Whitmer's deaf tran(ny)slater.....

can't remember which thread it was on, but someone asked about Whitmer's deaf sign language translator.......

you're not the first to notice her.....

I was the the one that noticed that's probably a man.

Big Adam's Apple, big hands..face that looks like it could be a dude? Yeah.

I was like "Wow! look how animated that translator is" while it was live.

Then I saw a still shot and thought "Holy fuck! That's a man!"
Oh shit! He had to adjust the boys a couple seconds in. Definitely a dude.

Reminds me of Sebastian Bach but uglier and trying to be a woman.
To a deaf person like me? Yes. Interpreters sometimes exaggerate for dramatic value or to follow the inflections and moods in a speaker's voice. That's how ASL is.

Ok, probably he nailed the deaf translation pretty good, but do you think that's a woman?

Man like Sarah Ham Huckabest is a man?

No. Like Michelle Obama is a man. Has balls and a dick.

Aw shit..how many genders are there, AProudLefty?

Dude adjusts his balls at :06 in the video.

Women do not need to adjust balls.

They use a thumb and a forefinger for adjustments..not two hands.

Sarah Huckabee never has to adjust her balls on camera, because she has none..and that's OK.
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No. Like Michelle Obama is a man. Has balls and a dick.

Aw shit..how many genders are there, AProudLefty?

Dude adjusts his balls at :06 in the video.

Women do not need to adjust balls.

They use a thumb and a forefinger for adjustments..not two hands.

Sarah Huckabee never has to adjust her balls on camera, because she has none..and that's OK.

LOL. Her pants is tight. And why are you focusing on her genitals?

I swear! You guys are obsessed with transgender people. :laugh:

Even if it's a man, why does that matter? :laugh:
So is Sarah. ;)

I looked at her crotch right after she "adjusted", I don't see any bump. Unless you want to tell me that she stuffed her balls and penis in her asshole. It does happen, ya know? Don't ask me how I know. :laugh:

I'm kinda over this topic. That's a man.

If she's a she, yes. Psychotic women are good in bed.

So you think it's a psychotic woman? I say it's a psychotic tranny.
I had a psychotic woman friend, still do, really.
But when we were a lot younger..and she looks like a voluptuous Barbie for real..

She comes over one afternoon looking all sad and crying and tells me: "I've been diagnosed as psychotic."

All I could do is hold her and wonder wtf is wrong with this world? I mean..this is a lot for a 17-year old to handle
She functions to this day. Had 2-3 kids with a policeman but she can't be around them much.
Sweet girl..idk..I can't dive into the psychotic mind. All I can do is help my friend and make her feel good when I can. In the end she's a pure and good soul, very sweet.
She has no malice towards anyone. Just sometimes things are off.. If I'm around, I can try to put them back to "on"
Usually that doesn't involve me getting laid..usually. It all depends on the scenario. Sometimes it might.
And I'm not trying to contribute to anything bad for her. No.
She'd do anything for me, and I have the wisdom to not take advantage of that.
Oh, this is the internet, so derp derp. Disregard.
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I didn't say that. That's the premise of the OP. I am just following along with the premise.

That's a man, bro.

You know I worked with a deaf guy for about 3 years? Hand in hand every day busting balls! Yessir! I regret nothing.

He did not know sign language, and I damn sure didn't. But he had a pad, and he can write. Plus I got to where I could understand him anyways.

Even after that 3 years I worked with him for 2 on and off..then he got mad at the boss one day..I tried to mediate, but it didn't work..that crap was between them..
He got over it and may work with him to this day, Idk. He did since that kerfluffle for sure.