Who can explain the logic of God?

I don't believe we know 1/10th of one percent of what CAN be known. The odds we are alone in the universe are astronomically small. I do not believe for one second we are creations of an intelligent power. We are happenstance. So I don't accept your premise as 'given'. Why is it necessary that human existence has some higher meaning? What evidence exists that we are creations of an intelligent power? I'll bet YOU don't have proof of that :) Pascal's wager? Why not make it every God? If God punishes those who use logic, I have no time for that dude.

Ah, you're an optimist. :)

Agreed on "alone", but it may only be one civilization that survives to star travel per galaxy for all we know.

You misunderstand me; when I say "given", I mean "IF THIS IS TRUE". Example: Given Trump is guilty of treason, should he be hanged?

Dude, there's no proof of anything beyond the physical. That's the point.
Ah, you're an optimist. :)

Agreed on "alone", but it may only be one civilization that survives to star travel per galaxy for all we know.

You misunderstand me; when I say "given", I mean "IF THIS IS TRUE". Example: Given Trump is guilty of treason, should he be hanged?

Dude, there's no proof of anything beyond the physical. That's the point.

Gotcha...... sometimes the written word can have more than one interpretation. And you're correct, actually we can't prove anything beyond the limits of our minds and our technology.

Finally..... that number is probably degrees lower but I had to put something out there. :)
Who can explain the logic of an allegedly omniopotent and all-loving God creating a universe where,
looking at it from the human perspective alone,
such an incredibly tiny percentage of people live really well?

The very few who do live well must do so with the help of service industry people
obviously not living well because they work so hard for so little.

That's just humans. Forget about zebras and giraffes born to die in a lion's jaws.

I was raised as a lukewarm "wedding and funeral Catholic," and even that was long gone by puberty. Maturing minds learn to think, or they are supposed to, anyway.
And fundamentalist evangelicals make Catholics look almost sane (unless they're named Pat Buchanan or Rick Santorum).
I couldn't even imagine what that must be like.
How does one get through life totally devoid of logic?
And yet so many do. I can't imagine what it must be like to be inside their heads. Thank "God" for that.

God is not human. Not coming from a human perspective.
Your an atheist because the world is not perfect?

Okay, that's fine.

But I do not believe there is a major world religion on the planet that has an expectation the world should be perfect.

Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Daoism all strive to provide a framework to give meaning to a life in an imperfect world. Buddhism very specifically offers a way to escape the bondage of suffering and material desire.

The answer Saint Augustine gave is that humans were given freedom. We were imbued with freewill, and it is our corruption of free will that brings suffering into the world. Dostevsky maintains that God could have taken free will away from us and pre-ordained a perfect world...but then we wouldn't be free.

That's what Saint Augustine believed.
What does Cypress believe?
God is a man made creation. But to trick everyone into believing in a loving God that created a world filled with horror, they concocted the nonsensical concept of God allowing man to have 'free will'. Of course the logic breaks down when you make God all powerful and all knowing, since he would have known ahead of time what we'd decide to do with that 'free will'. God is comfort food. Nothing more. We understand our mortality, so we needed to invent a get out of jail card. Here comes God, and then Jesus.

I was not here when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and I won't be here 100 years from now. If I can't accept and find meaning in THIS life, there is very little point. That's all there is folks. No mansion in heaven. No everlasting life. You are born, you live, you die. I consider the experience enriching and fulfilling. No regrets from this guy. But no, there is no God watching over us. We are not the chosen. We're just another one of millions of species on millions of planets in millions of galaxies. And maybe millions of universes. Enjoy the ride.

My personal belief is that we are spirits, on Earth having a human experience. We are not here to live the life of a God, or to live as we would in heaven. We don’t know the reason but we are here to have a human experience and so it is…
The concept of God that I reject is the anthropomorphized concept. If something exists beyond the physical, and I have no idea whether that's true or not, that something doesn't give two shits about us.

If you don't know God,then you can't possibly know what is going on not only on this rock,but in the Spiritual dimension!