Who has the best Beard!

And I will continue to respond too.

But that in no way means I give a shit about whether or not he believes me.


You're so triggered, that you just can't stop yourself.

You're obsessed and it's taken over your life. :D
Hey retard.... if you'd STFU about it and not keep it going with your juvenile attacks, I wouldn't respond.

That is obvious to anyone with a normally functioning brain.

Too bad you're not a member of that club, though.

If you were, you would also understand that I could not care less whether you believe me or not.

To me, you're just a mildly annoying little gnat that I have to swat away here and there.

Do you enjoy being a gnat, Dark Stool?
Juvenile attacks? Such delicious irony.

You're so triggered, that you just can't stop yourself.

You're obsessed and it's taken over your life. :D

Sez the obsessed, triggered asshole who can't stop sticking his nose in it even though it has nothing to do with him.

Does your boyfriend Dark Stool give you extra pooper when you jump in and stick up for him? :mun:
Sez the obsessed, triggered asshole who can't stop sticking his nose in it even though it has nothing to do with him.

Does your boyfriend Dark Stool give you extra pooper when you jump in and stick up for him? :mun:

Just pointing out that you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing, plus you act like adding insults makes your behavior more acceptable.

This is why I said you're a hypocrite; but it also looks like he was correct on how your "illnesses" are having a detrimental affect on your thinking and logic.

Please seek professional help, before you harm yourself or others. :good4u:
Just pointing out that you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing, plus you act like adding insults makes your behavior more acceptable.

This is why I said you're a hypocrite; but it also looks like he was correct on how your "illnesses" are having a detrimental affect on your thinking and logic.

Please seek professional help, before you harm yourself or others. :good4u:

Typical weak bullshit out of one of the biggest known liars on the forum.