White privilege

Lighten up Larry ffs. You can tell your friends Jim and Jack that as well! As far as I am concerned George Floyd was a worthless human being and is only useful to the Dems as cannon fodder in an election year. His death was a certainly a good thing for his family they've hit paydirt and become multi-millionaires in the process.

If you were really concerned about human suffering then maybe you'd be railing against the Chinese cunts that do this. You only ever seen concerned about what to call the Wu Flu.

'A naked brutality worthy of the Nazis': ED LUCAS on the harrowing evidence of Beijing's concentration camps dedicated to 're-educating' a million or more Muslims


Still it's not all bad, the Chinese police didn't put a knee on this guy's neck!!

View attachment 16233

Lighten up Larry ffs. You can tell your friends Jim and Jack that as well! As far as I am concerned George Floyd was a worthless human being and is only useful to the Dems as cannon fodder in an election year. His death was a certainly a good thing for his family they've hit paydirt and become multi-millionaires in the process.

If you were really concerned about human suffering then maybe you'd be railing against the Chinese cunts that do this. You only ever seen concerned about what to call the Wu Flu.

'A naked brutality worthy of the Nazis': ED LUCAS on the harrowing evidence of Beijing's concentration camps dedicated to 're-educating' a million or more Muslims


George Floyd should have been publicly hanged years ago. If the law let him go like that in my hood, he would have been shark food. No bullshit. There was a committee in my hood, they took care of the trash. They're all dead now, that's the only reason I talk about it. Everyone they did anything to had it coming. The committee would drag him out in the middle of the night and feed him to the sharks.
I don't even want to know what happened in between. There's no one to ask, either.
That's what kept fuckers from getting out of hand in my neighborhood. It worked.
I imagine there was some cutting up involved.
View attachment 16102[/QUOTE

80,000 Americans died and 900,000 were hospitalised just two years ago from flu including the most virulent Type A version of H3N2, so why didn't you arseholes call for the total destruction of the world's economic system then?

You know and everyone else knows your numbers are a complete Lue.

Where are all the people protesting police brutality because of what happened in that picture?
If all the white privilege that whiners complain existed actually did, no white person would have to provide anything in a resume/job application related to education, experience, credentials, etc. All they'd need to do is put "I'm white" on the application they'd automatically get hired.
George Floyd should have been publicly hanged years ago. If the law let him go like that in my hood, he would have been shark food. No bullshit. There was a committee in my hood, they took care of the trash. They're all dead now, that's the only reason I talk about it. Everyone they did anything to had it coming. The committee would drag him out in the middle of the night and feed him to the sharks.
I don't even want to know what happened in between. There's no one to ask, either.
That's what kept fuckers from getting out of hand in my neighborhood. It worked.
I imagine there was some cutting up involved.

Nice post, Matt. Thank you.
If all the white privilege that whiners complain existed actually did, no white person would have to provide anything in a resume/job application related to education, experience, credentials, etc. All they'd need to do is put "I'm white" on the application they'd automatically get hired.

Exactly, CFM, exactly.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal

Thanks kid, this is a prime example of proud ignorance! By the way, it's prevalent in blue and white collar. Maybe this simpleton should get educated instead of whining about his personal predicament....here's a primer: https://www.mediaed.org/transcripts/...Transcript.pdf

In all the years I've known you I've never seen you even once exhibit the slightest hint of a sense of humour. I used to implore you to lighten up but it always fell upon deaf ears. Pompous windbaggery appears to be your default setting.

a) don't know who the hell you are, don't care. "years" implies other screen names and other sites.
b) if my posts and responses are not to your liking, then put me on IA. Since it is extremely rare that I post on threads of people I don't like, your IA'ing me would insure never reading my posts. Otherwise, you seem to have some type of obsession or axe to grind with me. Whatever.....so long as it keeps you off the streets.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Tough cookies, Stevie. Your little pointy hooded honey is a prime example of the sheer moronic "logic" of the white supremacist/separatist mindset. Once out in the open and properly challenged, her foolishness is plain for all to see. No one put a gun to her head to post....folk like her are compelled to bullhorn their 3rd rate David Duke style propaganda...so much more to pity.

Your sweethearts moniker is "its alright to be white". No argument there....but it's not alright to be white and a proudly ignorant racist. But rest assured, I've exposed her folly for all to see, and have no desire to give her a platform to parrot her bilge...or waste more time and space with such idiocy. Now you run along and kiss her ass....maybe you can get a date!

You ARE a moronic asshole. Congratulations.

A dazzling display of right wing intelligence with this retort, Stevie! How ever shall I survive! :D
George Floyd should have been publicly hanged years ago. If the law let him go like that in my hood, he would have been shark food. No bullshit. There was a committee in my hood, they took care of the trash. They're all dead now, that's the only reason I talk about it. Everyone they did anything to had it coming. The committee would drag him out in the middle of the night and feed him to the sharks.
I don't even want to know what happened in between. There's no one to ask, either.
That's what kept fuckers from getting out of hand in my neighborhood. It worked.
I imagine there was some cutting up involved.

And the readers are to believe this blather because....?

If any of this is true, you are aware that gov't security folk can track this to your location, right?

Idiot blowhard that you are. :palm: