Who can explain the logic of God?

apart from watching you and the other demmycrats during the Trump presidency, can you cite an example?.....

Here's one example:

God is a man made creation. But to trick everyone into believing in a loving God that created a world filled with horror, they concocted the nonsensical concept of God allowing man to have 'free will'. Of course the logic breaks down when you make God all powerful and all knowing, since he would have known ahead of time what we'd decide to do with that 'free will'. God is comfort food. Nothing more. We understand our mortality, so we needed to invent a get out of jail card. Here comes God, and then Jesus.

I was not here when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and I won't be here 100 years from now. If I can't accept and find meaning in THIS life, there is very little point. That's all there is folks. No mansion in heaven. No everlasting life. You are born, you live, you die. I consider the experience enriching and fulfilling. No regrets from this guy. But no, there is no God watching over us. We are not the chosen. We're just another one of millions of species on millions of planets in millions of galaxies. And maybe millions of universes. Enjoy the ride.

That is what all the facts that surround us points toward

Life has no meaning

Man has the mental ability to imbue life with meaning

My choice was to try and be good to others as best I can

To help others find a beautiful meaning to imbue in their lives

The people I have known who believe in god are not better than those I’ve known who didn’t believe in god

It does some people a lot of good to believe on some god or gods

But some just do evil heartless shit to others anyway

I don’t need a god about to burn my body so I writhe in pain endlessly to be good to others

My experience is people mostly want to be kind to others regardless of beliefs

And some relish hating others and causing others pain

I’ve known lots who claim loving religions who do that
apart from watching you and the other demmycrats during the Trump presidency, can you cite an example?.....

You have no interest in ending the pain and suffering of the needy


Children in cages gave you orgasms

You hate feeding the poor

Housing the homeless

Paying for public education

You hate all kindnesses

Look in the mirror evil one
The concept of God that I reject is the anthropomorphized concept. If something exists beyond the physical, and I have no idea whether that's true or not, that something doesn't give two shits about us.

A system that is like all other known science

I don't have the answers; I am a seeker.

But I do feel like a strictly materialistic and reductionist view of reality is not only a cop out, it is an inadequate explanation of reality and the human experience.

A collection of quarks and electrons does not explain consciousness, it does not explain Mozart's music, it does not explain Michelangelo's art, it does not explain imagination, intuition, creativity.

It is not even self evident why it is supposedly absolutely required for matter to even exist.. Matter required a very specific balance of universal physical constants.

I do not think a guy in a white robe is a plausible explanation.

But I am the first to say there are a lot of unanswered questions, some of which may be forever beyond the reach of human cognition, inductive logic, and scientific experimentation.

Until and if we evolve to a point we can

My hope is we will
Who can explain the logic of an allegedly omniopotent and all-loving God creating a universe where,
looking at it from the human perspective alone,
such an incredibly tiny percentage of people live really well?

The very few who do live well must do so with the help of service industry people
obviously not living well because they work so hard for so little.

That's just humans. Forget about zebras and giraffes born to die in a lion's jaws.

I was raised as a lukewarm "wedding and funeral Catholic," and even that was long gone by puberty. Maturing minds learn to think, or they are supposed to, anyway.
And fundamentalist evangelicals make Catholics look almost sane (unless they're named Pat Buchanan or Rick Santorum).
I couldn't even imagine what that must be like.
How does one get through life totally devoid of logic?
And yet so many do. I can't imagine what it must be like to be inside their heads. Thank "God" for that.

The logic of avoiding responsibility seems to work well with a God.

"It's not my fault. God made me do it!! It's all his fault!!! I'm just an innocent being that was forced to do exactly what I wanted by an omnipotent God of the universe that agrees with me on all things."
The logic of avoiding responsibility seems to work well with a God.

"It's not my fault. God made me do it!! It's all his fault!!! I'm just an innocent being that was forced to do exactly what I wanted by an omnipotent God of the universe that agrees with me on all things."

Funny how God always agrees with all my opinions.
You have no interest in ending the pain and suffering of the needy


Children in cages gave you orgasms

You hate feeding the poor

Housing the homeless

Paying for public education

You hate all kindnesses

Look in the mirror evil one

every single thing that you said is not true.....
What is your evidence? $50 says you have none. LOL There's zero evidence anything intelligence exists off Earth much less another dimension where we ascend like avatars in a game to a "real life" or higher level of play.

Given we are, in fact, creations of an intelligent power, why would they**/it do that? What's the purpose? We are born, we eat, fuck, sleep and finally die. WTF's the point? Entertainment? Growth like arborists grow trees as reforestation transplants? Just to fuck with us because it's cruel?

IMO, intelligence is never cruel. More direct in action, but never cruel, with malice or other animalistic emotion. Doing so anthropomorphizes a force larger than the Universe itself. Therefore, I think the purpose is to learn and grow. Be the best you can, absorb as much as possible, love as much as possible and wring out every bit of life you desire. The main rule is don't hurt anyone since that's a negative.

The Buddhists live the Eight-fold path for similar reasons. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Eightfold-Path


I don't believe we know 1/10th of one percent of what CAN be known. The odds we are alone in the universe are astronomically small. I do not believe for one second we are creations of an intelligent power. We are happenstance. So I don't accept your premise as 'given'. Why is it necessary that human existence has some higher meaning? What evidence exists that we are creations of an intelligent power? I'll bet YOU don't have proof of that :) Pascal's wager? Why not make it every God? If God punishes those who use logic, I have no time for that dude.
This thread makes me feel both sad and at the same time blessed. Sad because so many have not yet experienced the love of Jesus, and blessed because I have. This teaches me that I must do better. Not get so angry over stupid politics, or use foul language. I have been truly blessed and need to do a better job of acting accordingly. My hope is that some day many in here will have the same experiences I have had. Some will Im sure,...YEAH MAYBE YOU. ;) When you do,........you will KNOW IT.