White Privilege

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It seems this term is the new buzz word for those aggrieved “persons of color” and correspondingly guilt ridden whites who wish to virtue signal their solidarity

So I have two questions for our white members

1) How have you personally benefitted from white privilege in your life

2) What are you personally doing to mitigate your own white privilege

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All this hand wringing over alleged white privilege and not one liberal/RINO can tell me how they have benefitted?

Maybe it isn’t real and is just something for JPP liberals and the Cawackos of the world to virtue signal to people like BAC and TTQ so that they don’t call them the dreaded R word?

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I have the privilege of working my ass off and then having a large portion of my paycheck redistributed to those who don't.
I have the privilege of working my ass off and then having a large portion of my paycheck redistributed to those who don't.

Always interesting to see how conservatives are always more interested in what the other people have or don't have than what they themselves posses
Always interesting to see how conservatives are always more interested in what the other people have or don't have than what they themselves posses

When what the freeloaders that won't do for themselves have what should belong to those that earned it, we're only wanting to see where that money is being wasted. It's not about what they have but what they shouldn't be getting since they won't provide for themselves.
Always interesting to see how conservatives are always more interested in what the other people have or don't have than what they themselves posses

I don't really care what other people have unless I am the one paying for it. If I have to share my paycheck with people who don't work like I do, I don't want to see it wasted.
White privileged? I’m white, I have the following privileges:
Work or starve.
Work or be homeless.

There exists an underclass who never get real opportunity- it’s because they typically are born into drug addicted single family homes. Homes dependent on welfare. Homes located in slums. Slums full of like circumstances, where the cycle continues. Slums where the political leadership tends to be democratically controlled. Slums where the same failed policies are institutionally provided to mostly black Americans.
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It seems this term is the new buzz word for those aggrieved “persons of color” and correspondingly guilt ridden whites who wish to virtue signal their solidarity

So I have two questions for our white members

1) How have you personally benefitted from white privilege in your life

2) What are you personally doing to mitigate your own white privilege

No thread bans so take advantage

1) Yep. I have the privilege of never having been pulled over because of the color of my skin.

2) Stupid fucking question.
I have the privilege of working my ass off and then having a large portion of my paycheck redistributed to those who don't.

1) Yep. I have the privilege of never having been pulled over because of the color of my skin.

2) Stupid fucking question.

With regards to #1 have you been let go because you were white by a white cop?

If you aren’t going to mitigate your white privilege then obviously you don’t care that much
With regards to #1 have you been let go because you were white by a white cop?

If you aren’t going to mitigate your white privilege then obviously you don’t care that much

1) Do you not understand a simple sentence?
2) You follow up your initial stupid question with an equally ignorant statement.

Can't wait for the next moronic response.
I was pulled over by a black cop- super nice and friendly. I have been pulled over more by white cops- one who was a total asshole. One female cop who was a bitch, she was white. By and large my experiences have always been straightforward, and apart from receiving the moving violation, uneventful and professional.
I don't really care what other people have unless I am the one paying for it. If I have to share my paycheck with people who don't work like I do, I don't want to see it wasted.


I shared my paycheck for decades so that kids like you could go to school. I shared my paycheck for decades so that the food you ate, the water you drank, the air you breathed, and the earth your playground/ball field/back yard was on was safe and wouldn't harm you. I shared my paycheck for decades so that we could have a strong military so you would be safe from war and invasion and could grow up unworried about a bomb dropping on you. I shared my paycheck so your friends who didn't have as much as your parents could have food and keep their lights on so they could go to school too. I shared my paycheck so your school bus drove on safe roads and was inspected itself for safety. I shared my paycheck to help your pediatrician get through med school so she could take care of you when you got sick. I shared my paycheck so there was always a police person nearby to protect you and your family. I shared my paycheck so that your grandma could have food, pay her bills, and if she got too old to be on her own -- my paycheck helped pay for others to care for her needs.

You weren't working then, except at being a kid. I wasn't working either when I was a kid -- when thousands upon thousands shared their paychecks so I could grow up safe, educated, care-free.

This is what civilized people do. We share our paychecks to make life better for our neighbors, for our fellow Americans, even for those who have a whole lot less than we do.

Since sharing bothers you, may I suggest that you move to another country -- Somalia comes to mind, or just choose any of those "Shitholes" your glorious fuehrer mentioned -- where you won't have to share any more?

Does that moron even know the fraction of what is taken out? And if that is the case about the money, wouldn't he also be pissed that the government keeps swiping it to pay for things we don't need, or never should have been involved with?

Lets see now. I get about $1,400, divide that by how many people pay into things. Hmmm.... Anyone got a tool I can use to clip off a piece of a penny. I also need his address so I can send it to him. Of course the stamp is worth quite a bit more, but I'll gladly send it, and tell him were to shove his pittance.