White Privilege

Interesting. So you think that the term "white privilege" is a racially loaded word? Is it a dog whistle now? You realize that it isn't my term right? I believe it was a term coined by the left.

I am just trying to understand what it all means. I hear the term a lot and I hear how white people are really only successful because of their race. So I have to presume that statistically that some JPP liberals have benefitted from white privilege. I thought this would be a great example for you lefties to let it all out and tell us how you yourself benefitted from being lucky to be born white.

All you have come up with is not getting a speeding ticket.

There are only two things we can take away from your and your fellow libs fear of responding

1) You don't really believe in this notion of white privilege but you like to virtue signal to people like BAC and TTQ so they don't call you a "racist"
2) You really have benefitted but are too embarrassed to say

I appreciate you taking time out of what I am sure is a very busy schedule to participate

1. You “hear” wrong idiot. You just hear what you want to hear.
2. I don’t virtue signal, whatever the fuck that means, anyone. I call a race-baiting post when I see one. That is yours.
3. If it escapes you that being born, not only white, but white and male gives you an advantage that others don’t have, only demonstrates your massive ignorance.
4.You had no intent other than your transparent race-baiting moron.

Dismissed, punk.
Anyone buying into the idea of white privilege in the 21st century should voluntarily forfeit their money, and goods, to their black counterparts who are demanding it.

^Yep. Proves my point. The race-baiting brings out the victimized white guy.
You would think right?

I mean what liberals like Owl Woman, Archives, Nomad, Domer and all other guilt ridden white liberals (yeah you Cawacko) are saying is that they haven't really earned anything that they have. All of their wealth and success is solely because of their birth color which only came about by chance.

And I would think that if they are really that upset about it, they would do something about it. Something a bit more tangible than virtue signaling on a lowly trafficked message board

Something like moving out of their upscale suburbanite home and trading it with a black family in public housing

Giving up their well paid middle class job they obviously don't deserve and trading it with a single "person of color" mother with five kids working at McDonald's. Obviously these liberals only have that job because of their "whiteness"

Wrong again, illiterate fuck. None of us have said anything of the sort. It’s back to racist shitstains like you hear only what you want to and concoct the rest.

Now, not just a racist punk. An illiterate liar as well.
1. You “hear” wrong idiot. You just hear what you want to hear.
2. I don’t virtue signal, whatever the fuck that means, anyone. I call a race-baiting post when I see one. That is yours.
3. If it escapes you that being born, not only white, but white and male gives you an advantage that others don’t have, only demonstrates your massive ignorance.
4.You had no intent other than your transparent race-baiting moron.

Dismissed, punk.

So great. All I am asking you is what specific advantages have you PERSONALLY had by being a WHITE MALE?

I personally have had to work for everything I have. But, if you haven't and being WHITE and MALE is what got you where you are then by all means tell us all. This is your chance to testify brother.

Surely, you have more than "I didn't get a speeding ticket"?

Look, I understand that having your liberal memes thrown back in your face is uncomfortable for you. But, acceptance is the first step to recovery. Just know that I am here for you
So great. All I am asking you is what specific advantages have you PERSONALLY had by being a WHITE MALE?

I personally have had to work for everything I have. But, if you haven't and being WHITE and MALE is what got you where you are then by all means tell us all. This is your chance to testify brother.

Surely, you have more than "I didn't get a speeding ticket"?

Look, I understand that having your liberal memes thrown back in your face is uncomfortable for you. But, acceptance is the first step to recovery. Just know that I am here for you

You can’t see reality from this view of the world, punk. Remove and look around, racist bitch.
