Who can explain the logic of God?

The logic of avoiding responsibility seems to work well with a God.

"It's not my fault. God made me do it!! It's all his fault!!! I'm just an innocent being that was forced to do exactly what I wanted by an omnipotent God of the universe that agrees with me on all things."

Life under color of law in a Christian Nation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" suicidal super egos where "man is God" in their sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming where enduring thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists incidents more than two dozen times is not suffering; but the national religion lynching enforcement reasoning for an Islam medical human reproduction pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ son of Allah conception as the lowest common denominator of Christiananality pedophilia business economics.
Thanks for the example of evil in which I wrote about you.

Why do you hate so much, Pmp? What in your life turned you into a bitter fuckwad spreading hate every day?

the only thing I hate is stupidity.......I'm sorry that makes you a target, but it was your choice.........
That's what Saint Augustine believed.
What does Cypress believe?

I don't have any answer about the origin of human evil.

For one thing, the OP asked about God's logic. So I presented what some of God's people have written, aka Saint Augustine.

Secondly, the OP did not even ask about evil, per se.

The OP asked an economic question: how God could explain that an incredibly tiny percentage of people lived really well, at the expense of the vast majority people lower on the economic tier.

I don't really agree with the premise behind the question. Living in abject poverty is no doubt s terrible thing, but there are a lot of people in between abject poverty and fantastic wealth. Frankly, I don't think having tons of money and material possessions necessarily means one is living well. Many rich people are depressed, cynical, and self-loathing, while many normal working people are well-adjusted and happy.
Your choice to see yourself as superior to others which allows you to treat them as less than yourself. That's what I mean about you being evil.

there is no evil inherent in recognizing reality......though I can accept the fact my inferiors might mistakenly think so........but let's be fair.......it isn't that I think you are inferior to me.......I think you are inferior to almost everyone.....
there is no evil inherent in recognizing reality......though I can accept the fact my inferiors might mistakenly think so........but let's be fair.......it isn't that I think you are inferior to me.......I think you are inferior to almost everyone.....

Correct. The evil is you turning your back on God in favor of sadistic pleasures. Your choice.

FWIW, I doubt you actually believe in God or anything except eating and jerking off. You're a very selfish person who has no one, wants no one and only seeks to please yourself.
there is no evil inherent in recognizing reality......though I can accept the fact my inferiors might mistakenly think so........but let's be fair.......it isn't that I think you are inferior to me.......I think you are inferior to almost everyone.....

Like this right here

You are the worst kind of human

You believe you are special and all other humans are lessor and deserving of your hate if they don’t share you idiot political views based on hate

You are a terrible and not very bright human being
tosses Dutch Uncle a bone........it is true there are a few posters who are inferior to Dutch Uncle......

I disagree with dutch all the time here

He clings to some old Republican lies

You cling to hating everyone and think it’s fine to let children starve so you can continue to back a completely evil man like trump

That is why people in your life don’t like you
The evidence, or lack thereof, indicates that life is either very uncommon or they destroy themselves before achieving star travel.

Could be

Or we can’t detect the life out there yet

It’s why being compassionate is so important to man kinds development

So we don’t end our selves

Be very wary of those who trash compassion
Could be

Or we can’t detect the life out there yet

It’s why being compassionate is so important to man kinds development

So we don’t end our selves

Be very wary of those who trash compassion

There is ZERO evidence of life anywhere in the Universe except on Earth. That's a fact. We've been looking for decades and haven't found a single shred of evidence.

Compassion is a species survival trait. If we don't have it and waste ourselves, then, according to Darwin, we aren't fit to survive. LOL
I disagree with dutch all the time here

He clings to some old Republican lies

You cling to hating everyone and think it’s fine to let children starve so you can continue to back a completely evil man like trump

That is why people in your life don’t like you

I cling to no lies. Your deification of Saint Hillary is blinding you to the truth, my friend. Let her go.

Agreed on Pmp. He wears a Christian mask over a face so evil that it would make Dorian Gray blanche.
I cling to no lies. Your deification of Saint Hillary is blinding you to the truth, my friend. Let her go.

Agreed on Pmp. He wears a Christian mask over a face so evil that it would make Dorian Gray blanche.

She is no saint

But you believe lies of the Republican Party

Lies serve no sane person

Leave the old lies behind

Or you will never see the truth
Hillary is a politician

She is not a monster

She is a decent person who is fallible like all humans

You were trained to see Clinton’s as evil for a reason

It wasnt an honorable reason

Accept the truth

And you will see clearly the future

Oh and the Republican Party is also NOT the fiscal party
She is no saint

But you believe lies of the Republican Party

Lies serve no sane person

Leave the old lies behind

Or you will never see the truth

Common ground. W00t!

What lies? I've only cited Comey's testimony.

Lies serve the liar. Pushing Hillary's (or Trump's for the Trumpers) innocence is a lie.

Open your eyes and see the truth. Stop supporting liars just because of their political affiliation.