White privilege


The social clubs you're speaking of are allowed to be German/Italian/Polish in a cultural sense, but they're not allowed to exclude people based on race or ethnicity. So once again, we do not have freedom of association. The fact that you're acknowledging this as a "fool's errand" is only proving my point.
It's actually kinda funny. Germans can fight for German interests as long as they also fight for people who aren't German, but call themselves German. It's also quite fitting that you picked Germans and Italians in your example. Both groups were put into concentration camps during WWII, a level of oppression that Blacks and Browns never experienced. And this was only 70 years ago. But unlike Blacks and Browns, there was no help for the German and Italian communities that had to rebuild after this happened. They didn't even get reparations like the Japanese got. There's your real privilege.


I said that the media always paints out Whites as the oppressors and ignores crimes against Whites. You denied this, so I brought up times it happened in Africa. Now you're pretending I just brought this up out of nowhere as a dodge. And you have still yet to acknowledge the fact that the media is biased against Whites. Did you even know that Germans and Italians were put into camps before I told you just now? Did you know about the Armenian Genocide?
And no, I never said killing German soldiers in a war is an example of a war crime. I do think the post-war genocide of Germans was a war crime since the war was over and many of the victims were civilians. But again, you won't see that in the media.

Uh-huh. And what exactly did I say about Fascism? Go ahead and try to find anything positive I said about it.
I'm a Social Democrat. I believe in freedom, checks and balances, and Democracy. I completely reject Authoritarianism of any kind.

Do you even know what anecdotal evidence is? Yes, your personal experience is anecdotal evidence. Try looking up some statistics. Suicide and alcoholism have been consistently on the rise in white working-class neighborhoods. You can say that YOU haven't personally SEEN it, but that doesn't negate the fact that it's happening. This would be like me saying I never saw transphobia in my life, so that means it doesn't exist.

If anyone wants insight into the sheer stupidity of the KKK-klutz delusion of intelligence, just check these responses by Stone by Stone. I've highlighted the most fantastically moronic statements that defy logic and history:

I wrote: Last time I checked, there are fraternal orders, social clubs, etc. for the plethora of ethnic Caucasian Americans of European descent. You have parades for Germans, Italians, Polish, etc. (of which I have NO problem). Now historically, when you saw a sign that said, "White Only", it was usually for public facilities that resulted in non-whites traveling longer to receive the same public services their taxes paid for. So, my sheet wearing friend, if you want to erase all the aforementioned ethnic parades, clubs, groups, etc., and lump them under "white only", I would suggest you get cracking with phone calls, petitions, etc. A fools errand, to be sure, but something I think you're well suited for.

Stoney's response:
The social clubs you're speaking of are allowed to be German/Italian/Polish in a cultural sense, but they're not allowed to exclude people based on race or ethnicity. So once again, we do not have freedom of association. The fact that you're acknowledging this as a "fool's errand" is only proving my point.
It's actually kinda funny. Germans can fight for German interests as long as they also fight for people who aren't German, but call themselves German. It's also quite fitting that you picked Germans and Italians in your example. Both groups were put into concentration camps during WWII, a level of oppression that Blacks and Browns never experienced. And this was only 70 years ago. But unlike Blacks and Browns, there was no help for the German and Italian communities that had to rebuild after this happened. They didn't even get reparations like the Japanese got. There's your real privilege.

This is a prime example of how white supremacist/separatist believe their revisionism of history is a substitute for proper historically valid and documented facts. Let's dismantle these pointy hooded classics:

- In Stoney's world, you are not "white" unless you renounce your ethnic heritage and identify yourself only by your racial caste. According to him, these groups cannot exclude folks who are not of their heritage/identity. Now just using common sense, why in the world would a black man born and raised in America want to join the American Czech & Slovak Association? The title dictates the membership. Here's a list of what I mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_organizations_in_the_United_States
Now what might have Stoney all upset is that there are in some European groups (gasp) mixed marriages with non-Europeans, BUT, the mixed raced child raised in the home country of the American/European club/association would technically be eligible for membership. But to date, I have yet to see any black, brown, tan or yellow folk in traditional garb marching in the New York Pulaski Day parade. But I'm sure the reader gets my point....Stoney's Aryan nation nonsense just doesn't stand up to reality, no matter how many times and ways he repeats it.

Another tactic these Storm Front stooges love use is their warped "comparison" examples: here Stoney gripes that German and Italian Americans were put into "concentration" camps during WW2. No, they weren't...although there were folk put into detention camps similar to what the Japanese Americans went through.
But in practice, the US applied detention only to Italian nationals, not to US citizens, or long-term US residents.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter... the,they were classified as " enemy aliens "

As for German Americans The government examined the cases of German nationals individually, and detained relatively few in internment camps run by the Department of Justice, as related to its responsibilities under the Alien and Sedition Acts. To a much lesser extent, some ethnic German US citizens were classified as suspect after due process and also detained. Similarly, a small proportion of Italian nationals and Italian Americans were interned in relation to their total population in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_German_Americans

A notable difference as to how the Japanese Americans were treated, Sixty-two percent of the internees were United States citizens. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans

Stoney's final complaint that the Italians and Germans did not get reparations like the Japanese did. Here's an explanation: http://www.lawndalenews.com/2019/11/should-italian-americans-seek-reparations/ https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/internment-of-germans.html My advise: keep at it, like the Japanese did for 70 years Persistence pays off.

But the topper of this Turner Diary dunce's screeds is his comparison of those 3 years of Italian/German detention to the over 240 years of institutionalized slavery and 103 years Jim Crow laws for black folk. All that crap ended just 52 years ago. Anyone with an 8th grade education can clearly see there is NO comparison by time or application.

I didn't even bother to read the rest of Stoney's response to my last post.....these above examples are sufficient to display the pathetic mentality of the white supremacist/separatist in America. No point in engaging this clown any further. He's done.
If anyone wants insight into the sheer stupidity of the KKK-klutz delusion of intelligence, just check these responses by Stone by Stone. I've highlighted the most fantastically moronic statements that defy logic and history:

I wrote: Last time I checked, there are fraternal orders, social clubs, etc. for the plethora of ethnic Caucasian Americans of European descent. You have parades for Germans, Italians, Polish, etc. (of which I have NO problem). Now historically, when you saw a sign that said, "White Only", it was usually for public facilities that resulted in non-whites traveling longer to receive the same public services their taxes paid for. So, my sheet wearing friend, if you want to erase all the aforementioned ethnic parades, clubs, groups, etc., and lump them under "white only", I would suggest you get cracking with phone calls, petitions, etc. A fools errand, to be sure, but something I think you're well suited for.

Stoney's response:
The social clubs you're speaking of are allowed to be German/Italian/Polish in a cultural sense, but they're not allowed to exclude people based on race or ethnicity. So once again, we do not have freedom of association. The fact that you're acknowledging this as a "fool's errand" is only proving my point.
It's actually kinda funny. Germans can fight for German interests as long as they also fight for people who aren't German, but call themselves German. It's also quite fitting that you picked Germans and Italians in your example. Both groups were put into concentration camps during WWII, a level of oppression that Blacks and Browns never experienced. And this was only 70 years ago. But unlike Blacks and Browns, there was no help for the German and Italian communities that had to rebuild after this happened. They didn't even get reparations like the Japanese got. There's your real privilege.

This is a prime example of how white supremacist/separatist believe their revisionism of history is a substitute for proper historically valid and documented facts. Let's dismantle these pointy hooded classics:

- In Stoney's world, you are not "white" unless you renounce your ethnic heritage and identify yourself only by your racial caste. According to him, these groups cannot exclude folks who are not of their heritage/identity. Now just using common sense, why in the world would a black man born and raised in America want to join the American Czech & Slovak Association? The title dictates the membership. Here's a list of what I mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_organizations_in_the_United_States
Now what might have Stoney all upset is that there are in some European groups (gasp) mixed marriages with non-Europeans, BUT, the mixed raced child raised in the home country of the American/European club/association would technically be eligible for membership. But to date, I have yet to see any black, brown, tan or yellow folk in traditional garb marching in the New York Pulaski Day parade. But I'm sure the reader gets my point....Stoney's Aryan nation nonsense just doesn't stand up to reality, no matter how many times and ways he repeats it.

Another tactic these Storm Front stooges love use is their warped "comparison" examples: here Stoney gripes that German and Italian Americans were put into "concentration" camps during WW2. No, they weren't...although there were folk put into detention camps similar to what the Japanese Americans went through.
But in practice, the US applied detention only to Italian nationals, not to US citizens, or long-term US residents.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter... the,they were classified as " enemy aliens "

As for German Americans The government examined the cases of German nationals individually, and detained relatively few in internment camps run by the Department of Justice, as related to its responsibilities under the Alien and Sedition Acts. To a much lesser extent, some ethnic German US citizens were classified as suspect after due process and also detained. Similarly, a small proportion of Italian nationals and Italian Americans were interned in relation to their total population in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_German_Americans

A notable difference as to how the Japanese Americans were treated, Sixty-two percent of the internees were United States citizens. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans

Stoney's final complaint that the Italians and Germans did not get reparations like the Japanese did. Here's an explanation: http://www.lawndalenews.com/2019/11/should-italian-americans-seek-reparations/ https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/internment-of-germans.html My advise: keep at it, like the Japanese did for 70 years Persistence pays off.

But the topper of this Turner Diary dunce's screeds is his comparison of those 3 years of Italian/German detention to the over 240 years of institutionalized slavery and 103 years Jim Crow laws for black folk. All that crap ended just 52 years ago. Anyone with an 8th grade education can clearly see there is NO comparison by time or application.

I didn't even bother to read the rest of Stoney's response to my last post.....these above examples are sufficient to display the pathetic mentality of the white supremacist/separatist in America. No point in engaging this clown any further. He's done.

Stoney is a good person. Leave her alone, ya knucklehead.
In Stoney's world, you are not "white" unless you renounce your ethnic heritage and identify yourself only by your racial caste. According to him, these groups cannot exclude folks who are not of their heritage/identity. Now just using common sense, why in the world would a black man born and raised in America want to join the American Czech & Slovak Association? The title dictates the membership. Here's a list of what I mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_organizations_in_the_United_States
Now what might have Stoney all upset is that there are in some European groups (gasp) mixed marriages with non-Europeans, BUT, the mixed raced child raised in the home country of the American/European club/association would technically be eligible for membership. But to date, I have yet to see any black, brown, tan or yellow folk in traditional garb marching in the New York Pulaski Day parade. But I'm sure the reader gets my point....Stoney's Aryan nation nonsense just doesn't stand up to reality, no matter how many times and ways he repeats it.

Oh FFS. :palm:
I never said you're not white until you renounce your ethnicity. I think what you don't understand is that race is part of ethnicity. Part of being Swedish is being white. A white person of any ancestry can grow up in Sweden and essentially be Swedish, but a black person can't, because whiteness is part of Swedish identity. Much like a white person can't be Chinese. And when a country does become multiracial, to the point where there are huge minority populations, national identity no longer means anything. American used to be a white ethnicity. Today, the identity means nothing.
So with that being said, white ethnic groups can not unite and fight for their interests in America. If a Swedish-American business refused to hire people who weren't Swedish-American, they would get shut down for breaking the anti-discrimination law. Even if we were to be super generous and assume they'd be able to get away with this under the guise of culture, they would still have to hire non-white people who spoke Swedish or lived in Sweden.

Another tactic these Storm Front stooges love use is their warped "comparison" examples: here Stoney gripes that German and Italian Americans were put into "concentration" camps during WW2. No, they weren't...although there were folk put into detention camps similar to what the Japanese Americans went through.
But in practice, the US applied detention only to Italian nationals, not to US citizens, or long-term US residents.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter... the,they were classified as " enemy aliens "

As for German Americans The government examined the cases of German nationals individually, and detained relatively few in internment camps run by the Department of Justice, as related to its responsibilities under the Alien and Sedition Acts. To a much lesser extent, some ethnic German US citizens were classified as suspect after due process and also detained. Similarly, a small proportion of Italian nationals and Italian Americans were interned in relation to their total population in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_German_Americans

A notable difference as to how the Japanese Americans were treated, Sixty-two percent of the internees were United States citizens. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans

First of all, saying they weren't concentration camps, they were detention camps, is hilarious.
Secondly, literally everything you said is beside the point. The point is that the media and academia ignore the internment of Germans and Italians, but not the internment of Japanese, because the media and academia want people to think Whites are always the oppressors, never the oppressed. You completely #deflected from this because you know I'm right.

Stoney's final complaint that the Italians and Germans did not get reparations like the Japanese did. Here's an explanation: http://www.lawndalenews.com/2019/11/should-italian-americans-seek-reparations/ https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/internment-of-germans.html My advise: keep at it, like the Japanese did for 70 years Persistence pays off.

The Japanese got reparation starting in 1988. Germans and Italians have also been fighting for reparations, but because they're white, they've been denied. Even if at some point Germans and Italians do get reparations, this would still be a case of racism against Whites because they were excluded when the Japanese were compensated.

But the topper of this Turner Diary dunce's screeds is his comparison of those 3 years of Italian/German detention to the over 240 years of institutionalized slavery and 103 years Jim Crow laws for black folk. All that crap ended just 52 years ago. Anyone with an 8th grade education can clearly see there is NO comparison by time or application.

I didn't say the oppression of Italians and Germans lasted longer, I said it was more recent. Italians and Germans are far closer to their ancestors who had to rebuild their communities from scratch. That's something that never happened to Blacks.
Oh FFS. :palm:
I never said you're not white until you renounce your ethnicity. I think what you don't understand is that race is part of ethnicity. Part of being Swedish is being white. A white person of any ancestry can grow up in Sweden and essentially be Swedish, but a black person can't, because whiteness is part of Swedish identity. Much like a white person can't be Chinese. And when a country does become multiracial, to the point where there are huge minority populations, national identity no longer means anything. American used to be a white ethnicity. Today, the identity means nothing.
So with that being said, white ethnic groups can not unite and fight for their interests in America. If a Swedish-American business refused to hire people who weren't Swedish-American, they would get shut down for breaking the anti-discrimination law. Even if we were to be super generous and assume they'd be able to get away with this under the guise of culture, they would still have to hire non-white people who spoke Swedish or lived in Sweden.

First of all, saying they weren't concentration camps, they were detention camps, is hilarious.
Secondly, literally everything you said is beside the point. The point is that the media and academia ignore the internment of Germans and Italians, but not the internment of Japanese, because the media and academia want people to think Whites are always the oppressors, never the oppressed. You completely #deflected from this because you know I'm right.

The Japanese got reparation starting in 1988. Germans and Italians have also been fighting for reparations, but because they're white, they've been denied. Even if at some point Germans and Italians do get reparations, this would still be a case of racism against Whites because they were excluded when the Japanese were compensated.

I didn't say the oppression of Italians and Germans lasted longer, I said it was more recent. Italians and Germans are far closer to their ancestors who had to rebuild their communities from scratch. That's something that never happened to Blacks.

Fantastic post, Stoney. Thank you.
Stoney is a good person. Leave her alone, ya knucklehead.

Tough cookies, Stevie. Your little pointy hooded honey is a prime example of the sheer moronic "logic" of the white supremacist/separatist mindset. Once out in the open and properly challenged, her foolishness is plain for all to see. No one put a gun to her head to post....folk like her are compelled to bullhorn their 3rd rate David Duke style propaganda...so much more to pity.

Your sweethearts moniker is "its alright to be white". No argument there....but it's not alright to be white and a proudly ignorant racist. But rest assured, I've exposed her folly for all to see, and have no desire to give her a platform to parrot her bilge...or waste more time and space with such idiocy. Now you run along and kiss her ass....maybe you can get a date! :laugh:
Fantastic post, Stoney. Thank you.

Of course when the Nazi's started the whole Aryan racial/ethnic "purity" rant, they were doing it against (wait for it) OTHER WHITE PEOPLE IN EUROPE AND THE BALTICS! Black, brown, tan and yellow weren't part of the original agenda....which is why tagging Jewish folk with stars was a priority, as they are "white folk" to the naked eye.

Why am I not surprised YOU would endorse her convoluted clap trap that tries to apply and justify that twisted mind set to this discussion? She just keeps digging that hole deeper with each post, thinking she's being clever. Sad.

The Nazi's got theirs, the Aryan Nation boys got there's, and as time goes on so will all who blather this BS.
Of course when the Nazi's started the whole Aryan racial/ethnic "purity" rant, they were doing it against (wait for it) OTHER WHITE PEOPLE IN EUROPE AND THE BALTICS! Black, brown, tan and yellow weren't part of the original agenda....which is why tagging Jewish folk with stars was a priority, as they are "white folk" to the naked eye.

Why am I not surprised YOU would endorse her convoluted clap trap that tries to apply and justify that twisted mind set to this discussion? She just keeps digging that hole deeper with each post, thinking she's being clever. Sad.

The Nazi's got theirs, the Aryan Nation boys got there's, and as time goes on so will all who blather this BS.

Godwin's Law is running wild.

Thanks kid, this is a prime example of proud ignorance! By the way, it's prevalent in blue and white collar. Maybe this simpleton should get educated instead of whining about his personal predicament....here's a primer: https://www.mediaed.org/transcripts/Tim-Wise-On-White-Privilege-Transcript.pdf

In all the years I've known you I've never seen you even once exhibit the slightest hint of a sense of humour. I used to implore you to lighten up but it always fell upon deaf ears. Pompous windbaggery appears to be your default setting.
So no comparison.

Lighten up Larry ffs. You can tell your friends Jim and Jack that as well! As far as I am concerned George Floyd was a worthless human being and is only useful to the Dems as cannon fodder in an election year. His death was a certainly a good thing for his family they've hit paydirt and become multi-millionaires in the process.

If you were really concerned about human suffering then maybe you'd be railing against the Chinese cunts that do this. You only ever seen concerned about what to call the Wu Flu.

'A naked brutality worthy of the Nazis': ED LUCAS on the harrowing evidence of Beijing's concentration camps dedicated to 're-educating' a million or more Muslims

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Tough cookies, Stevie. Your little pointy hooded honey is a prime example of the sheer moronic "logic" of the white supremacist/separatist mindset. Once out in the open and properly challenged, her foolishness is plain for all to see. No one put a gun to her head to post....folk like her are compelled to bullhorn their 3rd rate David Duke style propaganda...so much more to pity.

Your sweethearts moniker is "its alright to be white". No argument there....but it's not alright to be white and a proudly ignorant racist. But rest assured, I've exposed her folly for all to see, and have no desire to give her a platform to parrot her bilge...or waste more time and space with such idiocy. Now you run along and kiss her ass....maybe you can get a date! :laugh:

You ARE a moronic asshole. Congratulations.
Tough cookies, Stevie. Your little pointy hooded honey is a prime example of the sheer moronic "logic" of the white supremacist/separatist mindset. Once out in the open and properly challenged, her foolishness is plain for all to see. No one put a gun to her head to post....folk like her are compelled to bullhorn their 3rd rate David Duke style propaganda...so much more to pity.

Your sweethearts moniker is "its alright to be white". No argument there....but it's not alright to be white and a proudly ignorant racist. But rest assured, I've exposed her folly for all to see, and have no desire to give her a platform to parrot her bilge...or waste more time and space with such idiocy. Now you run along and kiss her ass....maybe you can get a date! :laugh:

And what IS your I.Q. again?
In all the years I've known you I've never seen you even once exhibit the slightest hint of a sense of humour. I used to implore you to lighten up but it always fell upon deaf ears. Pompous windbaggery appears to be your default setting.
He/she/it? IS a humorless asshole. Typical of SO many Liberal Lunatics. Quite sad, but HIGHLY preventable.