as did acid attacks. The people who call for less police are invariably those that live in leafy suburbs.

That's right. Sadiq Khan is a muslim with links to a number of Islamic Extremist organisations in London. The English call London, "Londistan" now because of the high Muslim population in the city. When the knifings you refer to were taking place, the Metropolitan Police were not allow to release the racial/ethic statistic for the perpetrators to the media. Khan was eventually forced to back down on this devious measure, and it turns out that around 90% of the knifemen were Muslim. IMO Khan deliberately scaled back police numbers and banned "Stop and Search" not because he is what you call a Liberal (he is a member of the British Labour Party which is kind of like your Democrats) who was "woke" and had a bee in his bonnet about racial discrimination and social justice more generally. He wanted to unleash that spree of Muslim knifing violence. Khan is a Muslim and his religion, Islam, is less a bone fide religion (much less abone fide religion) than it is a very violent and hateful political ideology .You are lucky in the US that Trump clearly understands this. It is very similar in many ways to Totalitarian Fascism. Muslims knifing whites - for whom they have a visceral hatred - would please Khan greatly especially given his history of links to groups in London that are fronts for Islamic extremist organisations in England. It would also help him at the ballot box in London.

Somebody seriously needs to kick your ass. Repeatedly!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

I'd just like to know who your voting for in the Nov 3rd election. ( Correct me if I am wrong, but I presume you do intend to vote because you are interested enough in politics enough to contribute to a political forum ?).

So being "RATIONAL", like you, I see that you are not at all an admirer of Donald Trump or the Republican Party. Right?

That means you will ultimatelyl be castingt a ballot for Joe Biden?

Did I get it right ?

Please let me know.

(Sent from my SM-G957P Using Tapatalk)
The worst scum in America: Socialists, Mindless Militant Blacks, Anarchists are running amok across the United States as we speak.

They are destroying your history - your monument and the Statues of your greatest heros.

They are shooting people...beating them up, destroying their property and their livlihoods.

This is NOT a civil rights protest, this is nothing to do with the death of George Floyd.

"Black Live Matter" are now a hard left political movement, that has more strength than the Democratic or Republican parties. FACT.

Why are YOU doing nothing, why are your legitimate political leaders doing NOTHING ?

Why will you not defend your country and your culture when it is under attack.

Why will you not defend the fundamental values of your Republic when they are being spat upon by black thugs, criminals and antisocial cretins ?



ya'll should go to Mexico were you'll be safe from these ppl.........

We can pass the hat around & get yea both a one way to Juarez & we'll toss in a twelve pack & two thai sticks if you're on the bus tomorrow AM....

hasta la vista big babies

Mexico has strict immigration policies.

Fourteen Words, 14, or 14/88, is a reference to the fourteen-word slogan "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children", or the less commonly used "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth." The slogans were originally coined by white supremacist David Lane, a founding member of terrorist organization The Order and serve as a rallying cry for militant white nationalists across the globe. "88" is a veiled reference to "Heil Hitler", as 'H' is the 8th letter of the alphabet.

President Donald Trump tweeted approvingly of a video showing one of his supporters chanting "white power," a racist slogan associated with white supremacists. The video appeared to have been taken at The Villages, a Florida retirement community, and showed duelling demonstrations between Trump supporters and opponents.

"Thank you to the great people of The Villages," Trump tweeted. Moments into the video clip he shared, a man driving a golf cart displaying pro-Trump signs and flags shouts 'white power."

I'd just like to know who your voting for in the Nov 3rd election. ( Correct me if I am wrong, but I presume you do intend to vote because you are interested enough in politics enough to contribute to a political forum ?).

So being "RATIONAL", like you, I see that you are not at all an admirer of Donald Trump or the Republican Party. Right?

That means you will ultimatelyl be castingt a ballot for Joe Biden?

Did I get it right ?

Please let me know.

(Sent from my SM-G957P Using Tapatalk)
I don't particularly care for Biden, but Trump has been a disaster. I think both parties have failed the country and need to be replaced. I'll probably end up voting 3rd party. Given the options, everyone should vote 3rd party. If enough people did, it would be a kick in the balls to both parties, perhaps motivating them to straighten up and fly right.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
The overwhelming majority of the mobs and larger crowds of "protesters" I see on the television CABLE) news are African-American . Yes, there are some white morons in the fray as well- most of them look about the age of college students. Secondly the "banner" under which the desecration and destruction of historical statues and monuments is taking place is very clearly "Black Lives Matter."

I absolutely cannot get over the fact that the liberal leaders in the states where historic monuments- like the Statue of Lincoln with a Liberated slave- know that these structure are targeted for destruction , yet do nothing. These Blue State Democrat Mayors and Governors are so unprincipled, so lacking in any moral conscience, that they will let the mobs roll in and destroy public monuments without providing any opposition. It's like that sicking wimp of a Majorb from Mineapolis (who is clearly a queer) saying to the mob. Errm,j ust thought I tell you dudes that there will be no police called in to protect the statues tonight - so you can just go right on it and wrench that sucker to the ground. Oh, and while your here, guys, you're welcome and spray some lots of rainbow graffiti on our public buildings, or maybe torch a small business or two, or beat up white women in the city park By for now - don't forget to vote Democrat (rock whistles past his ear at speed) Ha, Ha - now THAT was naughty. See ya guys!, Mayo now runs like a frighted rabbit back to his office as volley projectiles are launched in his direction

And what about the FUCKWIT of a woman, the progressive Democrat Mayor of Seattle, Ms Jenny Durkin? Not long back, as you know, a mob of brain-dead
" BLM", Antifa,socialist shit-stirrers declared (illegally) 9 blocks of Seattle City an "autonomous zone" that had succeeded from the Union. The mob named the new "nation" Chaz or now Cop, I think is what its called

A news reporter from on of the mainstream networks interview Durken the next day in her offices and asks her at the end of his interview: "So, how do you think this ("Chop" situation will work out"? Durkin says with this SMUG look on her face, "I think it could be a "SUMMER OF LOVE". I thought to myself: "What did that stupid bitch just say? I thought she said ""Summer of Love"... "Yeah it was "Summer of Love", she said: "SUMMER...OF...LOVE" I was totally stunned.

If you're a millennial, you might not have heard about the "Summer of Love" )unless your parents were Hippies) so I'll quickly explain. The "Summer of Love" was a big Hippy festival that happened in Haight Asbury (SF) in 1969. It was all: "groovy man"; "peace man"; love; kindness; reading romantic poetry; flowers; Jefferson Airplane, Joni Mitchell; Bob Dylan and Santana, etc; for music, dropping LSD to try and meet God "free love", smoking pot,smelly guys with really long hair, topless Hippy Chicks, got the idea? But the Hippy's were mostly white, (very) middle-class kids who were into a peace and universal love "philosophy", because they wanted to change the world. They were young white American kids who were 95% totally non-violent and harmless (the 5% who did become violent now and they were usually guys who'd dropped too much acid or booze and got into an argument that had ended up in fisticuffs) Hippies didn't "pack heat" - guns were symbols of violence and carrying them was very uncool.

Getting back to this FUCKWIT, Blue State, Democrat Major, she appears to think that CHAZ which is walled of (the radicals must have got that idea from Trump :)and but of the worst collection of human scum in America; Militant Blacks, Antifa thugs, socialist extremists - (you can see it on your television). So we're talkin about an average IQ inside the CHAZ perimeter of somewhere around 80 points I'd say, and I scary part is that they've got guns - automatic weapons. I hear that local Police are not permitted to go into the CHAZ "nation" and I thought there's going to be people shot in there very soon. Today I read that two teenagers aged 17 and 19 have been shot, probably murdered. Jenny Dirken is directly responsible for those deaths two in my opinion.

What I do not understand is how someone a FUCKING STUPID as Jenny Durken is able to become a Mayor of of large American city, even in a Blue State. Any adult with an average intelligence has surely learned by her age that nature is hierarchical. It doesn't matter what object, substance , quality or property you are talking about THINGS for hierarchies that are, lets say, shaped like a pyramid. If you select all of the 20 - year-old 100 sprint runners in the world, you will find that the very slowest for the base of the pyramid then as your go up the pyramid there are faster, better sprinters , as you get near the tip of the pyramid you have a small number of very fact spinter who are good enough to make the US Olympic team, then, on his own, at the apex is Usain Bolt the best and faster 100 m sprinter in the world. If we're talking socioeconomic classes: traditionally the base of the pyramid represents the blue-collar working class, the are the biggest group and the earn the lowest amounts of money, then as we move up to the central region of the pyramid or hierarchy we have the lower and upper middle classes who have more money than the blue-collar class, but are fewer in number. At the pinnacle of the pyramid we have the richest men in America - the billionaires like; Mike Bloomberg, Bill Gates and guys like Mark Zuckerberg. General intelligence is the same, if you have your IQ professionally tested and its say 120, then if all of the adults is in the world had their IQ measured with the same instrument, they could be sorted into a vertical hierarchy at the bottom would be the very lowest IQs, the you would slot in at a point on the hierarchy above average and Einstein-like people would be up near the top.

The point is that hierarchy is a fundamental principle of ORDER that governs the natural and human world. So, why is hierarchy a innate principle of the natural and human world, you ask? I don't know, but I do believe it was divinely ordained (I.e; proclaimed by God or some other supernatural entity that created our universe).

What happens when you have an enclosed area - like the 9 blocks of Seattle that were of by the George Floyd rioters -is that you've got a mini-society - a mini-state. The morons inside believe in the kind of Marxist egalitarianism that Karl Marx wrote of when he said that the Revolutionary "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" would eventually wither away. In other words that according to his political theory , when a Communist Revolution take place, like it did in Paris when French Revolution kicked off at the Bastille in 1792), during phase 1 of the new revolutionary order there would be a government running the affairs of state, but after a while people would learn how to be more responsible at organizing their lives and their communities for themselves, so much so that they would reach o point of competence that they would not need a government or government agencies of any kind to rule and guide them. Rather the people would inevitably evolve into competent self - governing (communist) communities; they would not require the services a state police force, for example, to enforce the law, there would be no injustice, the community would be pervaded by a spirit of good will, tolerance and mutual respect.

Getting back to "CHOP" it represented a mini-left revolution. A violent mob took over a chunk of Seattle and declared that they now owned the 9 blocks they had seized. So, inside CHOP there is no law, there are no police, there are no means of maintaining social order. The natural law of hierarchy dictates that a hierarchical political order will NATURALLY establish itself to fill the vacuum. In the West today, politics, sadly, is still all about POWE; getting as much of it as you can as fast as you can. Therefore it was predictable that Inside the CHOP perimeter - which is full of thugs, criminals and antisocial scum - he who is the biggest, most ruthless and most well-armed villain will rapidly acquire political power and become the ruling feudal warlord of the "CHOP" tribes. That warlord was a "Black Lives Matter" leader called Solomon Samuel Simone aka as "RAZ" - a rap musician and criminal who had previously been jailed in Seattle.

"Raz" Simone has been investigated and is know to passionate hate America and Whites. He is connected to Islamists in Dubai, and is involved in working on the manifesto "Washington State - the First Black Independent Muslim State" He is sponsored by the Dubai government who support his anti-America and anti-White rhetoric. He has also been seen attending Sheik Zayed mosque.

Presumably it is his sponsorship for the Islamic government in Dubai that has enabled him to properties in America worth several million dollars, a fleet of luxury automobiles (including (a Tesla, BMW and Jaguar). He was found to have an impressive arsenal of firearms inside "CHOP" including...

* 5 Automatic "Sig Saur" and "Glock" handguns (including high-capacity magazines).

* 6 Semi-automatic rifles including an Uzi, AK-47 and AR-15.

* A large stock of armour-piercing bullets for these rifles.

"RAZ" Simone handed out guns to his crew (Simone's has fashioned his public image into that of a "Gangsta' ") and I would be very surprised if he and his confederates were not responsible for reports of business owners with in the "CHOP" boundary being extorted for "protection money" shortly after the "autonomous zone" was established. Simone and other gun mem inside "CHOP" are also known to have threated the lives a numerous "CHOP" insiders. Numerous rapes and beatings were also reported


This is not exactly "Summer of Love" stuff, is it? Seattle's CRETIN Democrat Mayor should resign immediately. Two youths have died because of her stupidity (not that this would weigh on her conscience) There is just no excuse for Durkin's behaviour. She needs to stand down immediately.


Not even close.
White men tend to have a culture of Racism!

I refuse to defend it!

Everybody always naturally covers for our forefathers who wrote our Constitution!

But, I think they were racist misogynists who should have banned slavery and allowed minorities and women to vote- FROM THE VERY START!

So in my opinion, our forefathers were fucking bigots and assholes- AND AMERICAN INDIAN KILLERS!
White men tend to have a culture of Racism!

I refuse to defend it!

Everybody always naturally covers for our forefathers who wrote our Constitution!

But, I think they were racist misogynists who should have banned slavery and allowed minorities and women to vote- FROM THE VERY START!

So in my opinion, our forefathers were fucking bigots and assholes.

Apparently you have never been out this country or anywhere that white people are not the majority. That does not surprise me. The rest of your post is just gibberish and seriously, no one gives a fuck what you think should have been.
Apparently you have never been out this country or anywhere that white people are not the majority. That does not surprise me. The rest of your post is just gibberish and seriously, no one gives a fuck what you think should have been.

White men tend to have a culture of Racism!

I refuse to defend it!

Everybody always naturally covers for our forefathers who wrote our Constitution!

But, I think they were racist misogynists who should have banned slavery and allowed minorities and women to vote- FROM THE VERY START!

So in my opinion, our forefathers were fucking bigots and assholes- AND AMERICAN INDIAN KILLERS!

White cultures are a lot less racist than other cultures. We're the race that didn't just end slavery in our own countries, but then ended it all over the world. And yes, we honor the forefathers, but we also admit they were wrong for owning slaves. Most countries don't even admit that their forefathers did bad things.
Western Civilization has always been pretty fair, though not perfect. Do you really want to lose this culture just so it can be replaced with a culture that is more unfair and racist?