White Privilege


I shared my paycheck for decades so that kids like you could go to school. I shared my paycheck for decades so that the food you ate, the water you drank, the air you breathed, and the earth your playground/ball field/back yard was on was safe and wouldn't harm you. I shared my paycheck for decades so that we could have a strong military so you would be safe from war and invasion and could grow up unworried about a bomb dropping on you. I shared my paycheck so your friends who didn't have as much as your parents could have food and keep their lights on so they could go to school too. I shared my paycheck so your school bus drove on safe roads and was inspected itself for safety. I shared my paycheck to help your pediatrician get through med school so she could take care of you when you got sick. I shared my paycheck so there was always a police person nearby to protect you and your family. I shared my paycheck so that your grandma could have food, pay her bills, and if she got too old to be on her own -- my paycheck helped pay for others to care for her needs.

You weren't working then, except at being a kid. I wasn't working either when I was a kid -- when thousands upon thousands shared their paychecks so I could grow up safe, educated, care-free.

This is what civilized people do. We share our paychecks to make life better for our neighbors, for our fellow Americans, even for those who have a whole lot less than we do.

Since sharing bothers you, may I suggest that you move to another country -- Somalia comes to mind, or just choose any of those "Shitholes" your glorious fuehrer mentioned -- where you won't have to share any more?

Was that sharing part of your white privilege?

Please describe your own personal white privilege?
1) Do you not understand a simple sentence?
2) You follow up your initial stupid question with an equally ignorant statement.

Can't wait for the next moronic response.

So the ONLY white privileges you have ever enjoyed is not getting pulled over by a cop?

Nothing else?

You don’t have a job that really belongs to a colored person?
I asked JPP Liberals for specific examples of their "white privilege"

So far all I got was "I never got pulled over for my color"

That's it?

Come on people. You can do better than that. Please don't disappoint me
So the ONLY white privileges you have ever enjoyed is not getting pulled over by a cop?

Nothing else?

You don’t have a job that really belongs to a colored person?

Did I say that was the only one? Let me check.

No, dumbshit, I sure as shit didn’t.

Did I say that was the only one? Let me check.

No, dumbshit, I sure as shit didn’t.


Well, why don't you list them all? List all of the micro aggressions you have committed against "people of color". List all of the things you have unfairly gained in your life at the expense of "people of color". List all of the things you didn't rightfully earn do the luck of being born white.

I will wait
Well, why don't you list them all? List all of the micro aggressions you have committed against "people of color". List all of the things you have unfairly gained in your life at the expense of "people of color". List all of the things you didn't rightfully earn do the luck of being born white.

I will wait

You poor fucking racist punk. You start with racially loaded questions, got a perfect answer on white privilege, yet it just didn’t get you what you wanted.

Fuck you, asshole. I won’t play your fucking racist game. I gave you an answer. I won’t write your poor, white victim book for you.
Yep. Started with the OP. Then, you poor racist fucks didn’t get the answer you were longing for. So, what do you do? Start with the other bullshit.

Sad little racists.

You already played the race card, now you're played it twice more. Big surprise when you have nothing.
You poor fucking racist punk. You start with racially loaded questions, got a perfect answer on white privilege, yet it just didn’t get you what you wanted.

Fuck you, asshole. I won’t play your fucking racist game. I gave you an answer. I won’t write your poor, white victim book for you.

Interesting. So you think that the term "white privilege" is a racially loaded word? Is it a dog whistle now? You realize that it isn't my term right? I believe it was a term coined by the left.

I am just trying to understand what it all means. I hear the term a lot and I hear how white people are really only successful because of their race. So I have to presume that statistically that some JPP liberals have benefitted from white privilege. I thought this would be a great example for you lefties to let it all out and tell us how you yourself benefitted from being lucky to be born white.

All you have come up with is not getting a speeding ticket.

There are only two things we can take away from your and your fellow libs fear of responding

1) You don't really believe in this notion of white privilege but you like to virtue signal to people like BAC and TTQ so they don't call you a "racist"
2) You really have benefitted but are too embarrassed to say

I appreciate you taking time out of what I am sure is a very busy schedule to participate
Interesting. So you think that the term "white privilege" is a racially loaded word? Is it a dog whistle now? You realize that it isn't my term right? I believe it was a term coined by the left.

I am just trying to understand what it all means. I hear the term a lot and I hear how white people are really only successful because of their race. So I have to presume that statistically that some JPP liberals have benefitted from white privilege. I thought this would be a great example for you lefties to let it all out and tell us how you yourself benefitted from being lucky to be born white.

All you have come up with is not getting a speeding ticket.

There are only two things we can take away from your and your fellow libs fear of responding

1) You don't really believe in this notion of white privilege but you like to virtue signal to people like BAC and TTQ so they don't call you a "racist"
2) You really have benefitted but are too embarrassed to say

I appreciate you taking time out of what I am sure is a very busy schedule to participate

Anyone buying into the idea of white privilege in the 21st century should voluntarily forfeit their money, and goods, to their black counterparts who are demanding it.
Anyone buying into the idea of white privilege in the 21st century should voluntarily forfeit their money, and goods, to their black counterparts who are demanding it.

You would think right?

I mean what liberals like Owl Woman, Archives, Nomad, Domer and all other guilt ridden white liberals (yeah you Cawacko) are saying is that they haven't really earned anything that they have. All of their wealth and success is solely because of their birth color which only came about by chance.

And I would think that if they are really that upset about it, they would do something about it. Something a bit more tangible than virtue signaling on a lowly trafficked message board

Something like moving out of their upscale suburbanite home and trading it with a black family in public housing

Giving up their well paid middle class job they obviously don't deserve and trading it with a single "person of color" mother with five kids working at McDonald's. Obviously these liberals only have that job because of their "whiteness"