White privilege

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Jimmy Kimmel said it best, "White privilege doesn't mean your life hasn't been hard. It just means the color of your skin isn't one of the things that makes it harder.' Wherever you stand, I don't see how you can argue with that."

He's wrong. In America, "special interest" racial groups are privileged in that they're able to fight for their interests. They have affirmative actions, freedom of association, positive representation in media, and handouts from the establishment. White people don't have any advantages in the modern West.

So according to this Storm Front flunky ONLY black Americans have;

~ "freedom of association" - I think the Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees that for ALL Americans, especially after slavery ended and black people were given full citizens rights, and crap like Exclusionary acts were done away with, along with reparations for the interned Japanese families. Same rights that Stoney has.

~ "positive representation in the media" - this is a bad thing? How does that hurt Stoney? Just seeing positive images of black folk in the media hurts him on some level? WTF is his problem? I mean, would he feel more comfortable with Stepin Fetchit, Rochester and Mantan Moreland?

~ "handouts from the establishment" - does Stoney mean the same establishment that practices predatory bank lending to black folk, redlines them regarding housing and job discrimination? the same establishment that he voted for that okays corporate welfare, outsourcing and tax breaks that leave folk like him to fill the national coffers voids? Is Stoney not aware that "the greatest generation" was also the most heavily gov't subsidized one in this country's history? Hmmm?

~ Exactly what "interests" is Stoney being deprived of in America that he is NOT allowed to fight for or have a "special interests" group to do so for him? Inquiring minds would like to know (besides, I could use a good laugh today).
So according to this Storm Front flunky ONLY black Americans have;

No, I think only non-white Americans have these rights.

~ "freedom of association" - I think the Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees that for ALL Americans, especially after slavery ended and black people were given full citizens rights, and crap like Exclusionary acts were done away with, along with reparations for the interned Japanese families. Same rights that Stoney has.

Exclusionary rights are freedom of association. If the government is forcing you to do business with people you don't want to associate with, then you don't have freedom of association, plain and simple.
Of course, the government only forces white people to associate with everyone. The anti-discrimination laws aren't enforced with business that only hire non-white ethnic groups.

~ "positive representation in the media" - this is a bad thing? How does that hurt Stoney? Just seeing positive images of black folk in the media hurts him on some level? WTF is his problem? I mean, would he feel more comfortable with Stepin Fetchit, Rochester and Mantan Moreland?

By "positive representation in media" I'm referring to how the media always paints non-white people as oppressed, while the "oppressors" are always white. The media also presents racial interests in a positive way when done by non-white ethnic groups, but negatively when Whites do it.
Of course there are plenty of individual white people who are portrayed well. But "white people" as a collective are always portrayed as evil racists. And even among acceptable white people, their whiteness is seen as a negative. All of this is part of non-white privilege.

~ "handouts from the establishment" - does Stoney mean the same establishment that practices predatory bank lending to black folk, redlines them regarding housing and job discrimination? the same establishment that he voted for that okays corporate welfare, outsourcing and tax breaks that leave folk like him to fill the national coffers voids? Is Stoney not aware that "the greatest generation" was also the most heavily gov't subsidized one in this country's history? Hmmm?

I've never voted for corporate welfare, outsourcing, or tax breaks for the rich. I'm in favor of welfare policies for the white working-class and I have no delusion that either the Republicans or the Democrats care about that.

~ Exactly what "interests" is Stoney being deprived of in America that he is NOT allowed to fight for or have a "special interests" group to do so for him? Inquiring minds would like to know (besides, I could use a good laugh today).

Third world immigration and forced integration has destroyed white communities, particularly in the South and Midwest. But white people can't rally against this like non-white activists can for their issues, because they'll get called racist and be dismissed. Just look at what you said. "Inquiring minds would like to know (besides, I could use a good laugh today)" This is the mindset that Americans have been brainwashed into having. You don't care about white people and their concerns, you see them as racist and unimportant. This is why so many white people voted for a retard like Trump. They're getting that desperate.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
So according to this Storm Front flunky ONLY black Americans have;

No, I think only non-white Americans have these rights.

~ "freedom of association" - I think the Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees that for ALL Americans, especially after slavery ended and black people were given full citizens rights, and crap like Exclusionary acts were done away with, along with reparations for the interned Japanese families. Same rights that Stoney has.

Exclusionary rights are freedom of association. If the government is forcing you to do business with people you don't want to associate with, then you don't have freedom of association, plain and simple.
Of course, the government only forces white people to associate with everyone. The anti-discrimination laws aren't enforced with business that only hire non-white ethnic groups.

~ "positive representation in the media" - this is a bad thing? How does that hurt Stoney? Just seeing positive images of black folk in the media hurts him on some level? WTF is his problem? I mean, would he feel more comfortable with Stepin Fetchit, Rochester and Mantan Moreland?
By "positive representation in media" I'm referring to how the media always paints non-white people as oppressed, while the "oppressors" are always white. The media also presents racial interests in a positive way when done by non-white ethnic groups, but negatively when Whites do it.
Of course there are plenty of individual white people who are portrayed well. But "white people" as a collective are always portrayed as evil racists. And even among acceptable white people, their whiteness is seen as a negative. All of this is part of non-white privilege.

~ "handouts from the establishment" - does Stoney mean the same establishment that practices predatory bank lending to black folk, redlines them regarding housing and job discrimination? the same establishment that he voted for that okays corporate welfare, outsourcing and tax breaks that leave folk like him to fill the national coffers voids? Is Stoney not aware that "the greatest generation" was also the most heavily gov't subsidized one in this country's history? Hmmm?

I've never voted for corporate welfare, outsourcing, or tax breaks for the rich. I'm in favor of welfare policies for the white working-class and I have no delusion that either the Republicans or the Democrats care about that.

~ Exactly what "interests" is Stoney being deprived of in America that he is NOT allowed to fight for or have a "special interests" group to do so for him? Inquiring minds would like to know (besides, I could use a good laugh today).

Third world immigration and forced integration has destroyed white communities, particularly in the South and Midwest. But white people can't rally against this like non-white activists can for their issues, because they'll get called racist and be dismissed. Just look at what you said. "Inquiring minds would like to know (besides, I could use a good laugh today)" This is the mindset that Americans have been brainwashed into having. You don't care about white people and their concerns, you see them as racist and unimportant. This is why so many white people voted for a retard like Trump. They're getting that desperate.

1. Right because as long as you don't say a certain word, no one can say you did make a specific accusation. Puh-leeze, another dopey Duke tactic that evem lowers the bar for "dog whistle" propaganda! You wrote, "...In America, "special interest" racial groups are privileged in that they're able to fight for their interests. Last time I checked, black folk fell into that category, as stated by your like minded brethren of whom you have stated you are in accord with on this particular subject. But even with your dodge, my assessment is still accurate. You're damned by your own words and convictions no matter how you twist.

2. Spare me this "libertarian lunkhead" mantra. You do business with the GENERAL PUBLIC in this country, you do NOT have a "right" to discriminate based on race, color, gender or creed. If you don't like it, you can move to some country that allows that....NO ONE WILL STOP YOU (another beauty of our system of government). And stop parroting that lie about non-white discrimination not being prosecuted: https://newsone.com/165891/many-whites-filing-reverse-discrimination-lawsuits/

"Why don't WE have a White History Month?"
"There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'"

There was never an adjustment to the Constitution to give "white people" full human status, no slave trade of white folk, no "Jim Crow" for white folk, etc., etc. If you want to whine about affirmative action, then equally whine about "legacy students". Stop closed biddings and you stop job quotas. Etc., etc.

3. You need to switch more TV channels...because shows like "Chicago PD" sure as hell doesn't fit your bill (one of my favorite shows). That's just one show off the top of my head...there are plenty others. And you seem to paint any TV show that has black folk in a positive manner "racial interests". That's just another way of saying what I previously deconstructed....see, in order for your baloney to become sirloin, white folk would have to have been in reversal situation with black, brown, tan, red and yellow history wise and population wise for decades for you to have a "racial interest". I grew up in an era where your school book readers, etc. did NOT include anyone but white folk. What burns your ass is that TV and movies are now more reflective of our population and what goes on in society. Tough cookies. Go watch reruns of Ozzie & Harriet, Hazel, the Brady Bunch, My Three Sons, etc., etc. I grew up with these....didn't hurt me a bit.

4. Stop lying or WTFU! If you voted for a GOP or write in alt right candidate, you sure as hell did vote for corporate welfare...which hit's your wallet a hell of a lot harder that anything else, if you had the guts to do some honest research. And FYI, the VAST majority of folk on welfare are single parent WHITE WOMEN. Look it up, and if you find different, post it. If not, go blow smoke up Duke's blowhole!

5. Proof please, because I live in the suburbs of New York ….. STILL a predominantly white population per the "white flight" of the 1950's and 60's. And "up state" New York is and has been predominately white since I was a child and before. What almost killed one of the counties here was the gross incompetence and corruption of 70 years of GOP rule. Essentially, you're just spewing the same old racists rants....when you can't logically or factually defend your bilge, you just back peddle to spew the propaganda the your convoluted logic "justifies" in your silly mind. Yes, you are to laugh at Stoney. If you're tapped for cash, maybe you could hump some dollars from certain Arab countries like your boy Duke, who toured giving anti-semetic speeches? :laugh:
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1. Right because as long as you don't say a certain word, no one can say you did make a specific accusation. Puh-leeze, another dopey Duke tactic that evem lowers the bar for "dog whistle" propaganda! You wrote, "...In America, "special interest" racial groups are privileged in that they're able to fight for their interests. Last time I checked, black folk fell into that category, as stated by your like minded brethren of whom you have stated you are in accord with on this particular subject. But even with your dodge, my assessment is still accurate. You're damned by your own words and convictions no matter how you twist.

I wasn't trying to dodge anything. Non-white groups are considered "special interest" groups. The media uses that term because it sounds less racist. If they say "we want to help anyone who isn't white" it becomes obvious that they're just anti-white. But if they say "special interest," then the waters are muddied. I thought you understood that was the meaning of the term.

2. Spare me this "libertarian lunkhead" mantra. You do business with the GENERAL PUBLIC in this country, you do NOT have a "right" to discriminate based on race, color, gender or creed. If you don't like it, you can move to some country that allows that....NO ONE WILL STOP YOU (another beauty of our system of government). And stop parroting that lie about non-white discrimination not being prosecuted: https://newsone.com/165891/many-whites-filing-reverse-discrimination-lawsuits/


My point is that Whites don't have freedom of association like non-white groups do. Whether or not we should have freedom of association is another issue.
Those lawsuits will probably be thrown out. And even if they aren't, those wins for Whites would be the exception, not the rule.

3. You need to switch more TV channels...because shows like "Chicago PD" sure as hell doesn't fit your bill (one of my favorite shows). That's just one show off the top of my head...there are plenty others. And you seem to paint any TV show that has black folk in a positive manner "racial interests". That's just another way of saying what I previously deconstructed....see, in order for your baloney to become sirloin, white folk would have to have been in reversal situation with black, brown, tan, red and yellow history wise and population wise for decades for you to have a "racial interest". I grew up in an era where your school book readers, etc. did NOT include anyone but white folk. What burns your ass is that TV and movies are now more reflective of our population and what goes on in society. Tough cookies. Go watch reruns of Ozzie & Harriet, Hazel, the Brady Bunch, My Three Sons, etc., etc. I grew up with these....didn't hurt me a bit.

So now that you got that rant out of your system, give me examples of movies or TV shows that challenge the current racial narrative. Surely, if white people have a voice, there are some movies and TV shows where the message is that there is no White Supremacy anymore. Maybe you can find some media that talks about times white people were historically oppressed or had war crimes committed against them, like in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Maybe, at the very least, one where it shows how white people are much more likely to be victims of hate crimes.
You won't be able too, because the media wants good NPC cucks who believe it's impossible for white people to ever be disadvantaged.

4. Stop lying or WTFU! If you voted for a GOP or write in alt right candidate, you sure as hell did vote for corporate welfare...which hit's your wallet a hell of a log harder that anything else, if you had the guts to do some honest research. And FYI, the VAST majority of folk on welfare are single parent WHITE WOMEN. Look it up, and if you find different, post it. If not, go blow smoke up Duke's blowhole!

I never voted for a Conservative of any kind. And considering how Fascist the Right has gotten, I doubt I ever will.
And fuck David Duke.

5. Proof please, because I live in the suburbs of New York ….. STILL a predominantly white population per the "white flight" of the 1950's and 60's. And "up state" New York is and has been predominately white since I was a child and before. What almost killed one of the counties here was the gross incompetence and corruption of 70 years of GOP rule. Essentially, you're just spewing the same old racists rants....when you can't logically or factually defend your bilge, you just back peddle to spew the propaganda the your convoluted logic "justifies" in your silly mind. Yes, you are to laugh at Stoney. If you're tapped for cash, maybe you could hump some dollars from certain Arab countries like your boy Duke, who toured giving anti-semetic speeches? :laugh:

I didn't say there are no more white neighborhoods, though they are quickly dying out. I said that immigration and forced integration has destroyed white communities. And it has, particularly in the South and Midwest where suicide rates and alcoholism have consistently gotten worse in white working-class neighborhoods. Sure, it's going to be a long long time before this happens to literally every white community in America. But unless there's a change, the process will continue.
No, I think only non-white Americans have these rights.

Exclusionary rights are freedom of association. If the government is forcing you to do business with people you don't want to associate with, then you don't have freedom of association, plain and simple.
Of course, the government only forces white people to associate with everyone. The anti-discrimination laws aren't enforced with business that only hire non-white ethnic groups.

By "positive representation in media" I'm referring to how the media always paints non-white people as oppressed, while the "oppressors" are always white. The media also presents racial interests in a positive way when done by non-white ethnic groups, but negatively when Whites do it.
Of course there are plenty of individual white people who are portrayed well. But "white people" as a collective are always portrayed as evil racists. And even among acceptable white people, their whiteness is seen as a negative. All of this is part of non-white privilege.

I've never voted for corporate welfare, outsourcing, or tax breaks for the rich. I'm in favor of welfare policies for the white working-class and I have no delusion that either the Republicans or the Democrats care about that.

Third world immigration and forced integration has destroyed white communities, particularly in the South and Midwest. But white people can't rally against this like non-white activists can for their issues, because they'll get called racist and be dismissed. Just look at what you said. "Inquiring minds would like to know (besides, I could use a good laugh today)" This is the mindset that Americans have been brainwashed into having. You don't care about white people and their concerns, you see them as racist and unimportant. This is why so many white people voted for a retard like Trump. They're getting that desperate.

Exclusionary rights are freedom of association. If the government is forcing you to do business with people you don't want to associate with, then you don't have freedom of association, plain and simple.

The government is forcing you to put your business here or there..

If you choose to open your business to the public, you will serve the public, you want a private club, you're welcome to do that as well......

You can associate & you can discriminate, one of them is morally wrong & illegal.........
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
1. Right because as long as you don't say a certain word, no one can say you did make a specific accusation. Puh-leeze, another dopey Duke tactic that evem lowers the bar for "dog whistle" propaganda! You wrote, "...In America, "special interest" racial groups are privileged in that they're able to fight for their interests. Last time I checked, black folk fell into that category, as stated by your like minded brethren of whom you have stated you are in accord with on this particular subject. But even with your dodge, my assessment is still accurate. You're damned by your own words and convictions no matter how you twist.

I wasn't trying to dodge anything. Non-white groups are considered "special interest" groups. The media uses that term because it sounds less racist. If they say "we want to help anyone who isn't white" it becomes obvious that they're just anti-white. But if they say "special interest," then the waters are muddied. I thought you understood that was the meaning of the term.

2. Spare me this "libertarian lunkhead" mantra. You do business with the GENERAL PUBLIC in this country, you do NOT have a "right" to discriminate based on race, color, gender or creed. If you don't like it, you can move to some country that allows that....NO ONE WILL STOP YOU (another beauty of our system of government). And stop parroting that lie about non-white discrimination not being prosecuted: https://newsone.com/165891/many-whit...tion-lawsuits/


My point is that Whites don't have freedom of association like non-white groups do. Whether or not we should have freedom of association is another issue.
Those lawsuits will probably be thrown out. And even if they aren't, those wins for Whites would be the exception, not the rule.

3. You need to switch more TV channels...because shows like "Chicago PD" sure as hell doesn't fit your bill (one of my favorite shows). That's just one show off the top of my head...there are plenty others. And you seem to paint any TV show that has black folk in a positive manner "racial interests". That's just another way of saying what I previously deconstructed....see, in order for your baloney to become sirloin, white folk would have to have been in reversal situation with black, brown, tan, red and yellow history wise and population wise for decades for you to have a "racial interest". I grew up in an era where your school book readers, etc. did NOT include anyone but white folk. What burns your ass is that TV and movies are now more reflective of our population and what goes on in society. Tough cookies. Go watch reruns of Ozzie & Harriet, Hazel, the Brady Bunch, My Three Sons, etc., etc. I grew up with these....didn't hurt me a bit.

So now that you got that rant out of your system, give me examples of movies or TV shows that challenge the current racial narrative. Surely, if white people have a voice, there are some movies and TV shows where the message is that there is no White Supremacy anymore. Maybe you can find some media that talks about times white people were historically oppressed or had war crimes committed against them, like in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Maybe, at the very least, one where it shows how white people are much more likely to be victims of hate crimes.
You won't be able too, because the media wants good NPC cucks who believe it's impossible for white people to ever be disadvantaged.

4. Stop lying or WTFU! If you voted for a GOP or write in alt right candidate, you sure as hell did vote for corporate welfare...which hit's your wallet a hell of a log harder that anything else, if you had the guts to do some honest research. And FYI, the VAST majority of folk on welfare are single parent WHITE WOMEN. Look it up, and if you find different, post it. If not, go blow smoke up Duke's blowhole!

I never voted for a Conservative of any kind. And considering how Fascist the Right has gotten, I doubt I ever will.
And fuck David Duke.

5. Proof please, because I live in the suburbs of New York ….. STILL a predominantly white population per the "white flight" of the 1950's and 60's. And "up state" New York is and has been predominately white since I was a child and before. What almost killed one of the counties here was the gross incompetence and corruption of 70 years of GOP rule. Essentially, you're just spewing the same old racists rants....when you can't logically or factually defend your bilge, you just back peddle to spew the propaganda the your convoluted logic "justifies" in your silly mind. Yes, you are to laugh at Stoney. If you're tapped for cash, maybe you could hump some dollars from certain Arab countries like your boy Duke, who toured giving anti-semetic speeches?

I didn't say there are no more white neighborhoods, though they are quickly dying out. I said that immigration and forced integration has destroyed white communities. And it has, particularly in the South and Midwest where suicide rates and alcoholism have consistently gotten worse in white working-class neighborhoods. Sure, it's going to be a long long time before this happens to literally every white community in America. But unless there's a change, the process will continue.

1. You're not too bright, Stoney....this is a printed medium that records your words. What you leave out in your explanation here is that you said "...In America, "special interest" racial groups are privileged in that they're able to fight for their interests." When I pointed out that black folk fall into that category, you balked that you didn't name black folk in particular … just all non-white folk. So I ask again, what exact interest is it that you feel you are deprived of in the main stream media as a white person? Instead of an answer, you just parrot more sheet wearing propaganda that is all opinion, supposition and conjecture but no facts to support them. Typical of you, Stoney.

2. Again, all you're doing is just parroting without EVER actually responding to specific points I put forth regarding your previous statements. You blather nonsense about your not being able to freely associate with anyone you want or not. Really? You can't go to your friends/relative's house? America doesn't have members only social clubs? Political, ethnic, religious organizations? Please state the law(s) that prevent you from attending such. If you can't, then you're full of it, because all that's left is your squawking about not having segregation as law. That's not deflection, genius....that's deductive reasoning to a conclusion.

3. :palm: YOU are establishing in your warped mind a "racial narrative". Then you whine like a little female dog about no shows advocating "white supremacy" (since that type of mentality lost the Civil War and has been beaten down to some extent via the Constitution, Bill of Rights and SCOTUS rulings, I don't think you'll be seeing such shows anytime soon). Seems you're really upset that the racists gov'ts of Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa got the heave ho …. TFB, you want to start a thread on the aforementioned countries, go right ahead. ....but since we're discussing the OP and the OP is about America, you need to stay focused in trying to pass of your Storm Front follies as facts...to which you are failing at miserably. And since I gave you one prime example of how incredibly wrong and just plain stupid you claim is here, you need to address that before I waste time posting others. If you can't or won't, then it's just another example of your intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance.

4. God, your ignorance and duplicity knows no bounds! Fascism in part greatly depends and compliments racists mindsets like yours.....if you knew anything about history (global), you'd know that. Get educated, man! And spare us all your sick sexual fantasies about your hero David Duke!

5. Once again, you try to substitute your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. "Dying out" is such a generalized term, and it just doesn't fit where I live for over 60 years, according to friends and neighbors...and this is not unique in America. Basically, you are just blowing more smoke to try and cover the fact that your paranoid, racist mindset just doesn't stand the light of day. Your insipid stubbornness will never allow you to admit it in public....I just deconstruct your BS for the objective reading audience to see your folly....a guilty pleasure of mine, to be sure. Carry on toodles.
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