White privilege

I keep hearing about all of this White Privilege...where can I get some of that?

From working hard, staying out of trouble, and doing the right thing. It's not call privilege but the results of good choices. The term white privilege is nothing more than an excuse by those that can't keep up and want to blame someone else for their failures.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And the readers are to believe this blather because....?

If any of this is true, you are aware that gov't security folk can track this to your location, right?

Idiot blowhard that you are.

Doesn't matter. They are all dead, retard. No one to prosecute.

Okay! And as the reader can clearly see, old Matthew here is just one brick shy of a load or just a right wing crank with too much time on his hands. Either way, I'm not wasting more time on him.
Lighten up Larry ffs. You can tell your friends Jim and Jack that as well! As far as I am concerned George Floyd was a worthless human being and is only useful to the Dems as cannon fodder in an election year. His death was a certainly a good thing for his family they've hit paydirt and become multi-millionaires in the process.

If you were really concerned about human suffering then maybe you'd be railing against the Chinese cunts that do this. You only ever seen concerned about what to call the Wu Flu.

'A naked brutality worthy of the Nazis': ED LUCAS on the harrowing evidence of Beijing's concentration camps dedicated to 're-educating' a million or more Muslims


:palm: I thought you were better than that..........
Okay! And as the reader can clearly see, old Matthew here is just one brick shy of a load or just a right wing crank with too much time on his hands. Either way, I'm not wasting more time on him.

Translation: I'm a leftist poofter glad I got out without being beat down!
PS: I made assumptions that were fucking derp because I am derp!
Xi is an abomination, inscrutable to the max. China needs to be reined in before it's too late. They should be told in no uncertain terms that they'll be kicked out of the WTO unless they change drastically. Everyone remembers 9/11 but not 12/11.

Letting China join the WTO was the worst decision the West ever made


When do you think it will be to late??

Unfortunately I am pretty pessimistic, I think we have already crossed that threshold, & didn't even know it....

We were to busy in the middle fuckin east fixing other ppl's problems, killing ppl & trying to force democracy down their throats=complete & utter fail & waste of life & treasure............

Mean while in china they built 24 mega-cities equal to hong kong, ripped us off blind & whored our corporations & wallstreet......

Now if we end up in a shooting war, that would all change of course........
When do you think it will be to late??

Unfortunately I am pretty pessimistic, I think we have already crossed that threshold, & didn't even know it....

We were to busy in the middle fuckin east fixing other ppl's problems, killing ppl & trying to force democracy down their throats=complete & utter fail & waste of life & treasure............

Mean while in china they built 24 mega-cities equal to hong kong, ripped us off blind & whored our corporations & wallstreet......

Now if we end up in a shooting war, that would all change of course........

5 reasons why Microsoft is even entertaining a Tik Tok purchase

It's hard to know what to make of this Microsoft acquiring Tik Tok talk, but here are some theories on why this wacky merger dance is happening now.

Microsoft's talks to acquire Tik Tok don't make a whole lot of sense on the surface. In fact, nothing about this deal makes sense given you have a tech giant that is known for the enterprise, President Trump tweeting about Tik Tok, legislators chiming in and a 45-day deal deadline.

Sure, I've read a few Wall Street analysts do some mental gymnastics to argue for the Microsoft purchase of Tik Tok. Depending on price ($10 billion too good to pass up and $50 billion crazy), Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is going to have some explaining to do.

With all that said, here is a bit of informed speculation about why this Microsoft-Tik Tok lunacy is happening.

1. The Department of Defense's JEDI cloud contract is to be announced soon. Microsoft won the $10 billion cloud contract over Amazon Web Services for the military's cloud transformation contract. Trump isn't exactly a fan of Amazon or CEO Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post. Microsoft and AWS have been duking it out in court throughout 2019 and 2020 and now the JEDI contract will be reannounced potentially this month after an Inspector General report.

See the calendar overlap here? If you do then you're a cynical person like me. Perhaps there is no connection, but it's not a reach to envision a JEDI contract being mentioned in the same breath as a buyout of Tik Tok. Disclosure: This is my cynical opinion, but the timing makes me go hmm.

2. Microsoft is grabbing headlines about Tik Tok to avoid questions about why the software and cloud giant isn't buying Arm from Softbank. Clearly, Microsoft has $40 billion or so burning a hole in its pocket. Softbank is looking to sell Arm and Nvidia is reportedly interested. Surely, other companies (Apple, Qualcomm and perhaps AMD and Intel) would be interested in Arm too, but the purchase of that chip intellectual property would face regulatory hurdles. Generally speaking, Arm is best held with a company not in the mobile game and Microsoft could be a good fit. Microsoft, which knows a bit about licensing, would probably do well with Arm. Why not bid for Arm over Tik Tok?

3. Microsoft just can't quit you consumers. Microsoft just scrapped Mixer, started Band and then killed it and had the Windows Phone debacle. And remember when Cortana was going to thump Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri? Oh yeah, Cortana didn't exactly thrive (still could beat Siri though but whatever) and has gone corporate. Now Microsoft has a consumer success with Xbox and hasn't screwed up Minecraft, but the Tik Tok hurdles are much larger. Microsoft can't just buy Tik Tok and leave it alone. The company will have all sorts of data, privacy and integration issues.

4. Microsoft may be able to get Tik Tok at a fire sale price. We don't know what Tik Tok would really fetch given that it's on the US government's hit list. Maybe Microsoft can get Tik Tok for really cheap. The problem here is that Microsoft can't exactly flip Tik Tok to Facebook after those big tech House hearings. Tik Tok may be one complicated reference customer for Microsoft Azure.

5. Nadella has done too well as CEO of Microsoft. It's hard to find any Nadella flops with Microsoft. Perhaps Nadella is miffed that he wasn't viewed as big tech monopolist to Washington DC pols and wants a Steve Ballmer type moment to get attention. If Microsoft buys Tik Tok rest assured Nadella will get attention.

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