White privilege

1. You're too bright, Stoney....this is a printed medium that records your words. What you leave out in your explanation here is that you said "...In America, "special interest" racial groups are privileged in that they're able to fight for their interests." When I pointed out that black folk fall into that category, you balked that you didn't name black folk in particular … just all non-white folk. So I ask again, what exact interest is it that you feel you are deprived of in the main stream media as a white person? Instead of an answer, you just parrot more sheet wearing propaganda that is all opinion, supposition and conjecture but no facts to support them. Typical of you, Stoney.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here. I thought you understood that the media uses "special interest groups" to mean anyone who isn't white. Not sure how this is a gotcha moment, but ok.
And I already listed interests that white people can't talk about, such as freedom of association and closing the borders to the third world, as well as opposing anti-white propaganda and reparations for slavery. But now you're just dismissing it as "sheet-wearing propaganda." So it's not that I'm avoiding the question, it's that you aren't acknowledging the answer.

2. Again, all you're doing is just parroting without EVER actually responding to specific points I put forth regarding your previous statements. You blather nonsense about your not being able to freely associate with anyone you want or not. Really? You can't go to your friends/relative's house? America doesn't have members only social clubs? Political, ethnic, religious organizations? Please state the law(s) that prevent you from attending such. If you can't, then you're full of it, because all that's left is your squawking about not having segregation as law. That's not deflection, genius....that's deductive reasoning to a conclusion.

Again, I answered the question, you're just pretending I didn't. We have anti-discrimination laws that ban white people from having white-only businesses and neighborhoods. You mentioned social clubs, but we can't actually have social clubs for Whites only.

3. :palm: YOU are establishing in your warped mind a "racial narrative". Then you whine like a little female dog about no shows advocating "white supremacy" (since that type of mentality lost the Civil War and has been beaten down to some extent via the Constitution, Bill of Rights and SCOTUS rulings, I don't think you'll be seeing such shows anytime soon). Seems you're really upset that the racists gov'ts of Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa got the heave ho …. TFB, you want to start a thread on the aforementioned countries, go right ahead. ....but since we're discussing the OP and the OP is about America, you need to stay focused in trying to pass of your Storm Front follies as facts...to which you are failing at miserably. And since I gave you one prime example of how incredibly wrong and just plain stupid you claim is here, you need to address that before I waste time posting others. If you can't or won't, then it's just another example of your intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance.


I didn't say anything about White Supremacy. I want the right to self-segregate, not the right to enslave other people.
Your feelings on the anti-white war crimes in Africa is "TFB" so it's pretty clear here that you're not against racism, you're against white people. Which isn't surprising, we all know that "anti-racist" is code for anti-white.
The reason I brought up Africa is because we were talking about media representation. I'm saying that the media, being anti-white, will only show war crimes where Whites are the oppressors. They never talk about the oppression against Whites in Africa or the Armenian Genocide. You have no answer for this, so now you're pivoting by saying we're talking about America, not Africa.

4. God, your ignorance and duplicity knows no bounds! Fascism in part greatly depends and compliments racists mindsets like yours.....if you knew anything about history (global), you'd know that. Get educated, man! And spare us all your sick sexual fantasies about your hero David Duke!


5. Once again, you try to substitute your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. "Dying out" is such a generalized term, and it just doesn't fit where I live for over 60 years, according to friends and neighbors...and this is not unique in America. Basically, you are just blowing more smoke to try and cover the fact that your paranoid, racist mindset just doesn't stand the light of day. Your insipid stubbornness will never allow you to admit it in public....I just deconstruct your BS for the objective reading audience to see your folly....a guilty pleasure of mine, to be sure. Carry on toodles.

It's not my opinion that white neighborhoods are dying out due to forced integration. By you saying it hasn't happened where you live, you're using anecdotal evidence.

Serious question, are you Jewish?
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I'm not sure what you're getting at here. I thought you understood that the media uses "special interest groups" to mean anyone who isn't white. Not sure how this is a gotcha moment, but ok.
And I already listed interests that white people can't talk about, such as freedom of association and closing the borders to the third world, as well as opposing anti-white propaganda and reparations for slavery. But now you're just dismissing it as "sheet-wearing propaganda." So it's not that I'm avoiding the question, it's that you aren't acknowledging the answer.

Again, I answered the question, you're just pretending I didn't. We have anti-discrimination laws that ban white people from having white-only businesses and neighborhoods. You mentioned social clubs, but we can't actually have social clubs for Whites only.


I didn't say anything about White Supremacy. I want the right to self-segregate, not the right to enslave other people.
Your feelings on the anti-white war crimes in Africa is "TFB" so it's pretty clear here that you're not against racism, you're against white people. Which isn't surprising, we all know that "anti-racist" is code for anti-white.
The reason I brought up Africa is because we were talking about media representation. I'm saying that the media, being anti-white, will only show war crimes where Whites are the oppressors. They never talk about the oppression against Whites in Africa or the Armenian Genocide. You have no answer for this, so now you're pivoting by saying we're talking


It's not my opinion that white neighborhoods are dying out due to forced integration. By you saying it hasn't happened where you live, you're using anecdotal evidence.

Serious question, are you Jewish?

Nice post, Stoney.
"White Privilege Conference"

Learn to pronounce
(of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.

If he don't say "heanh" he don't know.. I can roll up in the hood and BBQ in the cut because I'm a real cracker.

I can talk with local blacks and outsiders won't know what we're saying. It's the same language with crackers and blacks here.
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If he don't say "heanh" he don't know.. I can roll up in the hood and BBQ in the cut because I'm a real cracker.

I can talk with local blacks and outsiders won't know what we're saying. It's the same language with crackers and blacks here.

Matt Dillon -Making America Gag Again! :laugh:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Matt Dillon -Making America Gag Again!

Leftist faggot, making Americans cringe again.

Oh, such a scintillating retort! A prime example of the brilliance of the Confederate flag waving sycophant in denial of the discussion at hand. Oh, will the American psyche ever recover from such an onslaught! :laugh:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
1. You're not too bright, Stoney....this is a printed medium that records your words. What you leave out in your explanation here is that you said "...In America, "special interest" racial groups are privileged in that they're able to fight for their interests." When I pointed out that black folk fall into that category, you balked that you didn't name black folk in particular … just all non-white folk. So I ask again, what exact interest is it that you feel you are deprived of in the main stream media as a white person? Instead of an answer, you just parrot more sheet wearing propaganda that is all opinion, supposition and conjecture but no facts to support them. Typical of you, Stoney.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here. I thought you understood that the media uses "special interest groups" to mean anyone who isn't white. Not sure how this is a gotcha moment, but ok.
And I already listed interests that white people can't talk about, such as freedom of association and closing the borders to the third world, as well as opposing anti-white propaganda and reparations for slavery. But now you're just dismissing it as "sheet-wearing propaganda." So it's not that I'm avoiding the question, it's that you aren't acknowledging the answer.

2. Again, all you're doing is just parroting without EVER actually responding to specific points I put forth regarding your previous statements. You blather nonsense about your not being able to freely associate with anyone you want or not. Really? You can't go to your friends/relative's house? America doesn't have members only social clubs? Political, ethnic, religious organizations? Please state the law(s) that prevent you from attending such. If you can't, then you're full of it, because all that's left is your squawking about not having segregation as law. That's not deflection, genius....that's deductive reasoning to a conclusion.

Again, I answered the question, you're just pretending I didn't. We have anti-discrimination laws that ban white people from having white-only businesses and neighborhoods. You mentioned social clubs, but we can't actually have social clubs for Whites only.

3. YOU are establishing in your warped mind a "racial narrative". Then you whine like a little female dog about no shows advocating "white supremacy" (since that type of mentality lost the Civil War and has been beaten down to some extent via the Constitution, Bill of Rights and SCOTUS rulings, I don't think you'll be seeing such shows anytime soon). Seems you're really upset that the racists gov'ts of Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa got the heave ho …. TFB, you want to start a thread on the aforementioned countries, go right ahead. ....but since we're discussing the OP and the OP is about America, you need to stay focused in trying to pass of your Storm Front follies as facts...to which you are failing at miserably. And since I gave you one prime example of how incredibly wrong and just plain stupid you claim is here, you need to address that before I waste time posting others. If you can't or won't, then it's just another example of your intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance.


I didn't say anything about White Supremacy. I want the right to self-segregate, not the right to enslave other people.
Your feelings on the anti-white war crimes in Africa is "TFB" so it's pretty clear here that you're not against racism, you're against white people. Which isn't surprising, we all know that "anti-racist" is code for anti-white.
The reason I brought up Africa is because we were talking about media representation. I'm saying that the media, being anti-white, will only show war crimes where Whites are the oppressors. They never talk about the oppression against Whites in Africa or the Armenian Genocide. You have no answer for this, so now you're pivoting by saying we're talking about America, not Africa.

4. God, your ignorance and duplicity knows no bounds! Fascism in part greatly depends and compliments racists mindsets like yours.....if you knew anything about history (global), you'd know that. Get educated, man! And spare us all your sick sexual fantasies about your hero David Duke!


5. Once again, you try to substitute your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. "Dying out" is such a generalized term, and it just doesn't fit where I live for over 60 years, according to friends and neighbors...and this is not unique in America. Basically, you are just blowing more smoke to try and cover the fact that your paranoid, racist mindset just doesn't stand the light of day. Your insipid stubbornness will never allow you to admit it in public....I just deconstruct your BS for the objective reading audience to see your folly....a guilty pleasure of mine, to be sure. Carry on toodles.

It's not my opinion that white neighborhoods are dying out due to forced integration. By you saying it hasn't happened where you live, you're using anecdotal evidence.

Serious question, are you Jewish?

1. You're not sure of anything, are ya Stoney? You make a statement, then deny the logical conclusions and consequences of that statement, then you repeat the statement, then you deny the original statement. The chronology of the posts makes you out to be a goal post shifting liar, Stoney (his next move is to ask what's he's lying about, folks...feigning ignorance doesn't hide Stoney moronic attempts to foster his bilge). Roy Cohn would be proud.

2. Last time I checked, there are fraternal orders, social clubs, etc. for the plethora of ethnic Caucasian Americans of European descent. You have parades for Germans, Italians, Polish, etc. (of which I have NO problem). Now historically, when you saw a sign that said, "White Only", it was usually for public facilities that resulted in non-whites traveling longer to receive the same public services their taxes paid for. So, my sheet wearing friend, if you want to erase all the aforementioned ethnic parades, clubs, groups, etc., and lump them under "white only", I would suggest you get cracking with phone calls, petitions, etc. A fools errand, to be sure, but something I think you're well suited for.

3. You shouldn't broadcast your tactic, Stoney....takes away the fun of dismantling your BS. You jump to SA and old Rhodesia because you think those strawman dodges will take away your failure to try and deny white privilege and how I dismantle your racist propaganda....War crimes? Yeah, with that mentality, anyone who killed German soldiers and their civilian supporters during WWII are guilty of "war crimes". A pitiful, failed Hail Mary attempt by you, Stoney. But like I said before, you can start another thread on that...stay focused here. You can't man up and admit you were wrong in your statement regarding TV programs being biased against white folk....point being your denial or ignorance regarding just one TV show that contradicts your assertion. Pitiful display of intellectual dishonesty on your part, Stoney....but not unexpected.

4. You can't deflect from your ignorance, Stoney...your statement regarding fascism is there for anyone who can click an arrow and back track the chronology of the posts to see your folly. Typical willfully ignorant white supremacist/separatist/sovereign citizen/oather BS.

5. My God, folks....Stoney just keeps displaying his convoluted logic with pride! He wants his statements and assertions to be de facto truth without a shred of documentation, yet my personal experience that contradicts his opinions and such is automatically anecdotal and therefore dismissed. Someone clue this jackass in as to the sheer hypocrisy of his stance. My job is done exposing him for the 3rd rate David Duke bullhorn that his is (his last sentence a pure desperate ploy to deflect, dodge to a strawman argument).
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Oh, such a scintillating retort! A prime example of the brilliance of the Confederate flag waving sycophant in denial of the discussion at hand. Oh, will the American psyche ever recover from such an onslaught!

DREADFUL post, Tacky, DREADFUL post.

Ahh, here's my little female dog whining for attention. Pity the chronology of the posts shows Stevie deteriorates to this when he can't defend his position. I'll leave him to his folly.
1. You're not sure of anything, are ya Stoney? You make a statement, then deny the logical conclusions and consequences of that statement, then you repeat the statement, then you deny the original statement. The chronology of the posts makes you out to be a goal post shifting liar, Stoney (his next move is to ask what's he's lying about, folks...feigning ignorance doesn't hide Stoney moronic attempts to foster his bilge). Roy Cohn would be proud.


2. Last time I checked, there are fraternal orders, social clubs, etc. for the plethora of ethnic Caucasian Americans of European descent. You have parades for Germans, Italians, Polish, etc. (of which I have NO problem). Now historically, when you saw a sign that said, "White Only", it was usually for public facilities that resulted in non-whites traveling longer to receive the same public services their taxes paid for. So, my sheet wearing friend, if you want to erase all the aforementioned ethnic parades, clubs, groups, etc., and lump them under "white only", I would suggest you get cracking with phone calls, petitions, etc. A fools errand, to be sure, but something I think you're well suited for.

The social clubs you're speaking of are allowed to be German/Italian/Polish in a cultural sense, but they're not allowed to exclude people based on race or ethnicity. So once again, we do not have freedom of association. The fact that you're acknowledging this as a "fool's errand" is only proving my point.
It's actually kinda funny. Germans can fight for German interests as long as they also fight for people who aren't German, but call themselves German. It's also quite fitting that you picked Germans and Italians in your example. Both groups were put into concentration camps during WWII, a level of oppression that Blacks and Browns never experienced. And this was only 70 years ago. But unlike Blacks and Browns, there was no help for the German and Italian communities that had to rebuild after this happened. They didn't even get reparations like the Japanese got. There's your real privilege.

3. You shouldn't broadcast your tactic, Stoney....takes away the fun of dismantling your BS. You jump to SA and old Rhodesia because you think those strawman dodges will take away your failure to try and deny white privilege and how I dismantle your racist propaganda....War crimes? Yeah, with that mentality, anyone who killed German soldiers and their civilian supporters during WWII are guilty of "war crimes". A pitiful, failed Hail Mary attempt by you, Stoney. But like I said before, you can start another thread on that...stay focused here. You can't man up and admit you were wrong in your statement regarding TV programs being biased against white folk....point being your denial or ignorance regarding just one TV show that contradicts your assertion. Pitiful display of intellectual dishonesty on your part, Stoney....but not unexpected.


I said that the media always paints out Whites as the oppressors and ignores crimes against Whites. You denied this, so I brought up times it happened in Africa. Now you're pretending I just brought this up out of nowhere as a dodge. And you have still yet to acknowledge the fact that the media is biased against Whites. Did you even know that Germans and Italians were put into camps before I told you just now? Did you know about the Armenian Genocide?
And no, I never said killing German soldiers in a war is an example of a war crime. I do think the post-war genocide of Germans was a war crime since the war was over and many of the victims were civilians. But again, you won't see that in the media.

4. You can't deflect from your ignorance, Stoney...your statement regarding fascism is there for anyone who can click an arrow and back track the chronology of the posts to see your folly. Typical willfully ignorant white supremacist/separatist/sovereign citizen/oather BS.

Uh-huh. And what exactly did I say about Fascism? Go ahead and try to find anything positive I said about it.
I'm a Social Democrat. I believe in freedom, checks and balances, and Democracy. I completely reject Authoritarianism of any kind.

5. My God, folks....Stoney just keeps displaying his convoluted logic with pride! He wants his statements and assertions to be de facto truth without a shred of documentation, yet my personal experience that contradicts his opinions and such is automatically anecdotal and therefore dismissed. Someone clue this jackass in as to the sheer hypocrisy of his stance. My job is done exposing him for the 3rd rate David Duke bullhorn that his is (his last sentence a pure desperate ploy to deflect, dodge to a strawman argument).

Do you even know what anecdotal evidence is? Yes, your personal experience is anecdotal evidence. Try looking up some statistics. Suicide and alcoholism have been consistently on the rise in white working-class neighborhoods. You can say that YOU haven't personally SEEN it, but that doesn't negate the fact that it's happening. This would be like me saying I never saw transphobia in my life, so that means it doesn't exist.